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Posts posted by laticsmad

  1. Question. Answer....Frozen pitch...sorry found out.


    Doncaster Rovers' League One encounter against Leeds United has been postponed.


    Temperatures of up to -5 degrees has left the Keepmoat Stadium's pitch completely frozen and in an unsuitable condition to have a match played upon it.


    Referee Andre Mariner inspected the pitch at 9:15am and almost immediately stated that the game would have to be called off.

  2. People are not giving up, they are just being realistic


    ok lets be realisitc. We are 8 points of the play-offs with 2 games in hand and our form is patchy. Realisticly, the play-offs are going to be difficult. However, the way people are talking it is an impossibility. I bet if we beat yeovil and tranmere lose then people will say the play-offs will be back on again. Like before the bristol rovers equaliser the play-offs were still on. What I am trying to say is people swing from one extreme to the other for my liking.

  3. Today's rarely read Liverpool Echo reports:


    Moores await Oldham flak

    Feb 9 2008


    by Nick Hilton, Liverpool Echo



    RELATIONS between Ronnie Moore and the supporters of his previous club Oldham Athletic have been less than cordial over the last two years.


    The flak is likely to be flying as thick as ever in the direction of the Tranmere manager – and his son Ian – when Rovers visit Boundary Park next month.


    Moore junior upset the Latics on the final day of the January transfer window last week when he aborted a move to Oldham to make an 11th hour switch to Tranmere instead.


    Ian explained: "I was 15 minutes away from taking a medical and signing for Oldham. Then I got a text from my dad saying come down to Prenton Park and sign for me. So I jumped into the car and drove off to Tranmere.


    "Oldham were not pleased at all. I got a few nasty texts on my mobile phone. My dad took some stick from the fans while he was at Oldham a couple years ago and I expect we'll both come in for it when we go back there.


    "But once Tranmere wanted to sign me it was the only place to go. I would have signed for them even if my dad wasn't the manager."


    What an absolute numpty!!! Seems pleased with what he did.

  4. Sorry Im late getting back Midsblue. Hughes should not be out too long and I know we made extra efforts to get strikers these past few days. Efforts I know are continuing.




    Hi Barry,


    Question, how frustrating is it for you, and the club in general, when players agree to join the club in principle, only to back out at the very last chance? Must leave a sour taste in your mouth!

  5. What do people reckon the chances are of being allowed in at around about half time...........and with a suitcase?!!!!!


    Is it worth me even bothering?


    I'm working away (hence the suitcase) and it's impossible to get from where I am to Swansea in time for the kick off.


    Unfortunately, by the time I realised that I had already bought a train ticket for the first leg of the journey in the mistaken belief that it if you were in Bristol for about 11.30 you would be able to get to Swansea in time for the kick off - only when I then tried to book the 2nd leg did I discover that you can't! By bus or train.


    I have also already bought a match ticket, a pre-paid hotel room in Swansea, and train tickets for getting back to Oldham, the latter two having been purchased many weeks ago when I didn't know where I would be travelling to Swansea from but did know I would be going back home afterwards.


    Having spent all that money I was hell bent on seeing whatever of the game I could but it has since been pointed out to me that I might not even get in! Do people think that is a possibility? Because if it is I might as well cut my losses and go home Saturday morning.


    On a separate note, how evil are these midnight transfer deadlines? Stayed up through the pain barrier and can't get to sleep now, hence knackered at work in the morning. Livermore had better be worth it! Bring back 5pm deadlines please!


    call up swansea football club and explain the scenario and see what they say is my advice

  6. totally pathetic !!!!


    that`s what happens when you wait......and wait.........and wait.........til the very last minute.......your left right up the swannee !!


    shez just seems much too `reserved` when it comes to signings, ever since his day one as manager......we are the club who has had to wait.....wait.....wait.


    at best, he should have been left in this position a week ago,.......then had a back up plan or two.........not leave it til the last bloomin day !!


    he`s a very lucky man in that he has the young guns coming through who hopefully will bail him out.

    on a more positive note........maybe he`s already got a tasty loanee or two lined up to cover his backside........he better had.


