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Posts posted by Matt

  1. On 22/04/2017 at 9:41 PM, CD's Orange Heels said:

    Is the forum not balanced because not many people share your opinion? Good on the trust and those fans that are questioning the owners. Long may it continue. 


    Yes, and...


    On 22/04/2017 at 9:43 PM, kowenicki said:


    Good on those questioning the trust and questioning those fans questioning the owners. Long may it continue. 


    ...equally so.


    It's your forum to debate in.

  2. On 06/03/2017 at 8:45 PM, Oafc88 said:

    Good idea! 1-3 are self contained in terms of choices you make in the earlier games affecting the outcome in the 3rd. I think Andromeda is set to be it's own thing in the same universe (with some link to the previous games).


    Funny you should mention how much your liking how your actions have consequences. I wont spoil anything but I'll be interested to see what you think at the conclusion of the 3rd game.


    I'm about a third of the way through ME3 and I've paused it for a bit - it's good but I'm losing interest so I need a break from it for a while, I finding myself skipping dialogue where I wasn't in 1 and 2, me and my usual team of middle-aged gamers have all got Ghost Recon so we're going through that when we're all on together. I'm hold off on ME4 Andromeda for the moment whilst it's patched up.

  3. 8 hours ago, blueatheart said:

    So. No TV debates eh?


    Empty chair?


    or another U-turn.


    I did wonder if it's against some sort of election commission rules regarding balance...


    As Doug Stanhope says, these aren't leaders, these people are not leading you - we're the casting director and it's all a movie at this point.

  4. Here we go again...


    Every now and then we post the biggest issues which are not necessarily football related onto the main page, this is one of those issues.


    An anonymous poll will be set up later. Not bothering, just debate is better.


    Some links (will be updated over time)


    Full Fact - https://fullfact.org/

    They Work For You: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/


    Keep the debate clean, and protect yourself at all times. Pedantry strictly prohibited. No smart arses.

  5. I kind of read this the same way that one stares into space for no apparent reason.



    'We're trimming this up for the 2020 election, it won't be finished for decades, and then what you will get is nothing like what we're selling to you now'


    EU lite. Tell me something new. I dread to think how much this referendum has cost us so far...

  6. 11 minutes ago, mcfluff1985 said:

    Although it used to take me to where I was up to on each post when a new reply came on. Now it starts me on page 1 of each thread. Is that my settings?

    Hover over the blue circle or star and click?

    I'm sorry I'm not able to commit too much time to issues at the moment, I'll have a better look at it tonight.

    Acks is usually good at stuff like this...

  7. But that's not true about your claimed timings though is it Rummy? The mods are being disingenious . Put this up for discussion if you have the nerve!


    Interesting argument - it won't be a discussion because it is ridiculous, and you've wasted enough of my time as it is.


    I tell you about timings, and how little we actually need to do on here as it almost polices itself, which is a testament to the community as a whole - a whole which a few so often wish to upset. This is the internet I suppose, anyway I sort of digress...


    We all work full time, all of us have families, all of us have other priorities, if people don't like the way we liberally moderate, we are not stopping them from doing something more interesting instead.


    In a nutshell, if you're a :censored: - the community will often work that out without our moderation.

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