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Posts posted by DerekWilson_1968

  1. Let no one call Baz Savage again, I thought he gave a terrific display, quick and strong his hold up play was what Latics have been crying out for for years.


    I bet we are the only team that has managed to make him look good this season.


    He had all the bloody time in the world on the ball today simply by taking a few paces away from our ineptly immobile defence - other than the one time Stam got close enough to him to chop his legs from underneath him.



  2. Was never a penelty and never a sending off.


    Joe needs to clear out the decks for next season. Smalley is not a footballer imho.


    But the biggest issue that was seen again today is shez has let fitness levels fall to appaling standards. Once again in the last 30 mins we looked knackered.


    Max you are joking surely????


    Smalley was the only one of our team that looked to have any creative spark throughout the game imo. Taylor had a decent first half but was anonymous in the second (before going off injured again????)


    Supple looked like he may be a decent keeper, quick of his line and good distribution - no chance with either of the goals though.


    The rest of them??? Absolute gash would be a compliment to them.



  3. When was the last time Joe had a budget like Fergies...


    Dosent take you long Derek to go off on one dose it :D


    Why does everyone think I am going off on one?


    I stated that I think that the players should take their fair share of responsibility and that Royle may not be even the (short term) solution to the problem.


    I didn't compare Joe to Fergie/ United, nor would I ever.


    It is hardly ranting is it?






  4. What a nice constructive answer...of course you know it all.


    Forgive me for not hailing this Messianic return as the solution to all our problems.


    I just believe that perhaps the game, especially at this level, may have left him behind.


    Like I stated in my initial post - it is up to the players now to show us that they really want it.



  5. The game hasn't changed (Man Utd still play in Joe's style) it's the players attitudes which IMO have changed for the worse.

    A big culprit in recent years is the loan system, which I feel needs curbing.


    Joe's style - is that copyrighted? I bet the Lashers circa 1955 (and a hell of a lot more) have a lot to say about it if so.


    Maybe it is a little more to do with players attitudes but are you really trying to tell me that before Oldham Athletic 1984 no team had played with two battlers in the middle and two wingers and every once in a while decided to go :censored: or bust?


    Get over yourself. United play nothing like in the mould of the so called 'Joe's style' - when was the last time you saw Fergie pick a cast off up?




    Edit: Actually, can you recall the last time that under Royle we played 'Joe style'. Maybe Liverpool in the 3-2 game? Certainly not in his last 2 seasons at BP. There were lots of absolute capitulations the season we were relegated. His Everton team were a resolute hard working bunch, but certainly not ones to go out and wipe the floor with anyone. By the time he had come to be the circus master I had pretty much lost any feeling toward him and Ipswich is too far away for me to be bothered looking.


    There isn't a Joe's style. He just had them whipped into shape and got them to do what he told them. If they didn't like it they could go. Simple really.

  6. I have not commented on the sacking of Shez and appointment of BFJ yet - I didn't find out until late last night (cheers for the call Nik) after avoiding all things to do with football after Saturdays disaster.


    I will be honest - I still don't really know what I feel - as a person I liked Shez, but he has never really managed to bridge that 'one of the lads in the dressing room' gap and become a manager that instantly had the respect of his players. He was too close to them (perhaps too young?) I feel and when you hear him speak he often recalls his playing days and obviously misses them very much. I think he still yearned to be in the dressing room clique and ultimately he has had to make a major sacrifice for that longing by losing his position.


    I feel sorry for him, I really do and I think that those responsible should hang their heads in shame.


    Stand up the majority of the Oldham Athletic team.


    I'm not interested in blaming message board vendettas and the such, after all I have been named as one of the guilty on many occasions in regard to whipping fans up into an anti Ronnie Moore fervour, who cares, message boards are for voicing opinions and those that hold the disparate views don't actually pull any strings - just voice dis-satisfaction.


    I would like to think that today the players have sat down pre-training and have had a really long, hard and honest look at themselves and have asked themselves if they think that they did their best for Shez the majority of the time. Whilst there are a lot of kids knocking about the team and the fringes there is a good slice of experience in there too and I think that those may be the more culpable in letting their now former boss down.


    I know it is closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, though they should still be made to reflect upon their actions and performances of the last few months, which in some cases have not been befitting of so called professional sports men.


    So, we move to Joe - certainly they won't get as easy a ride as they did from Shez. Hopefully there will be boots flying around, a few home truths told and some order and discipline instilled into the half hearted shambles we currently call our team.


    As an impact signing for the new gaffer I don't think that the club could have done anything more to re-kindle the interest of the fan base as a whole, but for me he isn't a solution to the conundrum in the longer term. It is a signing that certainly hasn't sparked the euphoria in me like it has so many others on here.


    Maybe Coco and myself should start our own little board up :wink:


    Honestly, it is nothing to do with tainting what has been in the past (how in 9 games???), I just feel a similar indifference to this appointment as I did to when we got Ronnie on board. For me the game has changed so much since Joe was last with us, and even when he had post Latics seasons out of the PL he had vast resources at C**y and a decent ones at Ipswich - Latics is a whole different ball game.


