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Posts posted by laticsmad

  1. The bloke behind me admitted during the 2nd half that he was a Leeds fan. You wouldn't have known it though - he really got behind the team and I don't think he could have been more chuffed at the end if it had been Leeds who had beaten Everton.


    The bloke in front of me, on the other hand, moaned at me when I knocked into him during the goal celebration, never so much as applauded once, and left with over five minutes still to play!


    All in all a cracking atmosphere. Well done to all who contributed - whoever you support!



    Leeds were at home today weren't they? why wasn't he at the game?

  2. I was at the game on Saturday (season ticket in Chad) but didn't sing it myself. It seemed to me that the Ricketts song was surely sung purely out of frustration, we've had much worse sung towards some of our players. If we'd have been winning two nil, the song would have been the better natured Ricketts Ricketts whats the score.


    well you're entitled to your opinion but i disagree. The chanhts had real hatred in them, which I can't understand when he has done nothing wrong and could in all possibility play for oldham again. Think some fans need to remember that it is just a game. Dread to think what you have heard that was worse than that.

  3. I've watched the odd Bury and Stockport game and they are no worse or better than us - some shout at players when they make mistakes; some sing all game; some sit on their hands and just watch the game . Dont know where this self loathing amongst Oldham fans comes from.



    certainly no self loathing here mate. There are, however, minority of oldham fans who think it is ok to verbally abuse players. No wonder some players choose to not stay at oldham. I take it you weren't at the game on saturday when some fans were asking ricketts to die? This is not normal behaviour.

  4. Well used to be an accepted part of the game for the last 80 years..... The modern fans are different though..... Overtime the old way of doing things will be replaced with the new ways of thinking.... I wonder how much fun it will be going to a football match in 10 years time ?



    You can have lots of fun singing for your team, getting behind your team in general, and yes you can have the banter but slagging off the players for no good reason is out of order, and not a fan imo. Use to be just this way when I was a kid 20 years ago and was fantasic, with a great atmosphere. Now it seems to be the attitude I pay my money so I can tell a player to go and die, for example :angry: I don't think we are far from the time when and player gets serioualy hurt on a football picture.


    Love football players or hate them for their money grabbing ways they still have the same right not to be verbally abused which lets face it in the work place would be unacceptable. To be honest if I was ricketts and had scored the goal on saturday I would have celebrated big time.

  5. A professional footbaler should be capable of taking abuse and still delivering.....its pratically in the job description....now lets stop fanning around and discuss a real topic...


    Firstly, nobody should have to take abuse no matter what the job they do, constructive criticism yes but not abuse, out of order in my opinion. To be honest when I heard the chants of "die ricketts die" I felt ever so slightly embarressed to be n oldham fan. Secondly, money does not make you immune to abusive comments--no matter how much money you are being paid. Thirdly, as an oldham fan why would you want to be abusive to an oldham player. Get on their backs abit for not giving 110% but out and out abuse is more a sad reflection of our society to be honest. Without the proper support of our fans we are disadvantaging ourselves before the game has even began.

  6. This thread is absolute nonsense! If we continue to change the players and the manager at the first hint of troubled times we will never build, never progress and for sure we will never get out of this league. Saturday was a terrible performance but I for one will give shez the rest of this season and season after before I even begin to call for his head.

  7. I got the impression today that Davies doesn't like playing with Hughes. Im not sure why i got that impression but something just doesn't look right with them two.


    I think your right! Davies was our number one striker for while and he was doing well. Then there was some competion between the two of them, which was when we was at our best going forward. However, now hughes has established himself as the number one striker, Davies is struggling to play second fiddle.


    That's the way I see it anyay.

  8. lol....im not having that :lol: Your just trying to wind us up even more :lol:



    no not really, their manager said he would only come if he could play against oldham as well. If he was such a disruptive influence at the club, then why not give him this one thing in order to get rid.

