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Posts posted by laticsmad

  1. But that would be contrary to what Shez said:


    “I won’t just sign anyone – they have to be players who will help us – but I want three to come in and give us a boost."


    shez has said that he may be forced to sign youth players who may cost less but are not his first choice. OK, maybe desperate is the wrong word but certainly not ideal--which is a shame.

  2. ...........to say have a great day tomorrow everybody.


    The FA Cup is really very special and now with a chance of reaching the last 16 it's got to be even more exciting. Being a Terriers fan I obviously want us to go through but lets hope we all enjoy the day. After all, we both have the prospect of pulling a big club (and money) in the next round.


    So good luck Oldham (not too much mind) and let the best team progress!


    AceT (HTFC) :grin:


    Cheers buddy,


    I think with your terrifc away following for the game, our terrbile home form and depleted squad you have a great chance of progressing--and that is coming from an oldham fan. Hopefully, thought our team will show up tomorrow and we will sneak a win.


    best of luck

  3. The clock's still ticking, there's only five days left to secure transfers and there's not even a sniff of news on the official site.


    I'm concerned, very concerned over the lack of activity.


    We're effectively 3 wins from a Play-Off place so there's still every chance of doing it. We shipped out Ricketts because of his form, the boo boys or something else and with Hughes and Davies missing a game each, we're threadbare as a squad. Add to the fact that Davies' form is on the dip and chances go begging game after game.


    We've brought in a decent amount of income from the Cup Run, there's the budget from the Kilkenny and Bertrand wages and we still can't secure a player or two. The news filtered out from BP is that targets have excessive demands and asking the earth; admittedly all this is coming from the Chron but surely this is expected, is it not?


    What about the "contacts" we have within the game where a loan can be subsidised? It's happening all over the league with other clubs so why not with us? Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and even QPR - clubs where the owners regularly speak with according to past newsfeeds - so why not a favour or two where we give their stiffs valuable experience?


    We haven't even shipped in a trialist or two for a run out in a reserve game......


    I think if we don't hear anything within the next 2 or 3 days, then expect a spate of 2nd choice non-league/division 2 desperation signings on the very last day. My concern isn't that we won't get anybody in. I more worried about the quality of the signings

  4. It's fairly obvious that when Blackpool came in for Vernon, i) they saw something in him; and ii) it meant we didn't see the best of him - he was still improving.


    So he's almost certainly a better player than the Vernon that left us (and he wasn't bad then).


    I wouldn't be against him coming back, but I'm not bouncing at the idea, and I certainly wouldn't want him at the expense of Taylor.


    Vernon's a decent forward, good for League One but perhaps not quite good enough for the Championship, and IMHO not the ideal of what we're looking for.



    Well tbh beggers can't be choosers. Who else would come to oldham at the moment who is better thn vernon?

  5. My Dad was speaking to some Wednesday fans last week and Johnson's improvement is down to a telling off from his family!


    When he went back to Tivoli Gardens on loan the team where it all started for him his family told him he was letting people down and that if he wasn't committed to playing football he should retire and do something he could give 100% to. So Jermaine returns, gets his head down and before you know it he's gone to Wednesday for 500k!


    Regardless of his ability it seems he has got his head down and trains hard and has started to understand the fortune he has had, particularly compared to those back home in Tivoli.



    To be honest JJ is looing pretty spectacular this season, think he has finally turned the corner.

  6. Iam not that worried tbh, we probably do need a left sided player and another forward but let everybody else panic and buy the trash what is available first (the players clubs just want off the wage bill because they are no good to them). Shez isnt daft he will bide his time and pick up a couple of quality players, he will probably need confirmation Ricketts is going to be off the pay roll for good as well before he can splash out on somebody who is demanding ?k a week.


    Maybe, but in post Gillingham interview with shez he said we will definately get bodies in (2 or 3) but they may not be his first choice. Doesn't sound to good to be honest.

  7. 'for some reason the players play with freedom away from home and try things they wouldnt in home games'


    translates as


    'im starting to get a bit p!ssed off with the moaners inhibitting my young team but im a little worried after what happened when ronnie moore dared speak out'


    Well tbh that is because he has a point. The constant moaning and whinging contributes towards the poor home performances.

  8. Sorry mate, but the way that I read your post was that you don't mind moaning, but do sometimes shout encouragement - providing the players inspire you enough.


    It just probably came across wrong.


    Keep up the good work in supporting the lads.


    I hope you don't sit too close to me - I would get pelters if I let even the slightest whinge out :grin: and probably rightly so


    no problem mate. I actually agree with you for the most part but can understand the other side of the coin too. I do not understand, however, people who go there and moan all throught the game.

  9. Do you give 110% every minute of every day at your job?? :angel: Maybe you do but I'm sure the times when you drop below that mark you wouldn't like it if everyone shouted that "you were s**h**i**t". :bigcry: You also have had the opportunity to be in their position, but you either was not good enough or didn't have the dedication. :clown: For the umpteenth time during the game be a supporter and support, :help::zigga: after have your say. Moaning never achieved anything. :thumbsdown:



    No I did not have the opprtunity to be a professional footballer because no matter how hard I trained because I simply would not have been good enough. That means it was never an opportunity in the first place.

