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Posts posted by BlueJazzer

  1. However, I spy a possible warburton and she is wearing the kit, via a mark winter bottom piccie.....ooooo controversial decision.....have tag you on the fb piccie.....heheh

    In fact I was wrong...it was a warburton imposter.....your safe..,hehehttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=632743830091690&set=a.181564568542954.40650.181558501876894&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf

    She's not fulfilling the terms of my deal!

  2. I agree.


    I'm in the "LJ can do no wrong" camp, but signing a big lump from Latvia with no Football League experience is hardly addressing it...

    What does football league experience have to do with it? Vidic had never played over here before manure signed him and he's done ok. As have 100's of others...

  3. Mate of mine has just sold one of those where the keyboard clips on and off. He said it was crap. Could only download from the Microsoft store or something like that. Couldn't get Flash, even though it is supported, because of that limitation.. Wasn't impressed at all. I like my iPad but I think the photo stream ca be dangerous. Lets say u leave ur iPad at home and you're out taking pics that maybe u shouldn't be with your phone. Everything u take pops up on the pad at home while ur missus is playing candy crush. Not saying its happened...... Just that it could......


    Sent from my iPad. With photo stream disabled!

  4. It depends whether you mean peoples' or people's. if it is the former it is based on a subjective evaluation of the content. If it is the latter it is done automatically to save time reading what will inevitably be cliched , banal or offensive. Often all 3

    What? I do try to give everybody the benefit of the doubt but you are really starting to sound like a weapons grade bell end. Why would you come on here just to wind other people up? Are you a Leeds fan?


    Anyway. I kind of agree here with the pint about not waiting for the blockbuster big name. They're a boost for the general spirit around the club bit more often than not fail to deliver. I'd be happy with a striker that looks to have promise than one that had it but now seems to be losing his edge. Or bring on homegrown Millar.

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