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Posts posted by Bobledgersheart

  1. 27 minutes ago, singe said:

    Is there any chance of getting some questions, submitted in advance for the (majority) that cannot attend?

    I say in advance, to ensure correct information is given.


    It's "meet the manager" not the spanish inquisition. Would suggest the questions that some may ask would be better directed towards the owner. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Ryan said:

    Finished that half very strongly. Brilliant.

    Only negative is Sterling's finishing. He's like a rabbit in the headlights when one on one. Didn't even have the nous to square it to Kane . Dele Alli poor and Walker should swing the ball in first time, we started a bit laboured but eased into the match well. Overall a good first half but will we rue the missed chances ?

  3. 17 minutes ago, dannyboy55555 said:

    Personally id play Hamer, Edmundson and Stott in a back 3. Its the future of the club. If they aren't good enough (i think they are) - why are they at the club?

    Agree in principal to  blooding youth at the earliest opportunity, especially after their displays at the end of last season, but think playing all three together may be a shade early in their careers. Think they will learn plenty playing alongside Clarke which will stand them in good stead throughout their development, however I wouldn't have any qualms about playing all of them should injuries or loss of form necessitate. 

  4. 13 minutes ago, Kusunga_Is_God said:

    I'm not being negative for the sake of it. If we signed a player of decent calibre then I would be happy and expect good things. This signing only seems to confirm two things. We've not learnt anything from last season and AL will still have control to bring in whoever he wants. How can Bunn have judged him as a footballer from 2 days of fitness training?


    Yet some on here have judged him on less.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Kusunga_Is_God said:

    Why will no one engage and tell me why all is fine?

    39 minutes ago, Kusunga_Is_God said:

    Transfer window closes in 5 weeks. This weird behaviour from you and other posters who are absolutely adamant that everything is alright is becomming a piss take. It's like we have absolutely no right to be concerned and AL is a genius. Do me a favour and wake up for the love of christ.

    Definitely clapped off the lads at Northampton

    You may be correct in some of your assertions but nobody likes hearing the same thing over and over and over again. It's like country and western music, but without the music.

  6. 3 minutes ago, deyres42 said:

    Given the speed of his appointment we can probably assume he is happy to go along with whatever he is told is happening.

    One can assume whatever one wants. What I object to is someone being called a puppet purely on assumption. He wouldn't have taken the job if he wasn't happy with the arrangement, assuming he was informed accurately.

  7. 1 hour ago, yarddog73 said:

    We heard all the same reasoning peddled out last season with lets face it more established players, this signing smacks of desperation and I will be astounded if he is anywhere near the first team come the start of the season.

    You may well be right, no one knows yet, but to call our new manager ( who has quite a bit of respect in the game ) a puppet is a bit disrespectful at this point in time.

  8. 19 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

    Looks like Bunn is the puppet AL has been looking for, no way whatsoever that he would of ever seen this new lad play never mind be okay with him being his first signing, farcical situation. 

    This would be more credible if all our signings are like this one.Until then I'll have an open mind. It's no great surprise that an ex-agent is bringing someone in no one has heard of, it's what they do, especially as he controls the club. If this lad is back-up to Byrne and Baxter he'll do, if he can play !

  9. 51 minutes ago, TheBigDog said:



    50 minutes ago, TheBigDog said:

    What is easier: getting yourself to a high level of fitness or maintaining yourself at that level of fitness?

    - in my view, putting the extra effort in during pre-season should make it easier to keep yourself fit through the season.

    Personally I find getting to that high level of fitness is taking a while. Once I'm there it'll be a piece of piss !

  10. 23 minutes ago, rudemedic said:

    Did Duffus play for us after his illness? 


    I think the value of a full pre-season can be underestimated by some though. 

    Don't think he did. I thought he was on the bench a couple of times when injuries demanded but I may be wrong. Although the standard isn't the same they seem to appreciate him in Waterford. I'm over there at the end of the month for Galway races and was hoping to watch him but am back on Friday the 3rd when they play.

  11. 2 hours ago, deyres42 said:

    Lot of fuss over this Duffus considering he looked utter horseshit in his albeit fleeting appearances for us.

    Ah, one of our supporters who can see a player without a full pre-season and then returning after a serious illness and make an absolute assessment as to their ability ! 

    I'd like to see a bit more of him to be sure, to be sure.


    13 minutes ago, deyres42 said:

    I'm not too worried about the leak or where it came from.

    Would agree with your first point but not this. Whatever you think of your employer or workmates squealing to a reporter (some of whom are amongst the lowest of the low) for any reason will not get you well thought of and serves little useful purpose, whoever did it !

  13. Just now, Smiler13 said:

    At least he wears his heart on his sleeve and will only keep improving with game time

    Agree. Was interesting to see that he and Edmondson showed plenty of heart when playing, in contrast to their more senior peers, who didn't look as if they could be arsed half of the time. 

  14. 21 minutes ago, Kusunga_Is_God said:

    Who will actually turn up though? 

    We won't know until the "obsessives" report back after scanning Sheepfoot Lane all day through field glasses. Would think that after Friday the new management team will be able to assess who actually wants to play for us and take it from there.

  15. 31 minutes ago, Buckshawlatic said:


    Except AL didn’t get his own man between the sticks... not until we had suffered Wilson and Ruddy 

    A lot of mistakes were made by many at the club last season but in my opinion Shez "throwing the toys out of the pram" and refusing to consider Placide was an error we never really recovered from. We basically played the first 7 or 8 games with one hand tied behind our back due to his intransigence. A little common sense on all sides would have seen us in the same division. 

  16. 12 minutes ago, johnafoafc said:

    Was it AL that sent him back though? I thought the consensus at the time was that he’d looked unimpressive in the friendlies he’d played in and was sent back because of that. I stand corrected if wrong though.

    That was what was reported by those of us who can judge a player on a couple of games !!

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