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Everything posted by kowenicki

  1. I’m not remotely angry, most people aren’t. I just think DU appears clueless and hapless. What is it with wanting to perpetuate and amplify the existence of a very polarised situation…with on the one hand the angry foaming at the mouth ‘DU out’ brain dead yobs versus the high moral ground, intelligentsia who seem to support DU no matter what with “yeah, but…” responses and “if we’d won today it’d look so different”. We didn’t and it doesn’t. Being incredibly reasonable and patient is lovely, but it doesn’t make you right or even a better person, when we are merely talking about football. The truth is most people aren’t so polarised, don’t shout abuse at players or DU, aren’t shouting “jobs for the boys” and simply want us to start winning. Even most who have made their mind up about DU and want him out are perfectly sensible and just quietly very miserable…they aren’t singing abuse and enjoying the “pissboil”. All seems like pretty standard fan differences of opinion that you see at any club at any time to me. I guess the hyperbole and rants drive traffic to the podcast and phone in.
  2. You’re correct. His passing in the first half was poor, constantly over hitting. He got booked for his one and only attempt at a tackle and he vanished for the last 25 minutes of the first half. He improved slightly in the second half. He’s nowhere near as good as some here believe him to be.
  3. Wasn’t that said about him in league 1 and league 2. If the other couple you stick in are going to pass… who’s going to tackle? It certainly isn’t going to be Gardner.
  4. Now your just being contrarian… that starting XI was bizarre. Norwood should have started, he is by far our best option up front… by far.
  5. I’m not one of those people… Some other people (person) will only tolerate and will actually actively endorse (here and elsewhere) a certain point of view… and anyone with an alternate opinion should “STFU!” (You aren’t that person). Getting very silly.
  6. Yet we missed them. Now, if only the wise one would have started with Norwood……
  7. Well it’s a “FACT” apparently, despite is not scoring any. Ludicrous statement from him. We are a national league side, we don’t bury every opportunity. Clearly.
  8. “Should have been 2 or 3 nil up before the sending off… FACT” Cloud cuckoo land.
  9. Agreed. The rest flattered to deceive or were just…er… shit.
  10. 1 in 6. Utter shite. Set up to fail with moronic selections. Huffed and puffed with little to show. Get rid. PS. delusional commentators are an embarrassment.
  11. He has a ready made excuse in the Fondop idiocy. Then again…Fondop has form and we could all see it coming… a better manager may have acted.
  12. Don’t know why the crowd and commentators are complaining. That’s a clear foul by Reid.
  13. Has Gardner touched the ball in the last 20 minutes? He played about half a dozen balls forward in the first 20…one of which found a Latics player. He’s attempted one tackle…resulted in a yellow card. Doesn’t get anywhere near the opposition. Hiding.
  14. Soft yellow that…but stupid challenge. I expect us to go down to 9 if Gardner (he can’t tackle) stays on.
  15. The mind boggles. Watching from afar today. Probably for the best… beers are close by.
  16. “practically impossible” do you know David Unsworth? Listen, I hope you are right… but this guy looks like he can do the practically impossible.
  17. If emojis is all you have… bore off you attention seeking child.
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