    So we wait and see what Saturday will bring - though probably it will be as good a day as anything this season. I think the relief of many will be palpable around the ground and of course, Ronnie Moore is a football genius!


    Finally to Shez - good luck in the future. I hope your ten years at gods little acre aren't tainted by the last few months. Get a fresh start away from the dressing room and you will be able to address your limitations more easily. All the best mate.


    Joe - good luck, though judging by this mornings start it looks like old style Joe may be back.


    Sledgehammer to crack a nut???F*ck it - get me a wrecking ball!


    I think lots of players should be very afraid of the next 8 weeks.


    Now, let's see if the players have enough about them to get my KtF back.



  7. Where have I said nothing happened, nothing happened ??


    I have merely corrected what the lazy Journo's have stated to be correct and highlighted some information I have been given by a fellow fan... Acting in an aggressive manner is non specific, enforcing that maybe some players did MAYBE get physical with each other ! this in no way smacks nothing happened, nothing happen, that is just your own opinion about the poster !



    So Rich - you didn't attend the event, but are able to correct the stories written in the press by using information that someone that did attend passed on to you? From reading your posts that is the impression I get.


    So, shall we invent a hypothetical situation?


    It kicks off, perhaps in the manner that the red tops describe, perhaps not.


    Your friend/ informant/ fellow fan is in the toilet/ at the bar/ has his back to the VIP lounge/ is watching the dog he had put a bet upon.

    How is it possible, in any way whatsoever, for you to refute so certainly what has been written if it is not information directly from either the club or your sources at the trust if you were not at the event and not watching every player for the whole of the night?


    To me what you posted does smack of (not stated) 'nothing happened and it was all handbags' - and I will say now that I have no axe to grind with either yourself or the trust, it's just my opinion on your post.


    Despite the fact that I attend very irregularly nowadays (admittedly I am bored stiff by it all) it still affects me when I see the clubs good name dragged through the mud through the actions of grown men behaving like pre-pubescent idiots.


    1. I wish the whole sorry affair hadn't have happened - as I initally posted on the first thread about it I hoped it would all be handbags; but


    2. I want the whole thing to be over as quickly as possible now it has come to light and it was almost certainly substantially more than that which I had initially hoped. If that means that dismissals have to be made then so be it.


    Whilst fans with many years of service are leaving in dribs and drabs (and it will undoubtedly get worse as the performances come up lacking yet again and renewal time looms) it must be very worrying for the club. The reason is that they are absolutely sick to the back teeth of the stagnation.


    We were in a good position and something has gone very seriously wrong again for the third/ fourth consecutive year.




    I put it to you that a continuous lack of discipline at the club is a fair meter to all our ails of the post Talbot era. For four consecutive years we have had an apparently decent team, and most certainly been in decent positions approaching the dawning of Spring and managed to snatch failure from the jaws of glory every single time.


    Ronnie lacked discipline, and it now seems that Shez does to. The booze culture has been in this club for too long and it needs to stop and stop now.


    As fans, season ticket holders and investors in the club are we not well within our rights to ask the most demanding of questions at times like this?




    Edit: that do you are promoting may well be interesting now, despite the rip off twelve quid pie.

  8. Don't think he has long left myself either, and as Nik says it will be a sad end to his time at Latics if/ when that time comes.


    Who would I plump for?


    Well the man I wanted in after Ronnie was cut free, Danny Wilson (not just for his initials). I think he has been a proven and fabulous manager at this level with some rather unfancied outfits (Wendies excepted - he was boss man for them when they came down wasn't he?). He did a good job at the hangers and it puzzled me that they let him go when they did. He also seems to be, ever so slowly, turning Swindon around.


    I wouldn't mind Ince - kind of new to management, so maybe a new set of ideas a-la Dowie and I think he would automatically gain the respect of the players by what he acheived in his career. Not sure that with his past connections he would be the ideal choice fan wise, but hey ho.


    Cotterill isn't a bad shout, nor Gannon; and there are probably a good few more that would be interested.




  9. Let's get this straight, Derek.


    Are you accusing Wardlelatic and the Trust of collusion with the club in some kind of cover up?


    Cos that's just fanciful bollocks if you are.


    If you don't mind me saying, like.



    Of course I don't mind you saying so Garcon.


    Wardles post smacked of 'nothing happened, nothing happened, the press have made it all up. It was a few handbags thats all'.


    If that was the truth the club would surely have issued a quick and fast rebuttal and had lawyers on the case post haste.


    Now I'm not saying that what the press have written is 100% accurate which is why I have been reticent to name names in the posts where I have critisised the events of last Tuesday - but there has certainly been a lot more happening than a few cross words and a clip around the ear.


    As has been posted by a few today, I am in agreeance with the opinion that the club would have liked to have it swept under the carpet and as Lags pointed out that there is no smoke without fire. Until the red tops got hold of it then there was every chance of that happening.


    As for the trust/ club thing, well I will keep my own council in that respect other than to say that I think that they are far too closely entwined with each other.



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