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Posts posted by DerekWilson_1968

  1. so, what did happen exactly...............................????



    Why such a terse statement from the club then Rich if it was only a few home truths? If it didn't happen why not a complete and utter denial of the stories in the red tops?


    Edit: I hope that you are not going to tell me that the board are investigating the fact that player x may have shouted at player y for a bad pass. What a waste of time and resources and you know as well as I do that you are being played for a sap by the fans representative body in collusion with the club to try and hush it up.



  2. "A section of the players have seemingly behaved like animals whilst representing the club"


    hang on derek - animals? I think this story is gaining momentum if we're onto the classic tabloid "behaving like animals" line.


    One perspective that people often forget is that a lot of footballers are not like the rest of us working in offices, trades or professions. Some of them are seriously thick buggers.


    Now imagine the headlines "Punches thrown at Bricklayers social night" - hardly a biggie. And then if the brickies who exhcnaged blows apologised to each other and said "no harm done", would poeple expect a brickie to be sacked?

    It's not an exact comparison, but it's not too far off (after all, some brickies are far more intelligent than the average footballer, rather than just a little more!)


    ..and because they are presumably 'seriously thick buggers' it excuses them behaving in a uncivil way?


    Fighting with each other and apparently behaving in a lewd manner to female staff members at Belle Vue, where do they even get the idea that they can behave like that in public?


    It's not on Nige - lack of education doesn't excuse them behaving like a pack of pissed up dicks.


    As for no harm done - judging by performances on the pitch they haven't gotten even close to patching up whatever bugbears they have with each other.




    Edit: oops spelling.

  3. Innocent until proven gulty eh? !!! :wink:


    I really wanted it to be a message board rumour Singe, alas it is now not the case.


    I don't know who was involved (hence lack of naming names from myself), but whoever it was should in my mind be dealt with in an appropriate fashion.


    As for Shez - he's completely lost it. If he can't even instill the importance of good behaviour on a night out in front of paying customers into the players......well I don't know what to say.


    The performances on the pitch reflect such shabby off the pitch discipline and he even admits continually that he can't get them to listen to him. As far as I'm concerned he has lost them and they are just getting to do what they want on and off the pitch.



  4. Has an eversoslight difference in that sacking the persons involved would mean kissing good by to any hope of the playoffs. But then again the fact that we cannot seem to raise it enough when playing low-grade opposition in front of the morgue has probably done enough to suggest that anyway.


    Isn't it just typical Latics though? We raise a team once again who are good enough for promotion, yet things like drinking culture and bad discipline threaten big time to put the mockers on it all? It's just the way we roll, innit?


    So be it mate - though in reality our play off ambitions have been falling away for quite a few months.


    Time to get the good ship Oldham Athletic back into some sort of disciplined order and if that means we have to dismiss those rocking the boat then dismiss away Messers Hardy, Corney and Blitz.


    Whoever may be to blame it is obvious an incident of a very serious nature has taken place and it needs dealing with post haste.


    I am appalled by what has come out in the press today ands the lack of discipline has pushed me over the edge as far as Shez's tenure is concerned. A section of the players have seemingly behaved like animals whilst representing the club, and on the pitch are playing exactly how we would expect them to given the lax attitude to discipline and the ever widening fractures that seem to be appearing from week to week.


    Time to say good riddance to bad rubbish, if we have to draw a line under this season as a result then those involved in these incidents should hang their heads in shame.



  5. You wouldnt get sacked for fighting on a works official appointment in front of the shareholders paying customers?


    Absolutely everywhere that I have worked; no ifs, buts or maybes, an incident that was percieved to be gross misconduct in front of a customer would have had me out on my arse before you had time to think.


    Are things that lax nowadays at BP that this isn't considered to be as serious an offence to warrant sacking - whoever it may affect?????



  6. my god, if you climb much further up his arse you'll be able to say hello when he yawns.





    Come off it. Dans was a reasonable point, and despite the fact that yes we are friends we often disagree about things Latics.


    Dan has asked Slurms to re-read the post probably because he read it the same way that I meant it.