    I don't think you quite understand the culture of the transfer market. Players won't sign untill the last days, hours, minute in order to aquire the very best deal. Can't blame shex on this sorry.

  7. He wasnt clapping to sheridans blue and white army or any song. Just started randomly clapping in a tune with no one joining in , bit like a seel. In your situation its good coause its gets the atmosphere going again couple of times sheridan b+w army died down then got going cause of people not giving up on the chant, but this had no use in starting a song of, just wound people up as he said.




    Think i would know by now if a football match wasnt for me been going long enough !!

    Don't think it is for you to say what people can and can't do tbh. I applaude anyone that gets behind the team. Better than the moaning and abusing of the players that seems to have been come the norm now.

  8. I tell you what I am fed up of...... posters coming on here saying am stupid or in general name calling, I don't :censored: do it, so stop :censored: doing it to me.


    Yes I know a player will respond better to encouragement, however I don't believe it's any worse at Latics than anywhere else. Now yesterday they got plenty of backing, but it didn't make one jot of difference. Now if you want to call me stupid it can be arranged.


    Nobody said it was the fans fault that we are playing rubbish but that the fans support and general getting behind the team is a contributatory factor. You can't disprove this point over one game, same as you can't prove it when the supporters got behind us at Everton when we produced a superhuman performance :wink:


    Slagging the team off does not help the players. My point is if you (not you but fans in general) don't have anything encouraging to say about the teams performance then it is best to say nothing at all.

  9. Hey chaps,


    Just scim read your discussion and one things comes to mind. You seem to be giving alot free publicity to all the idiots on both teams who caused the trouble yesterday. I'm sure if any of the idiots from yesterday have signed up to this sight they must be laughing their heads off. Anyway, just trying to play peacemaker, come on lads more important things to talk about like football.

  10. I think i was vindicated in my appraisal through the week,absolutely nothing up front as i expected.

    The blame lies fairly and squarely with either a)the manager or b)the owners,no doubt some of the chaps on here will disagree but i guess thats what forums are about!!


    anyway fantastic earner for me,i was gonna put £150 on hudds but lost my arse lol,but settled on a one'r and bobs yer relative!!!


    Ricketts on loan, Hughes suspended, wolfy and smalley to inexperienced, Davies out of form and picks the wrong options, journeymen of the championship not willing to come to the club. I think we all know this!!!! Not really the managers fault and certainly not the owners fault. How about blaming the players? Think shez might need to swallow some pride and put ricketts back in the team when his loan spell comes to an end.


    Agree though absolutely no cutting edge and creativity and very easy to read as a team.

  11. I had a similar experience with my mates in the early 50s. We were always hanging round BP in the school holidays and we used to get asked to do bits of jobs, for which we were once allowed to take penalties on the pitch when it was still grass. I also had the honour of playing on the plastic pitch in a family game Dads v Lads. Great memories! :bblue2:


    Ok, but judging my your picture you look way to young to have been around in the 50's, or am I mising something!!!

  12. Another excuse to show this again.



    Nostalgia ain't what it used to be, but that victory at Goodison is the latest chapter in the nostalgia about Latics. It would be a shame to give up now and miss the future chapters.



    Here is some nostalgia for you diego. When I was a kid me and a few friends use to spend the whole of the 6 weeks holidays collecting wood for a huge bonfire we organised with our parents every year. Every year we would ask at latics if they had any spare wood they wanted to get rid of. Most years the answer would be yes and usually me and 2 other mates would spend the best part of a week shifting these huges crates (well they were huge to us as 9 years olds) from latics to the valley adjacent to the car park were we had the bomfire. As a favour for helping them get rid of all this stuff Harry (the old groundsmen when the pitch was plastic) let us on the pitch for a game of football. And me being a goalie have made plenty a save at the chaddie end goals, just without the crowd, lol. :grin: Best memory ever!!!

