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Posts posted by HarryBosch

  1. 30 minutes ago, kowenicki said:

    So far this has had a very mixed response on the various social media platforms.  The FLG have handled the communication of this very poorly in the lead up to today. They should have tried to take people along with the from the start  instead if all this cloak and dagger stuff. 


    They will need a good tale to tell when they have their event or risk falling at the first. 








    Regardless of what tale they tell if they've reached an agreement with Blitz and they've got the money they'll proceed with the purchase I'd imagine.


    Are you thinking it's some kind of election/popularity contest? 

  2. 4 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


    10th May blog post. 


    Since then, they say that THEY have appointed Simon Wood as Catering and Simon Brooke as Operations Manager. 


    Aah right. I assume, like everything else with the club, the OEC, as a company, shares are separate from the actual ownership of the stand... 

  3. 10 minutes ago, JohnG123 said:

    The figures all added up to me. There was no way OAFC where making any money from my 100 Club season tickets. however with the drinks I purchased and the counter charge To OAFC I am sure the OEC where making a profit.

    I take your point on staff, however OAFC have staff and overheads at there food outlets would you be happy paying £12.75 for a pie and a few peas ?  


    But you're one of 100 people, usually fewer, being catered to in the comfort of the 100 club bar.

    I'm one of hundreds queuing like cattle below you hoping they don't run out of £3.50 pies. The overheads are way lower. 


    I can see where the extra might go 

  4. 2 minutes ago, JohnG123 said:

    The figures all added up to me. There was no way OAFC where making any money from my 100 Club season tickets. however with the drinks I purchased and the counter charge To OAFC I am sure the OEC where making a profit.

    I take your point on staff, however OAFC have staff and overheads at there food outlets would you be happy paying £12.75 for a pie and a few peas ?  


    Were you under the impression they were a charity? 

    • Like 1
  5. 25 minutes ago, JohnG123 said:


    As an example the OEC where charging OAFC £12.75 per head for the food normally Pie and peas or a burger. I think we can all agree this is rather excessive whether a super Chef made it or not. 


    I might be wrong but, would each £12.75 not also cover paying all the staff working in there on a matchday and numerous other overheads (not to mention making some profit) rather than just the food? 


    If Abdallah has presented it to you, and others, so simplistically could there be a possibility he's attempted (and succeeded it would seem) to mug you right off? 



    • Like 3
  6. 21 minutes ago, Lukers1 said:

    I’m well confused, what are the fan led team trying to do. Are they wanting to buy the club stand by stand.


    Can someone just in a few sentences explain?


    My understanding is they want to buy the whole ground & it's land lock, stock and barrell. I think Blitz has agreed to this, possibly agreed a price. I'm not sure if they've now got all the money in place or are still working towards that.

    Once they own it (or to secure the remainder of the money needed?) it's been mentioned that people/fans can invest.


    In the meantime they've struck a deal to run the OEC day to day. 


    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, oafcshuck said:

    Good news on the contract extension but why does the club feel the need to lie and waste money.


    Why print a shirt with Hamer 2022 on the back, it's just a complete waste for a club that's supposed to be struggling with finances.


    The article also states that he went on to become an ever present which is a lie as he missed several games towards the end of the season .. small things like this aren't great and if a fan can pick up on them why can't the people at the club.


    I've never seen you this downbeat shucks - lets hope there are fireworks over Glodwick tonight eh..... 

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, deyres42 said:

    Fans with clubs interest at heart protecting our only asset and potentially ridding us of the Lemmy's, absolute win win.


    1 hour ago, kowenicki said:


    Possibly? Possibly a dogs breakfast? I’m unimpressed with at least one of those involved. 


    1 hour ago, kowenicki said:


    I agree with you. 


    It’s not that I necessarily have reservations.  We simply know zero about them. It could be fantastic... no idea. 


    1 hour ago, kowenicki said:


    I am suspicious of AL... but constantly saying it day in day out does no good whatsoever.  I also at least know who he is and what I’m dealing with. 


    The primary motive of the FLG is to own the entire football club and we have no idea who they are. 


    You're "unimpressed with at least one of those involved" (so two or more) but at the same time "know zero about them", & "have no idea who they are"????


    Talk us through this.......

    • Like 1
  9. 39 minutes ago, archiecat said:

    I hope everyone is aware how likely Mills is to become the new Eardley.

    After all and sundry bigging him up he will need to be the next Dani Alves to avoid a constant barrage of abuse.


    I haven't seen anybody "bigging him up" other than a few who say they watched last seasons swashbuckling Morecambe side very closely - this makes them utter maniacs whose opinions on anything should be dismissed out of hand.... 

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