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Aarondo Westy

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Posts posted by Aarondo Westy


    Fair play for being pro-active.


    How did you feel the meeting with Simon Brooke and the Trust went?

    Well like he has said in his statement tonight he is a fan first and formost.

    I know from a recent dealing with him that the fans come first for him 100%.

    He is in a very tough role role imagine having to represent us oafc fans. He knows that things need to change and I do think he is fighting hard to make a diffrence but it must be difficult for him considering the year we have just had. All I can say to anyone yet to speak to him then do.

    The trust meeting was good in terms of topics discussed and imput. I would urge as many people as possible to attened the next open fans trust meeting. Someone from the trust can answer the when and where it will be I dont know. The more that go the louder concerns are heard.

  2. So has anyone who is seriously concerned tried to do anything?


    Have you contacted the trust? Attended trust meetings to try get something sorted? Have you e-mailed Corney asking whether the previous offer to see the books is still open? Have you tried to set up some form of supporters association to try get answers? Maybe even a protest that has a targeted objective and a set plan to achieve this objective?


    Or are you still spouting the same argument from behind a keyboard for however many months and years whilst doing jack :censored: about it and continuing to moan about no answers?


    I'm not defending the club here, no doubt there has been poor decisions and management from those at the top. Clearly some stuff is unclear. But if you really want answers, then do something about it. Keep saying the same stuff on here won't change a thing.

    I have attended a meeting with Simon brooke at the club.

    Attended the open fans trust meeting. To be honest it was the first one I attended and was shocked at the size of the turn out. 10 Including club reps.

    Also suggested a protest lol.

    So yes I have tried and as mentioned got shot down.

    Although I do agree if as many people did it who spout off more chance of being heard.Lots of people say lots of things and do jack :censored: about it.

  3. As I pay BT for my internet and Sky TV I'm going to start a thread where like minded people demand to know things like how much compensation was received from Valencia for Gary Nevilles appointment. I also want to know what the accounts say with regards to that boring get Michael Owen and his wages. Unless I get that information I will boycott watching sky sports that I am already paying for. Anyone joining me? Didn't think so

    Little bit different though that in it?

  4. I had a question about the money from the stand going back into the club read out on gmr last week.

    Neil Joy answered it and to put it bluntly he basically said of course money will be going back into the club we have invested x amount in biildin it.

    I think they may of only read part of my question because although I would expect match day revenue to go to the club that is all I suspect we will see.


    Their are loads of unawsered question that need answers. I hear conflicting stuff all the time. We pay oec rent then they pay us rent etc the club could end it all by answering and being honest ffs. The lies will only make it worse. From where am standing it seems the club have paid/loaned the money to build the stand.Leaving the OEC to start up and make money in vast amounts using the stand 6/7 days the football club does not. The business model is brilliant for the club i OEC pays a fair share to the club and should increase our playing budget l. What I suspect is happening is OEC is going to make a :censored: load of money pay little as possible into the club not being arsed if its in league one or two and leave the club saddled with the debt we owe to the OEC owners. Its win win for them. If anyone wants to buy us we still are saddled with the debt.


    I guess it will take another 12/18 months before we will see if the new stand and oec really will make us more competative as a club. Although as I say above I doubt it the money will be all going to the oec. I will gladly hold my hands up if I am wrong. I remember Simon Corney saying something along the lines of the sports direct deal would make us one of the bigger budgets in the league or a bigger fish in the division. Since then all we have seen on the playing side of things is cost cutting.


    I feel the damage between fans and club (owners)at the moment is fast becoming irepairable. When season tickets are being renewed we will get the people who have a blind loyalty auto renewing (not a dig at anyone there btw) but Simon corney take not there are a lot and I mean a lot of fans adiment they will not be renewing and that is down to you and only you. Last week I felt we was all going to pull together and things would get better. Yet again the çlub have :censored:ed it within a week. If the clause has gone tell us so we can all accept it and stop the speculating sometimes I think the club love it when the fans are on one.


    Anyway thats my thoughts on the matter.


    They have sat on the knowledge that this club will get nothing from the sale of Tarkowski, even during the 'where and when' he would be going to, 'not if', they said nothing. They gave a vague 'months ago' snippet in The Chron and I'm not interested in how much they sold out for.


    I realise Simon Corney is absolutely desperate to get away from the club, but that doesn't excuse the patronising rubbish that is spouted. This ranks alongside claiming the North Stand will up and running at the start of the season, we're in February 2016 and it still isn't complete, please don't insult me by saying that they didn't know the stand wouldn't ready either.



  6. I have a certain opinion of most of the singers in that group. The spelling in the opening post confirms my thoughts.

    How does that relate to a request for as many as possible to join in tomoz and get a good atmosphere going? A defeat could leave use 8 points adrift. So instead of being grammer police feel free to concentrate your efforts on backing the lads to the most vital win of the season so far.

  7. I know that I am more vocal than most when it comes to slating the club, but tomoz is a huge day for us if you sit in the rocky can as many of you joon the athleticos block to sing and back the lads for the game. A win will gef us right back in the mix and overall sfayin in this league is now priorty for the season. Lets put off field issues to one side and be the 12th man tomoz. leave the political stuf to one side for 90mins.

  8. Not for a momemt saying this is true. Nye I was told that in January we are going to sell as many as possible and sign freebies/loans. Corney wants to get as much cash as possible before we get sold in feb once the stand is complete.

    Might be bollocks might not be. Just putting it out there.

  9. Dunn needs to go. The best thing is that if Darren Kelly had us in this postion now everyone would want him out. David Dunn is taking us down he should go now.


    Can someone tell me just 1 thing betrer under Dunn? Just one please.


    Both teams we have beaten at the time was in freefall. Since then we have played 2 more in freefall and gained 1 point.

    Saturday for me shown exactly why he should go. 1 up against a really poor team (I know we are too) but at 20 mims we started playing sideways backwards their goal was always going to come doing that. If we had gone in at HT 2 up we win the game.


    Everything is :censored: at the moment beimg an Oldham fan. I used defend us now I just cba the club is getting what it deserves imo.

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