    It is all piss and wind, like so very much more of this thread. Whilst all the conjecture was going on there were several people willing to take on the mantle of being judge, jury and executioner for Greegs with no proof what so ever. I just re-dressed the balance and put on another suggestive post for an alternative viewpoint.


    No one knows what happened and if it is something serious it will all come out in the wash, other than that handbags is all it is in my eyes.


    It wasn't a dig at Taylor or Greegs just a balancing post to alleviate the pro Taylor anti Greegs comments.


    Thankfully at least one person has read it in the manner is was written.



  7. Having seen 3 or 4 confirmations, and who they are by, I don't think it is made up.

    That said, I did mean assuming it is true, though clearly did not say it. To be honest too busy at work to type exactly what I meant.

    Let me rephrase it, as I am at home now.

    Lets assume it is true, do you think he should remain captain?

    It is fair to make a guess that he will be punished, so could be dropped for the next match.

    Who should be made captain if he is dropped?

    And if he is dropped as Captain, who should replace him?


    Temp: Daniel Jones. Head and shoulders above and a commanding figure

    Perm: Not sure, no one seems consistent enough, and Gregan was stand out up till now (apart from blaming evetyone else!)



    Ok let's assume that Taylor might have had one sniff too many of the wine gums and Greegs reacted badly to it. Who is the more culpable?


    I will be honest, I'm not a big fan of either of them; but Greegs has had a mightily consistent season - Taylor on the other hand is what he is, a kid with bagfuls of potential that plays in purple patches then is god awful through those grey spells.


    He is a kid that is possibly a bit cocky whilst Greegs has been there, done it, got the T shirt etc.


    I would like to think it is just a bit of handbags with a few cross words exchanged and a clip round the ear for good measure from the old timer at worst.


    If it is any worse than handbags then it will all come out in the wash, until then handbags will do for me. Corney will obviously comment on it in his next ranting blog. I'm not going to go throwing stones at either of them for it - I do enough of that commenting on performances.


    As for Taylor crying, big deal. I bet his Mum never let him watch Lassie films.



  8. It may be fair to say that for Taylor, although I still thought he was poor. Smalley was plain garbage though - he looked like a rabbit trapped in the headlights everytime he got the ball. He's has done well recently though and I'm sure he will do better next game.....


    You are having a laugh right Stitch?


    Taylor was woeful tonight, too many times mere centimetres away from Jones. Was he scared and needed someone to hold his hand?


    I thought Smalley put in a decent shift - though still needs to work on his final ball, but that's nothing that 90% of the team don't need to work on, our passing and set piece delivery was shocking.


    It was a disappointing game and too many times the football looked as if it was a hot potato for both sets of players.


    MOM? The Rat for us - purely for the fact that he knows how to take care of the bloody ball - if that was instilled into enough of them we wouldn't have been in cloud cuckoo land after we scored, Becchio for them.


    Just to add that I would love to have a forward that was capable enough to have had as good a :censored: game as Beckford. Granted his finishing was poor, but he covered a hell of a lot of ground dragging Greegs and Rubes about. I thought his off the ball work was magnificent.


    They shaded it. I wish that little tvvat Kilkenny had scored an og in the last minute though. That would have been sweeter than sweet.



  9. Not really. But it definitely reinforces my thoughts that you're much happier seeing us fail miserably than see us do well. I mean, Wilson's a miserable get, but I don't have to be reminded that he has an absolutely massive heart for the club.


    Back handed compliment???????



  10. OK to post a serious reply to Niks post.


    Shez has been, and I fear he will always be, a bit 'kid in a sweetshop' when it comes to loan signings.


    There are players that become available with reputations and he just seems to jump in both feet first without thinking.


    We must be on ten this season now, and only one has done anything positive for the team in my opinion - that's DJ. The rest have been a progression of journeymen looking for a bit of a career revival or a last payday. quick edit to add: other teams kids that seem to have absolutely no interest in playing football given the performances seen so far.

    I'm sure Prozac will be able to run up a list of loanees we have taken on by my return to the internet on Sunday night, but it would be interesting to see who Shez has signed on loan during his time as a permanent manager.


    Personally I can only think of Bertrand that has had any added value other than DJ. Maybe a couple of keepers when we have been in dire straights.