  9. 1st of all davies was upfront not on the wing, allott was supposed to be our winger. 2ndly i thought eardley was good today, he didnt do anythin wrong at all so why people have to criticise somebody whose a defender when we drew 0-0 i dont no.

    they were to strong for us today simple as, they are all massive. i think we would have been better with 2 wingers today, maybe droppin gary mac and bringin smalley in on the right wing, hes somebody that will run at defenders all day long and it would have opened the game up alot, however because we didnt have a proper right winger it forced us to just lump the ball up the pitch,


    also can i just say taylor is no longer any use whatsoever on the left wing!! teams no about him now and no that hes a right footer on the left wing so they no how to deal with him. also im goin to criticise shez, ok shez you made a sub but why kalala? he wont help the game change hes just a defensive midfielder. it would have made sence to take gray mac off and bring smalley on then we no we would be goin for the win, when he brought him on it just made us look like we was playin for the draw, and hes useless.


    dont usually criticise shez but i am doin today.


    hope its better on sat, we need to start winning games at home aswell as away its pathetic at home games at the moment.


    Davies did spend the majority of the time on the right wing which does seem slightly pointless when you consider crossing is not his strong point. I have never, an never will, see allot, as a winger. Agree with you about the subsittution. pointless if you ask me. I mean why take off an attacking midfielder(macdonald) and exchange him for a defensive midfielder when you are trying to win a game? I thought Taylor did ok today but has been long time since we have seen him at his best.

  10. Have to say i'm alittle disapointed. Forest were there for the takng but felt we gave them a little to much respect. Also, at times it felt that we were only playing hughes up-front, with Davies pretty much playing as a right winger.


    Anyway, lets hope we can end this winless home streak on saturday!!!!!

  11. Just heard GMR ... the linesman and ref had to sprint for cover, a bottle was thrown at Hughes ... and he was immediately taken from the ground APPARANTLY for his safety ... oh eck!



    It may all be fun and amusing now but I have to say it is a very sad day for football when the above happens!!! Will be disgusted if the FA doesn't act.

  12. Funny how peoples' memories of a game end up concentrating on one incident (all be it a crucial one).


    From the Lookers I had no idea whether it was in or out of the box, but it looked a very soft decision.


    But actually I thought the ref had a good game after a fussy first couple of minutes (and apart from Bertrand's booking).


    How people can say we were unlucky I have no idea... turns out our goal may have been handball, and in the second half Donny hit the woodwork twice and brought two outstanding saves from Crossley.


    I do tend to think those decisions even themselves out in the end, so I'm not overly fussed. But maybe that's cos I thought 1-1 was about the right result and that it had been a really great game between two good footballing teams.



    There is no doubt we were very unlucky!!!

  13. This is getting very tedious now indeed ... why do some people feel the need that the team MUST have someone to blame when we dont win .... Geesh if people spent more time encouraging players and less time moaning constantly on here then BP wouldnt be such a graveyard these days.


    And Slums ... how actually do you want MC replaced? With what money? There isnt any available really at the min .... The windows open in what ... 2/3 weeks ... geesh dont start moaning about replacing him before Shez can wheel and deal .. Beresford was only brough in as an emergency loan really .. be patient, who knows what will happen in Jan.


    I don't think anyone is blaming crossley. I do think there is nothingwrong with going over his performance. Yeshe made some crucial saves. However, I do remember 1 incident in particular which scared the living daylights out of me. In the 1st half a cross came over and instead of catching it he parried it into the path of an oncoming stike who luckily shot straight into crossleys hands while he was on the floor--very lucky.

  14. Davies is a decent player who sometimes makes the wrong decisions - he should have had two or three today but then so should Hughes and if only McDonald...


    We are playing some good stuff and hopefully the goals will come - Doncaster are a good side and another that we should have beaten - as soon as we turn the draws into wins we will move up the table


    It was mcdonalds excellent reverise pass that set up the goal.

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