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Posts posted by laticsmad

  1. 7 points off the playoffs, game in hand, 30 games to play...and Hughesy's scored!



    Seriously though, let's push on...we've got a mini-break for, hopefully, a couple of FA Cup games...let's come back firing and see what December brings.


    If we can keep up the level of performance since Forest (apart from Vale), there's no reason why we can't be up around 8th or 9th by the end of 2007.


    Yep I hope we can push on from here now. I just don't want to get into March and have nothing to play for except relegation. 2 winnable home games on the trot now and only 5 points behind tranmere with a game in hand.


    An interesting fact I thought I would mention. WHat do we have in common with Leyton Orient?....Well both teams goal difference is at 0, yet they are top of the league. It's a funny old game!!!!!

  2. Bill Shankly's often misquoted words are:


    'Some people believe football is a matter of life and death.

    I'm very disappointed with that attitude.

    I can assure you it is much, much more important than that'.


    I have kept telling people that the news immediately following last Wednesday's Planning Committee meeting, that TTA were giving up and that was effectively the end of the Club as we know it, was like hearing that someone close was on a life support system, waiting for it to be switched off. Thankfully, things look a lot more rosy now.


    I have received the bad news that my Uncle died in Oldham this morning. My Aunt said that she managed to read to him my letter in Friday's Chron before he died, which has reduced me to tears!


    I said what we're doing on OWTB pales into insignificance by comparison, but she is fully behind the campaign.


    I'll continue with our work today, but I'll be in Oldham tomorrow helping her with all the formalities. Therefore I shall be offline and may have to stay overnight, but I'll let I_C have a mobile number.


    The fight goes on.........my Uncle would have wanted it!


    Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope all your family are coping as best as possible.

  3. Not at all!


    The decision will be made by the Committee after listening to the respective spokesperson for the appicant and the objectors, and considering the Planning Officer's Report. There are 6 Labour Councillors, four Lib/Dems and one Conservative and a majority decision is required. A least three of the Councillors were absent at the last meeting.


    Simon Corney says although the scheme is recommended for approval, we're not there yet. If it was all cut and dried, he wouldn't be begging supporters to attend.


    It's not over 'til the fat lady Councillor casts her vote (figuratively speaking)!



    ok, in that case everybody get your arses down there then :grin: Would go myself but I am abroad at the moment!

  4. Simon Corney says "This Club belongs to everyone who cares so much about it". The plans are vital to the future survival of the Club and the catalyst for an exciting time of change for Oldham.


    He hopes to see supporters of the redevelopment proposals, wearing colours and arriving early, outnumbering the objectors. He wants a real show of strength to be seen by the Councillors, who can make or break the Club. He hopes to see a large band of supporters joining with him as we strive together to achieve the outcome we all want so much.


    As you know, for over a month now I've been trying to drum (no pun intended) up support in the form of bums on seats (or standing) in the Council Chamber at the Planning Committee meeting. In the poll on my 'D-Day' thread only 36 OWTB members have voted, amounting to only 33 people attending. I realise that this small number of people who could be arsed to vote may be no indication whatsoever of the number of people who are actually going to attend, but to say I'm disappointed is an understatement.


    Regardless of who turns up on the night, oafc_ok and I will be making the 150 mile round trip - minimum of 6 hours, regardless of any time spent celebrating/commiserating. We don't want any medals or praise - if we're considered foolish by some, then so be it. We just feel that it's something we want to do to be part of the Club's history, in response to the efforts made by TTA to secure the future of OUR Club.


    I hope Simon Corney gets his wish for once in the form of support, but I've got a horrible feeling that he's going to be disappointed once again at the turnout of supporters.



    Just out of curiosity, ok yep the more people there the better but surely the decision has been made before the night?

  5. That's a very black and white view.


    Of course the 2 reasons can go hand in hand. A person who has the money to go to a set number of matches (pay on the day) per monthly salary may decide that they would rather go to an away match in a couple of weeks, rather than pay to see us play someone from our division in the cup. Whereas if we had drawn a more 'glamourous' tie, they may have decided to forego the away match and go to the cup tie instead.


    Perfectly logical to me!



    Yep totally agreee with you on that point. However, it sounds like this 1 fan in particular had the time and the money and still couldn't be bothered going. Not good enough! I agree with bb8 on that point.

  6. I'm not getting into the "can't afford it debate" because that's not what this debate is. I too understand people can't afford every game etc. but I also understand that some use this too as a very easy excuse. Not getting into that one!


    The debate I am getting into is the "I'm not going coz it's Donny etc" debate. Two different debates....the 2nd one being about apathy towards going, when the person could go. And what do we owe TTA? Erm....everything! There wouldn't be a club if they hadn't risked the millions they have to keep us afloat while they get through the council bull:censored: so they can take us forward and build themselves an empire also. They could still have got the land and shut the club down and still be aiming to build hotels, flats etc etc on BP itself....staggers me that you have to ask "what do we owe TTA?"!!!