    Certainly the last striker we had on loan with added value was Beckett (Ronnie?) and the last midfielders that consistently added value were Kilkenny (spit!) in his first spell and Crofty under Talbot.


    With the midfield quality that he had as a player it always surprises me that Shez has picked a stream of duck eggs as loanees for us in his preferential position. Jarrett was mediocre but probably the best of a shocking bunch.





  11. I fear this pointless bunfight will run and run FMS, and will become more and more pointless as the years pass, no matter who manages the club.


    I blame Sky and for that matter all the other channels, from Andy Gray and his tactics board to the nauseatingly tedious and overblown analysis on MoD. Everybody is an expert now, everybody knows better than every manager at every club in the land. What narks me most is that most of these experts filling folks heads with their tactical footballing insight haven't even had the balls to become a manager, Gray Hansen & Shearer are perfect examples.


    Football is a simple game, good things happen, utter garbage happens, players lose form and make mistakes. Teams play well one half crap the next, its been the same for 130 years hasn't it? The only difference is nobody has an ounce of patience these days, good job Shez hasn't got this record of seasons finishes:


    7th (but with Frizz's players some might say)

    19th (20th would mean relegation)



    3rd (missed out in play offs)



    8th (but we can let him off for this one!!)



    Joe Royle wouldn't have gotten to the first set of play offs these days. Oh and for those who weren't around back then. If you really think its dire now, sitting 5th in the table and all that I'd really like to transport you back to 83 -85, then you'd appreciate the real meaning of the word dire. Oh and thats dire playing under the clueless, or should that now be god like, Joe Royle.


    Blimey Stipey, next you will be charting the progress, extolling the virtues and berating the critics of one Ronald Moore - footballing genius.


    Now you never wanted to see the back of him did ya? :wink:


    Before anyone starts - this isn't a Shez out post - I am still undecided. His lack of positive decisiveness frustrates the hell out of me but he is one of our own and he deserves to be cut a little more slack than the braindead of the Wirral.



  12. ...a new keeper and two left backs in on loan. To equal the balance I definitely need a right sider as well. And just to be safe a winger who can play both on the left and right. I know I've had a few strikers already, I know they've all been bobbins, and I know I've one here at the moment...he's good in the dressing room though...but please trust me, we're desperate for this one. Think that covers it. What do you mean centre midfield? We've Mark and Danny.


    Pathetic Shez.


    It's a damn right shame the powers that be sanctioning all of these loans are failing to look at the real problem area, and that's the clown in charge who is clearly being shown up more and more with every delve into the market. Other managers would kill for a crack with this squad.


    Now you've reviewed every position Shez how about looking at your own and admitting that you just aint up to it.





    Stop beating around the bush and tell us what you want mate!



  13. And Derek's comments from last season when we were 12th in the league, yet he now feel the same way when we are 5th? Erm, does that make any sense at all? Being 7 places higher in the league suggests progress to me.

    It isn't meant to suggest anything about progress Nige.


    Disappointing form this time last year cost us a play-off spot, despite many fans predicting a play-off position was in our grasp. I couldn't see where it was coming from at all last year and again don't see it happening this season.


    Throughout Sheridans' tenureship we have perenially shocking in the post Christmas period. February seems to be the month where one thing in the last three years has been nailed on - the team choke whilst under pressure.


    Now this season we may be in a play off spot because the league is of a poorer overall quality than it was last, it may be that our excellent start has kept us in a position of false security for longer than it normally would have - but the real intent of my post was to illustrate that the same mistakes are happening again and again, season upon season.


    Players playing out of their skins one game and then playing like pissed up Sunday League players only a matter of days later. The team and formations are being chopped and changed with an alarming regularity and the gaffer, sorry Shez, doesn't seem to have the slightest inkling what to do about it.


    All I see for us this season taking recent performances into account, is a gradual slip away from the play off places and ultimately another season in this god awful league.


    People are fed up of the stagnation - that's why we can't attract new fans and why sections of our hardcore support are questioning what the hell is going on yet again.


    Something needs to change and I am as sure as sure can be that one game in a pink kit won't be the solution to our annual post Xmas malaise.



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