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Posts posted by Hometownclub

  1. I thought the 1st and 3rd were shocking goals to concede, no defending of any description going on there.

    The first results from 2 unchallenged headers in or on the edge of the six yard box, thought Placide might have tried to come and claim once it had been headed back across goal.

    The third was again an uncontested header on the edge of the six yard box.

    Whatever the level you play at, you will concede goals when giving opponents free headers six yards from goal.

  2. By no means a vintage performance, but an excellent 3 points when a draw would have been a fairer result on the balance of play, but as we should have won on Saturday this in some way redresses the balance.

    We never got our passing going and constantly gave the ball away.

    I think Placide is a frustrated outfield player, he spends more time out of his box than in, he is the best goalkeeper I have seen at Latics with his feet, he seems comfortable on either side as well.

    As has been said above, he will undoubtedly at some point cost us a goal or two, when it doesn't work or he gets caught out, but what a character he is.

    I had almost forgotten how much I dislike Jermaine Beckford until last night, brought it all flooding back, moaning bastard from start to finish, so glad he ended up on the losing team.

  3. 56 minutes ago, Damian_Thorn said:

    This is my two-penneth, for what it's worth;


    Has the ground improved? – Yes, it could've been a lot better, but the financial crash of ‘07/08 put pay to that.


    Are we financially better off? – if the sale/investment goes through, then a big yes, but as we were treading on thin ice as far as financial survival goes, before the T3A arrived, then it’s still yes, which is evident in that we still have a club.


    Has the football improved? – this is subjective, because of the different managers we've had. Dowie, Shez, Johnson and now Wellens have brought football that is good to watch again. Talbot, Moore, Dunn were a hard watch and Penney’s reign was a cure for insomnia. Kelly was an odd choice, to say the least, which I’m not too sure what involvement SC had with his appointment.  Robinson had an almost impossible task given what he had to work with, so I’m neutral on this.


    He does seem to back the managers, because of the large turnover of players we have had over the years.


    PR/communication – has been a disaster, especially recently. The decision to bring in Lee Hughes was wrong, I’m all for people having a second chance, but a club with a small and fickle fan base as we have can’t afford to be a half-way house. The Ched Evans affair was a nightmare.


    The deafening silence from the club, with stories about winding-up petitions, the reasons for late payment of players, our financial status, etc. just shouldn't happen with different types of media available for the club to get the message across.


    There are probably a lot more considerations to take in, but IMHO, I’m on the ‘positive contribution’ side.

    A very fair and measured post, 666

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