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Everything posted by tangerinedreams

  1. It's all very well and good throwing x amount of bans at Suarez and calling him all names under the sun, but you've got to ask yourself what possessed him to do it to start with? It seems to be natural in the walk of life to call someone because of a moments madness, it's like trying to understand those who self-harm, why? Why did George Best drink himself to death, why is Gazza on the same path? Why did Roy Keane do what he did to Haarland? Why did Cantona Kung fu kick the Palace fan? How has Pistorius found himself in the position that he is? I really can't see Liverpool selling him in the transfer window: he's one of the best centre forwards in the world for a start and selling him on the back of what has happened at the weekend I'd say that they wouldn't receive what they'd expect. His disciplinary record has been somewhat shocking when you sit and look at the bad publicity that he's brought on LFC, dealt with very poorly in some cases by LFC but still reverts back to the same denominator. I don't know what the solution is but I'd stick a £ on that it won't be the last moment of madness that he has in his playing career.
  2. The answer to it is to have that end as away fans only when the new stand is operational.
  3. £50 is nothing to some kids today, as for those looking for trouble getting priced out, there's no evidence to say that'll work, when the new stand is in place give the whole RRE to the away fans, thus eliminating the chavish/ twatish behaviour. What they should have done yesterday was put a cordon as best as possible round those that did go on the pitch and get all the names and addresses, kept them behind and had reps from the club address them in the RRE after the game had finished and the stadium emptied, too late now though.
  4. The buy a £10 st alongside an adult is a non starter from the word go- both sets of parents might not like football full stop, mine didn't! £10 has attracted all sorts this season, it is the way forward but the price does require, you've got to try and retain those £10'ers season after season and not just this season, I'd say £25 is a reasonable price, for a present, which is what we did for our 3 nephews. Don't let the few cockends spoil it for the rest.
  5. That's the way it looked to me even more so on the replay.
  6. Work's pension is pretty pump tbh, it's better than nothing though. Must admit though I'm bone idle when it comes to switching and shifting to better deals.
  7. Only got a few months left on a loan, paying more off the mortgage and the 6% isa that O4U mentioned looks the best route. Thanks.
  8. Where is the best place to put one's hard earned? We've heard all the: save for your future etc but where do we really invest? Genuine question:
  9. Even if we were LL, salt in Siberia: the 'wyches' are being mined to the max, controlled by the salt companies. ££££££££
  10. Is this where the club announces 'extra policing costs' because of what happened today?
  11. But I also think that Baxter resembles a Lee Croft post January.....pre April.....
  12. Complete with stewards welding cattle prods reinforced with me brandishing a branding iron.
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