  10. Do you give 110% every minute of every day at your job?? :angel: Maybe you do but I'm sure the times when you drop below that mark you wouldn't like it if everyone shouted that "you were s**h**i**t". :bigcry: You also have had the opportunity to be in their position, but you either was not good enough or didn't have the dedication. :clown: For the umpteenth time during the game be a supporter and support, :help::zigga: after have your say. Moaning never achieved anything. :thumbsdown:


    Can't believe you compared somebody performance at work who works 40+a week: to a footballer who playes 90 min, 180 mins tops, of competitive football per week. Right so we can't expect 180mins per week from a player giving 110%???? I don't care if they don't have the skill but all of I ask of them is to gve their best effort for such a short time--no excuses IMO.


    To be honest I think your comment is a slap in the face to every hardworking person out their!!

  11. It's good to know that you get behind the team, but I think that sometimes the crowd can pick up the players who then pick up the crowd and it becomes an upward spiral.


    If too many fans moan and whinge and there is not enough positive support to drown out the negativity, this must affect the players and their confidence which then gives more ammunition to the moaners nand it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


    Look at Tyrell Forbes. He was player of the season for Grimsby, was poor for us, got a load of stick and was clearly bricking himself every time the ball went anywhere near him. Then he went to Yeovil and became a first choice defender who maqde the playoff final last season.


    I supose that people do have the right to moan, but I would ask them to think twice before being too vocal with their critisism and would like more posiive support to drown them out.


    Notice that I included your full post? :D






    In my first post I said I always got behind the team but I guess you choose to ignore that. Anyway, lets just say I understand why the fans get frustrated.

  12. I think moan is the wrong word but basically if I see that a player is not giving 110% then I will let them know, especially when you consider that most of us woud love to be out there playing. On the other hand I will always get behind the team if they gives me something to be excited about.


    read your post more carefully. I don't think it achieves anything to be honest but that is the nature of the beast for some people--voicing there concerns about what they consider to be an unacceptable performance. Like I said I think this ok as long as you get behind the team when they show something good on the pitch. Some people choose not to be blindly optimistic, and quite frankly it is dammed hard work to show entusiasm for something that is piss poor.

  13. I was being selective as there was one specific part of your post that I was commenting on, not because it suited my agenda to leave out the rest. If you had not written "I don't mind the moaning at players for not giving 110%" I wouldn't have been able to quote you.


    For the record, you wrote "I don't mind the moaning at players for not giving 110%, if it is of course mixed in with some encouragement. I mean moaning all the time isn't much fun for anybody."


    So my question would be - why moan at players, what do you think it achieves? Do you mean it is fun for everyone if you moan but also shout some encouragement?


    If I don't think a player is good enough or isn't putting in the effort, I talk to my mates about it and don't have a go at the players.


    I think moan is the wrong word but basically if I see that a player is not giving 110% then I will let them know, especially when you consider that most of us woud love to be out there playing. On the other hand I will always get behind the team if they gives me something to be excited about.

  14. Exactly - he is absolute quality, seen him play lots of times and he has always been the best player on the pitch... in terms of creativity - he can do a job and he is only young - if you cast you mind back to the 3-0 drubbing at boundary park he was thier MOM by a clear distance, was spraying passes all over the place.... it is true that he is defensive - but he is defensive in the way Michael Carrick is... he sts deep and plays the ball, nothing like a Kalala type player....


    I think, if true it would be an absolute coup.... for me he is a quality player, and irrespective of his style he would improve the team... also, brizzle turned down 2 bids of £1m for him at the start of the season - thats how good he is rated... it is only because Marvin Williams has had such a storming season that he is not playing more... I would be very excited about this one as he can put his foot on the ball and play....

    Was that from me in the pub by any chance??? Utterly unsubstantiated, but I wouldnt be surprised if he was the £7k a week player we were reportedly going for last week.... as is said, he is the type of player we need, but he can join the Donny gravy-train if he is at that price... defo signing for Donny...

    You seem to indicate we didnt make any effort to keep him - we didnt "get rid," him leaving was at entirely his own devices... but yes, that is exactly the type of player we need....


    no not really. The general consensous between 'alot' of fans was he has scored 20+ goals in less than season but he is slow and not really worth fighting for to keep on as a player (fans view). I couldn't believe it at the times, our first 20+ goalscorer since god knows how long and the majority of fans weren't bothered if he left. Utterly gobsmacked!!!

  15. Well done, I am sure that you must feel very proud of yourself.

    You are absolutley right, but seem to have not noticed that they tend to prove themselves a good player at another football club and not the one where they have been hammered constantly by the crowd.






    You miss-understand me mate, seems like you are very selective with your quotes. Firstly, yes I will have a moan at the players who do not give 110%, considering most of us would give our right arm to be in their position as professional footballers--the least they can do is give it their all. However, I desperatly want oldham to be successful and I am one of few, like yourself, in the upper-lookers who'll get up chant and generally get behind the team when they do good things on the pitch.


    Do me the favour of quoting the whole of my message next time instead being selective in order to suit your agenda.



  16. Do you subscribe to Latics World? If so you'd soon realise Sheridan must be a half glass man, why?......... cos every interview he conducts he states we're at the wrong end of the table and need points to move away from it. Yet the vast majority (including me) listen to him and back him and the side. Whilst I'll accept that moaning at the players during games is counter productive and something to which I don't do, but what gives you the god given right to tell others what isn't their god given right? I think it's time everyone who comes on here saying that fans don't have the right to moan at players with excuses like they've paid their money not to keep saying it doesn't give you the right, which indeed as a free country they have, but just encourage them not to do it. Also I can't be doing with all these posts saying go and watch ManUre, why FFS we need every soul that goes into BP and they are Latics fans in the main.



    I don't mind the moaning at players for not giving 110%, if it is of course mixed in with some encouragement. I mean moaning all the time isn't much fun for anybody.

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