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Everything posted by tangerinedreams

  1. Will the rain water be recycled to water the pitch as a way of reducing costs?
  2. No it doesn't IMO, you're hardly going to get an extra x through the gates just because a program seller is Asian, but on the flip side of what I said above: what's the likelihood of an Asian wanting to come on board with a Jewish chairman....hmmm works both ways I guess.
  3. One at Board room level certainly wouldn't do any harm IMHO. Over to you Mr Corney.
  4. Does the club employ Asians? I can't think of any off the top of my head. Surely, that if the club doesn't employ Asians its time they start: a bit like the football clubs over in Northern Ireland where Protestant clubs would only sign prods and employ prods, likewise for the Catholics. The RUC, now the PSNI and the Prison Service were renowned for only employing prods. If there is a road to seeing more Asians at BP then IMO it should be throughout: players (if good enough) and employees, not just the turn styles. Possible domino effect or is it just me?
  5. Abromovich being rushed through his coaching badges to take over after Rafa.
  6. Would imagine something will be released within the next 48, it's been 2 days so the ob could have applied for an extension upto 96 before charging/ bailing/ releasing.
  7. I have never been able to understand why; what you have said never happens!
  8. I used to be exactly the same YD, that was until I met the wife (just read back lol), she had a Staffy and I was very wary of them, google 'Nanny dogs'
  9. I'm reading that the traffic on the M6 is bloody awful, fingers crossed that those that have made the journey down arrive in time for ko.
  10. I know someone that has 2 Bull Mastifs, the male weighs 13.5 stone and the female 12, they go through a 25kg bag of food per week, I'd say approx £50 IF they are being fed correctly. We have a Staffy and a Jack Russell and they cost less than a tenner.
  11. I don't really give a :censored: what you think there tbh. They are my brothers.
  12. This with a Bushmills chaser. Cheers
  13. Playing devil's advocate here: but what if the girl had been winding the dog(s) up: pack mentality. One has to understand the mentality before one can criticise IMO.
  14. There would be no EDL if the police had dealt with the radical Muslims on the home-coming of the Royal Anglians!
  15. I should have edited the op, as an after thought because it was the working in Libya I was referring to
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