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Everything posted by BlueArmy1989

  1. because not everyone on here is a moaning and i do value the people who make an attempt to go
  2. i cant honsetly put into words how much i hate people who slag players off or hardy or corney if they aint been, dont pay to come i dont give a fook about ur opinion
  3. i came away from brighton gutted ruined my weekend tbh as every loss does, i wholeheartedly agree with all u have said above, OAFC 4 LIFE and no one will change that through thick and thin i will be there
  4. fickle bastards thats what 90% of this board is, we win a few, and everyone is on the bandwaggon, get behind the club and the lads.
  5. they can say what they want about the 20+ years , if they aint going and aint paying i dont care
  6. excactly my opinion on this, if you want a rant atleast know what your ranting about
  7. the kind of response i expected to be honest, 90% of the people slate the club and the players and aint been to a game for how long, i appreciate some people live too far away but the rest of you who cant be arsed dont deserve an opinion on latics
  8. says it all really, first in the line for a ticket if we get one of top 4 in fa cup, sums up whats wrong with this town and why we wont have a club 5 years down the line
  9. http://www.footballdatabase.com/index.php?...&pn=Lu& see
  10. Lourenco, somethin like that anyway, wasnt worst weve had
  11. as dickov said we are looking to win all our games, so i think we go with 4-3-3 plus we have played our best when we have gone 4-3-3 just my opinion but if we should go with what we do best if we get a pasting or 2 on the way so be it but if were scoring as we have been doing we will win, this season and next are the seasons for us lets get a gd style of football this season and see how we do and build from there
  12. they look on id where your from or what?? or just off accents
  13. just want a to get some beer down our necks looking for no trouble onto a club so hopefully will be ok
  14. haha, found a hotel in brighton now so should be ok, anyone know how strict they are with local id?
  15. 4 lads going , have been told the same thing as you said prozac , cheers for that, maybe better looking for somewhere for the way back then
  16. Just wondering if anyone can reccomend a good place to go out after the brighton game, the obv choice is brighton just thinking if anyone can reccomend any other places on the way back, all replies appreciated and any info on clubs hotels etc would be even better
  17. why dont we start as we ended yesterday, 4-3-3 brill lee hazell mvoto black jones furman taylor alice tounks kelly i know there are a couple of players who had gone off but thats how i would start on another note the reason i left stephens out is that he has been gash since his new contract was signed
  18. the club should be putting offers on like 2 adults for 30 quid or something like if you attend 3 games you get the fourth for a fiver. if the club reduced the price of game admission it would have a knock on affect on season tickets etc and latics aint the dearest grouds far from it tbh, charlton and peterborough were the dearer , i just think people think of any excuse after excuse to stay away,
  19. think you have the poor lad from sunderland and feeney mixed up mate, tounks is a frustrating player but is young and will only get better with games plus he has two more than feeney, feeney has promise too but if i had too choose one it would be tounks
  20. got our sheff wed tickets now and also the brentford ones with the sun offer. (if anyone is doing the sun offer for brentford you send the coupon to them and they call you up get card details and send you tickets i have mine now). Also gonna try n get the plymouth ones free with what someone posted got an email with two tickets reserved will try to get moved in the ground
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