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Oh Heck C-Beck

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Posts posted by Oh Heck C-Beck

  1. Agree totally. Abbott spent most of last season, from November on, both mentally and physically short of fitness and yet still did enough to keep us up.


    As for Dave's comments that we lacked defensively last season that's a bit daft really isn't it - seeing as we were a bottom six side with a top six defensive record.


    The main reason for our struggles last season was a lack of goals and seeing as Abbott scored almost all of the ones we did get (13 league goals, next on the list is Guy with 3 (THREE!!)) I think it's astonishing that people slate him.


    A fully fit Abbott was on for a lower teens or potentially a 20 goal season last year in a team which was the second lowest in goals scored (we scored 39 league goals - that means Abbott scored a THIRD of them and I'd say it's a fair bet he set up a few too!)


    As always, football's about opinions. But to question Abbott or Gregan last year is to basically misunderstand why we're not playing League Two football!


    I'd go one further and say to question Abbott or Gregan last year shows a blatant lack of knowledge about the game of football.


    I hate that the word lazy gets thrown around just because a player doesn't constantly chase lost causes. I feel we are lucky to have someone like Abbott, who is a goal scoring target man and outlet. I believe he would score and set up a lot more when fully fit with the right partner to play off him.

  2. It should be a great atmosphere. I wouldn't worry too much about what goes on on the pitch!



    I agree with RoyleArmy ( :shock: ) ... an uninspiring 1-1 draw.



    Are we as good as Spain and Brasil? I'm afraid that's about the same as asking if Stoke are as good as Man Utd and Chelsea.


    There's not that much to choose between the rest though. Spain and Brasil are streets ahead, then Argentina, Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands, Portugal and England are all pretty close. With at least one wild card from Africa or South America joining the party.


    I was talking to a Spanish guy about what they think of England and they genuinely think we are a quality side with the likes of Gerrard, Lampard, Rooney, Ferdinand, Ashley Cole, Joe Cole, Terry, Johnson etc.


    I think it is a case of the grass is always greener. I personally think that Spain are a better team than us but there is not much in it and I dont think the Spanish or Brazilians would ever see a match against England as a guaranteed victory and that is why we are in with a shout of winning the tournament.


    In the last World Cup we did not play well, yet we still took a very good Portugal side to penalties with 10 men when it really mattered!

  3. Yeah I have no data for my site on webmasters tools, intolearningcentre.co.uk and I know that it has been searched for because wordpress stats have told me and you can see it in the Goolge rankings.


    You can take a look, it is basically a site documenting all the online resources for the international school I work for, I created it in wordpress and it is already ranking 4 in the google rankings for "into learning centre" and it only went live last thursday. I would recommend if possible you could transfer your site over to wordpress which gives you great stats about traffic through to your site and you could buy a domain name there such as paddockwoodnopwod.co.uk or something similar it will only cost $15 at the most, this should give you good rankings fairly quickly for "paddock wood" and "nopwod"


    I am at work but I had a quick look over your blog and in the content you hardly mention "paddock wood" or "nopwod" at all. Try and get this in the text but dont overload it like spam as these are the keywords you want to rank for but the Google crawlers will not find them on your site at the moment. So this may be why your site is not showing for those search terms. Try and get them in the blog titles as I had a look at the code and these are headings which Google gives more importance too. This should help your blog register highly for these terms. I cannot imagine you will have much competition!


    Sorry I am a bit rushed to give detailed analysis, try putting some links through to your blog as well from relevant sites and forums to generate some traffic plus Google likes incoming links!


  4. Hi mate


    could you give me a bit more info? like what search terms you would like to show up for? I could give you some pointers.


    If you just want to show up for No Paddock Wood over development nopwood then first of all I would suggest you buy a domain like "savepaddockwood.com" and redirect to your blog fromt there and submit it to the search engines.


    My last blog based site already comes on the top page on google purely due to the domain name. When did you set up your blog by the way it can take up to 30 days to get crawled!

  5. Hopefully get Nardiello he didnt play for long but I was impressed with what I saw!!


    If we could get Guy as well I would be happy with our attack.


    We really need to ship out the rubbish midfielders we have and maybe get some more quality over quantity if possible. Someone to play alongside Stephens who is comfortable on the ball, and can put in a tackle.


    I would like to see Flahavan come in and a younger CB and a RB. Finally, try and get some more competition on the wings for Taylor and Smalley.


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