  13. I first began watching football in 1986, the year of the Challenger disaster, Andy and Fergie's wedding and the year we went down under to win the Ashes. It was also the year I watched my first full game, Liverpool v Everton - The FA Cup Final, later that year I marvelled at Maradona's skills (and fist) single handedly (touche) winning the Argies the world cup in Mexico. Gary Lineker was my new hero, along with Neville Southall and Peter Shilton (with me being a goalie).


    In November of that year after a great deal of whigeing and mithering I convinced my owd fella to take me to my first live game, Latics v Palace, we won 1-0 and from then on I was hooked. Over the years I have seen pretty much everything, Promotion, Relegation (twice), A cup final, Semi-Finals, Giant Killings (for and against), managers come and go, in short the sublime, the good, the bad, the ridiculous and downright crap!


    In 1992 Sky's revolution dawned and for me it is clear to see that this bloodless coup has seen the slow death of the game I love. On the plus side we have shiny new grounds and some of the best foreign players in the world gracing our shores. The football League is more competitive than ever, yet many of the players have forgotten just what a great and noble game football is. Nowadays the players want everything at once and are only in the game for fame and money. Very few, play for the grassroots love of the game. This psyche is even dripfeeding its way down into kids football. Everything the so called 'superstars' do is copied by youngsters including abusing referees, questioning every decison and a lack of respect for their opponents. More worryingly is the big time attitude of if i'm not good enough for United, Chelsea etc.. i'm quitting and believe me this happens on a massive scale. Park football is dying a slow lingering death in our town and all over the country as SKY deliberately schedules lunchtime games to coincide with traditional kick off times. In fact our national team just couldn't be arsed in putting in the necessary effort to qualify from a very average group. Money is king in football and sooner or later the whole damn house of cards will come crashing down.


    What i'm getting at is the fact even third rate players have the attitude that they are too good to actually go and play for teams lower down the leagues. they are content to earn their money for very little application. If we cannot improve the product on the pitch for the real fans lower down the leagues, then why the hell do we bother? We all need something to aspire to, a right to cling on to dreams of promotion or one day it will all fall into place. At the moment despite the possible realisation of shiny new grounds if players don't want to be part of that what hope do we or other small clubs have?


    I'm feeling very disillusioned tonight, perhaps even weary of having my hopes dashed time and time again. Every time you think this club is going places circumstances transpire to make it take three steps back. I bleed blue and will cheer myself hoarse tomorrow as I do every week but the club I identify myself with is slowly losing its attraction, a team of new players EVERY season is not what I want to see. I want progress to be built on. Sadly making do, is not enough for me anymore. In 2003 my club nearly died, in 2008 on the field in terms of League position we are no better off. In fact if you go back to January 1998 we are no better.


    As usual many will reply with go and support United etc... well I'd rather stop watching football altogether. Its not just Latics and our continued footballing stagnation that grates its the state of the game in general that feeds my disillusionment. Over the last couple of years I have further established my love of cricket and Rugby League, two sports where the players give their all for the LOVE of the game, not so they can drive flash cars, or hang out with young girls who put out at the first sign of a £50 note. Football for me is in a coma and this summer i'm going to have a lot of thinking to do as to whether I pull the plug completely, as someone who lives for the game i'm gutted to say that.........


    Agree 100% I am the same age as you and have witnessed all you said above. The sad truth is is my passion for football is dieing a slow death too. Each season I find it increasingly more difficult to summon the enthusiasm for football, and unfortunatly to support oldham. Like you said there was always the hope that alittle club like oldham come some day make it big again. In this day and age,however, I don't think there is even the slightest chance of us being great again. Don't get me wrong part of the appeal of supporting the latics is the excitment of being the underdog. However, when you see the hope of creating something truly spectacular again become all but an impossibility, I do despair. Another bone of contention is the roundabout of players coming and going. I bet even with the best will in the world: we will see half a dozen debutants starting the first game of next season. Consequently, the team will take another half a season (or longer) to gel. And then to make matters worse because we can't afford to buy outright all of our players, some greedy so and sos will use us a shop window to leave for more money (don't entirely blame the players on this point). The season after next will be the same and so the roundabout begins again. :(


    Can't wait for tomorrow though! :grin:

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