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Posts posted by HarryBosch

  1. 19 minutes ago, kowenicki said:


    We’ll see. 


    To be fair doesn’t really alter my point. Be professional. Be better. 




    6 minutes ago, leeslover said:

    I bet your LinkedIn is amazing 




    "Buying and taking over the day to day running of an underused stand at a League Two football ground is very much like making love to a beautiful woman....." 

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  2. 5 hours ago, nzlatic said:

    As well as having leadership abilities, the captain should pretty much be the first name on the team sheet. Like with Clarke last season, this season it should clearly be Wheater. Maouche hasn’t shown enough consistency to warrant an automatic start so giving him the captaincy adds to the notion that he’s in the team because he’s a favourite of the owner. 


    In fairness to him, his role needs to be free from pressure. Giving him the armband won’t help that at all. 


    The rest of the footballing world don't view the captaincy in the way that many of we English do...


    Many English players don't place the importance on it that many fans do. 

  3. 4 hours ago, NewBlue said:

    There is absolutely no point discussing tactics/strategy/lineups because this football club is no longer dictated by anything but nepotism and cronyism.



    Is it beyond the realms of possibility that they might get it right at some point though? Even if they fluke it? 


    We all often think we know better than whoever our manager is at any given time....

  4. 21 minutes ago, wiseowl said:

    I don't ever remember being so down and depressed about Latics. After getting back from FGR, I had a few in town and bumped into 2 former very staunch Latics' fans. Neither now attends (including one who did home and away, every game for years). Both talked along the same lines i.e.  it just doesn't "feel the same" anymore, there's a massive disconnect with the fans and "the heart has been ripped out of the club".



    Do you not find it odd that you keep bumping into random fellow fans in pubs and having exactly the same conversation? 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, tGWB said:


    Recent article on D3D4Football by @stringer-oafc stated that the club owed £12,000 for the hospitality and catering services provided by the OEC


    Needs paying of course, but not beyond our means you would think


    2 hours ago, HarryBosch said:


    Jesus, is that it?


    2 hours ago, Lags said:


    No, that's not it. As well you know.




    2 hours ago, HarryBosch said:




    2 hours ago, boundaryblue80 said:


    I think you meant £12k "is that it" as in, "is that only how much it is?"


    Whereas Lags thought you meant "is that it?" as in, as that all the problem is, when it's clear in the point of paying it is much bigger than that.


    2 hours ago, Lags said:


    He knew that....


     I didn’t and I doubt anyone else did 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


    2 hours ago, tGWB said:



    For me, with the club owing only £12,000, it clearly shows there is more than outstanding monies owed to the OEC in the way of the proposed SLA being signed off


    2 hours ago, Lags said:


    Don't indulge him, he's just hanging out the reply for his troops to load off on.


    😂 🤷🏼‍♂️


    I was genuinely surprised that the amount he owes might only be £12k. Nothing else. 

    Yes, I am fully aware that other stuff is at play 😂


    You won’t but you need to try to understand that just because you speak & think

    in riddles that doesn’t mean that everyone, or anyone, else does. 




    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Frankies6 said:

    i was in contact with via linkedin , relating any available on the commercial team.. i make businesses money have done for over 20 told darren i would do with latics 


    I've been on courses that advise you to say shit like that to people.


    Would I be right in saying you don't die inside the same as I do when you go on them?

    • Like 1
  7. 18 minutes ago, TheBigDog said:



    Now this worries me. What I do not want is to go back to playing football in a ground with only three stands in use. If it means that the stand is in use but the facilities are not being made available then I would imagine the club will offer season ticket holders the choice of moving.

    If the SLA terms are prohibitive and financially disadvantageous to the club or the rent is unreasonable then I say to all parties to get around a table and sort it out. After all both want the the club to be successful don’t they? 👀


    I've read the SLA is just for the 100 club and boxes and the seats & concourses come at no extra cost but then I also keep reading that the lease for the whole ground includes the North Stand seats and, I assume, concourses (not the rest of the OEC, i.e. 100 club, boxes...)


    Whether he fully doesn't use or partially doesn't use (i.e.100 club/boxes) the North Stand he'll be pissing off, and losing significant income from, arguably our wealthiest fans (box holders and 100 clubbers) who are able to, and like to, chuck a few extra quid in where they can. 

    Cutting his nose off to spite his face. Madness. 


    Then again, if he's doing it to avoid paying rent already owed - which must certainly be ten's if not hundreds of thousands of pounds - it might make sense to him financially. 

    Would he then be gambling that the OEC/FLG won't pursue the money through legal channels and potentially jeopardise our season even further... ?

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, youngen said:

    The wages are already unmanageable without external income. IMO Championship clubs will be the first to start suffering as they literally go shit or bust on wages of ex Prem players, and it has to have an impact 


    The Championship seems to be booming though.


    When we were in it in it's previous form most clubs were skint with archaic grounds and facilities. As were most top flight clubs bar the top 5 or maybe 8. 


    The flipside is that there are also League One and Two clubs today in better states than many top flight/second tier clubs were 25 years ago....

    Nobody ever mentions that.... 

  9. 41 minutes ago, youngen said:

    Its getting to breaking point. Players so far down the leagues expecting 0000's of pounds, due to Premier League inflation, with clubs further down the leagues only receiving income from matchdays and minimal sponsorship. Clubs cant raise prices, as fans choose to not attend and go to cheaper Premier League clubs. It will get to the point in the next 10 years where a huge number of lower league clubs will need rich owners just to survive. And I imagine Bury/Bolton are just the start of a lot of clubs ceasing to exist. We will slowly start to see less and less professional clubs.


    People have started saying Premier League clubs should be bailing out Bury/Bolton, which is nonsense as Bolton/Bury have been poorly managed also. But in-fact the whole structure needs resetting, and cash filtered down the leagues evenly if English football wishes to maintain 4 professional leagues. How it has been allowed that Premier League can continue to blow all this huge money and offer one player wages that would cover a whole clubs wages only 2 divisions lower is beyond me. Football has become a business and not a sport for the local community these days, and it needs to be returned to a competitive nature if English lower league football fans wish to ever see better days. Otherwise we may need to decide on which business we would like to support in the future.


    I don't understand why some people assert that Premier League players getting paid more and more means League Two players need to (or even do) get paid more. 

    Does this even happen and if so why?


    If more cash filtered down the leagues wouldn't it just all be relative and badly run clubs would still be badly run and just spunk even more money than they're able to now? 


    I don't get it. 

  10. 47 minutes ago, Clifford said:


    It could well be that if he opens the ground that the FLG can allow people into the boxes. If the stand is closed then it may be no one can watch the game. Total guess but it may be the case that the whole stand is available and if he wont sign the deal then the landlords may use it. 


    Only financial punishment will push AL to sort this. All this 100% the budget will be bigger is just total bollocks and the club is being rinsed for all it's got IMO.


    What's it got? 

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