    You do not need to tell me that the tta saved the club, that is plainly obvious for all to see!!! FACT tt3 did not take over, and save, this club from extinction for the love of it! They did it to in the long run hopefully make money, and yes I am sure they are all nice guys and hope to leave this club in a good state when they leave, but this is secondary to making money. Perhaps they jumped in first with without looknig at oldham as a proper investment, perhaps they over-estimated the loyalty of most of the clubs supporters. Either way this is their investment and their investment to make work. I owe them nothing! I will continue to support the team by paying my 20 quid when it is possible for me to attend and don't get me wrong I would be gutted if latics ceased to exist. However, when/if the opportunity for tt3 to make money from this club ceases to exist then they will be gone in a flash. Where is the loyalty in that? I owe tta nothing!!!

  7. I think you'll find that the topic originally started by the comment "I'm not going coz it's Doncaster we're playing" or along them lines. Nowt to do with being able to afford it etc. In that, had it been Team Bath, Harrogate Railway or some other minnow, they'dve been there for the "magic of the cup"....that attitude was one I jumped on and will do again and again....it's the same sort of apathy which runs through Oldham Borough and sadly seems evident in some of the more loyal supporters nowadays. Well I ain't gunna sit here and have apathy too and not challenge it....no matter who's nose it turns up! I hope the one poster on here that I challenged the most ended up at BP yesterday (I'm sure he probably did)....but there are many more who didn't yesterday, just coz it was Donny! Pathetic and if I was TTA, I'd wonder why the hell I was bothering.....just hope we get the council approval on Saturday or else we can kiss goodbye to OAFC!



    Not being funny but what do we owe tta? It was there decision to take control of OAFC, their risk if they lose money and most importantly their reward hopefully when they make a nice tidy profit! As for the supporters who didn't turn up yesterday, well not all of us have a bottomless pocket of money do we now. Some of us have to select our games carefully, not saying I share this opinion but I certainly understand it.

  8. lets get it right mate.. im the drummer and that fat man told me i was a sad :censored: for taking a drum and said i needed to get a life.. my reply was that he needed to get a life calling 15/16 year olds for taking a drum. then he said come on then ill kill u right now and so thats why he was being called a fat bas:censored:rd... did he not deserve it or is that my fault again? anyway.. i have a new bass drum, see u on tuesday :wink:


    I can't fault you good intentions and all!

  9. I have never been so sure of anything ever as than I am now that JS has to go.

    Hes no idea of what’s wrong and he doesn’t know how to fix it.


    We need a new impetus to this club/Team that only a fresh face in charge would bring.

    We are stuck with these players and somebody needs to shake them around.

    If there is one person who went today who could tell me why Eardley is captain or why Davies should be in the starting 11 and honestly believe it themselves then I really do despair!


    I know JS is seen as a cult figure but when will people realise his BRIEF moment of success i.e. a playoff place was a flash in the pan?


    Honestly this is beyond the joke were going down and fast we need to act now!



    That tackle by Hughes was the highlight of what really was a dark Realisation that we are relegation material under this regime.


    P.S My throat is sore as I gave the lads every encouragement as did the 300 and odd who went what did we get from JS? Disarray and a Shambles of a team.


    Give it up!

  10. Well after watching those highlights a little faith has returned. Edited I know, but finally some good football any hardly any hoof, (symptomatic of having a footballing centre-half? Liddell and Eardley loked to be combining well, Kilkenny looked up for it, Macca made the runs that others have been lacking and even Taylor looked involved)chance after chance and if we had a striker we would have won easily. Well done lads on not only standing up and being counted but yet again outplaying a perceived better team away from home. Little acorns and all that., some times injuries prove to be a blessing, Marlon for me has to get a deal hes far better than Cossley imo............Still not going on Saturday or Tuesday as I can't really afford it but I wish I was!


    do you have the link?

  11. Just thought I'd give you all a quick heads-up. For those of you who didn't go (and those that did!!!) 16 mins of extended highlights from the City Ground will be up on the site at 10pm tonight, so check it out. That's the earliest we can do due to League regulations.





    which site would that be stu?



  12. Going on a bit this, innit? If the poll (a pointless one IMO) is a true reflection, Shez stays with overwhelming support. If he is booted out, the vast majority of fans will be up in arms. Given this info from the poll, Kyle and his cohorts appear to be on a loser.


    We've had Coconut suggesting three strikes and you're out. Brilliant! Absolute master stroke! Nowt like a bit of added pressure to make the situation even more stressful. Suggestions like this never work - no matter what walk of life you may be in, setting ultimatums only cause further underachievement. Everyone becomes even more frightened of making a mistake. Result? More mistakes made - more pressure.


    The solution? Simple IMO. Leave Shez alone to do the job. He's under enough pressure as it is. He has a squad of players who are good enough to deal with any team in this divison, but are not doing it at present. He knows it, we know it and the players know it. It doesn't need cries of "Sheridan out" 11 games into a season to tell him it's going t*ts up. But does that mean it will be t*ts up for the next 35 games? Does it hell as like.


    Along with the vast majority (oh yes, doom and gloomers, it IS a vast majority) I firmly believe that Shez WILL turn it around and we CAN make the play offs. When, not if, we do, will you all crawl back into the wood work or will you all be big and brave enough to hold up your hands and say "Sorry, Shez, we were wrong"?


    All of you who have bought replica shirts over last couple of seasons or so, look at the back - it's down there in the bit that gets tucked into the shorts :ktf: . Says it all really. And that, without doubt, is my last word on the subject except, come May, I can say "I told you so".


    Excellent post! Especially the first 2 paragraphs, lol.

  13. I can understand why you would say that but we have a lot of Games coming up and then the busy christmas period.

    With no signs from sheridan or the players of turning this around after christmas will be far too late to get a new manager this is the time to ring in the changes and get rid of dead wood starting with JS.


    I'm sorry but that is ridiculous! As has been said in previous post this evening, who the hell would we get in to replace him? Granted things are not looking good but from what I can grasp the only thing we are doing wrong at the moment is putting the ball in the back of the neck. Like I said before give him to christmas and let's see where we are. I think we all agree however, that promotion this season is virtually impossible now!

  14. Well I got slated last time but this is more relevant now!


    My vote, after seeing him on the touchline today doing nothing looking clueless, coming out with the same post match comments and not having the balls to ring in the changes is OUT! Sorry folks.


    It is to soon for this poll. I voted in! However, if we keep losing up untill xmas then there is strong case for sacking shez.

  15. What absolute dross! With hard away fixtures coming up, it's looking like a long season of struggle for us.


    Let's see


    Crossley - Over the hill, not impressed. In my opinion, a bad signing.


    Allott - NEVER re-sign players. In my opinion, a bad signing.


    Ricketts - Washed up has been. In my opinion, a bad signing.


    Hughes - Unfit, ex-con. In my opinion, a bad signing.


    Davies - Lively prospect in the right squad. In my opinion, a decent signing.


    Kalala - See Davies.


    We lost three very good players in the close season and two/three decent squad players and have not replaced them with any quality whatsoever!


    Sorry Shez, but no blind faith from me and, I suspect, the directors will be of the same opinion if we haven't improved by the New Year.


    I heard that ricketts had a very good game!

  16. In our 2nd season in the premiership we were 4 points adrift at the bottom of the table and top of the table united come to boundary park. Early on in the game from a corner schmiecal drops the ball and then 1 of our players knocks the ball into the net (who was this player?). For the next 60 odd minutes we defend like demonds as united throw everything but the kitchen sick at us. Not great performance but kick started our season.


    Again not a great performance but the equalising goal against scunny was a magic moment (felt like the glory years all over again)!

  17. Lol...sorry but what part of it don't you understand??? Is very easy....


    QUOTE(laticsmad @ Oct 8 2007, 15:14 PM)

    Spot on about eyres, Adams and Holden they had no more pace than liddel has or had. They had a trick or two and could turn a defender inside out thus creating a huge amount of space and beating their defender.

    REPLY: And there we have it.....Lids doesn't even have that.

    In other words.....as you said..."eyres, Adams and Holden.....had a trick or two".....hence my reply.....


    "And there we have it.....Lids doesn't even have that."


    Ie. Lids....doesn't even had a trick or two!!


    My god....was that really so difficult to understand? Maybe you should "bother read other people's posts properly"


    Thanks for explaining yourself so clearly THIS time. Maybe next time you will explain yourself properly the first time! :wink:

  18. And there we have it.....Lids doesn't even have that.


    sorry pal but you're making no sense at all! I was correcting your mis-interpretation of another posters comments. Just wondering if you actually bother read other people's posts properly.

  19. Firstly try reading my post properly i didn't say that Liddell has played as well for us as the other players i mentioned did, just that none of the wingers i mentioned were lightning quick - tho as i stated i could be wrong with Adams and Holden(thats Rick Holden.....a left winger......) as i was very young when i was watching them but their pace just doesn't stand out in my memory of them. Eyres wasn't quick for a winger, he beat his man with skill.

    Eyres, Holden, Adams are all Latics legends i am fully aware of that, and i'm also aware that Liddell will not be remembered at the this club in a similar way

    Oh and Liddell gets paid no where near 4k a week i know that for a fact


    Spot on about eyres, Adams and Holden they had no more pace than liddel has or had. They had a trick or two and could turn a defender inside out thus creating a huge amount of space and beating their defender.

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