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Posts posted by Chaddy_Ender

  1. I like your logic, job in PR beckons for you I think, if you expect any fan to clap that shower of :censored: off yesterday and not vent frustration your in need of help I stand by what ive said and I agree 100% with any fan who had words with any player yesterday, just out of curiosity what did you expect fans to do then ? Dont blame the fans for the toxic atmosphere blame the oneson the pitch who pulled on a blue shirt and didnt give a :censored:.

  2. From what I've heard he played well and it could have been 12 without him between the sticks!

    Youve heard wrong from picking up the back pass to the last minute he was poor gives the impression playing in League 1 is all a bit below him, Id send him straight back to Bolton in fact if they want me to take him back it wouldnt be too much trouble.

  3. I remember when leading the second division and we went to bottom 4 Oxford and got dicked 5-1.


    Sometimes :censored: happens!


    2 defeats. Granted heavy defeats but it can all be turned around next game. The dressing room doesn't need to be lost because you lose heavily it could just be a manager venting to the press because he can't understand what has happened from a dressing room that was bouncing until 2 heavy defeats

    I was there too and I will tell you one thing we got dicked but we didnt stop trying and give up, would Royle of had a player who :censored: out of tackles or wouldnt step up ? We have a keeper at the minute with a lofty reutation who is turning his back on shots does he really care about us or is he here for himself ?

  4. As for the rest on here who think its acceptable crack on, I wont part with a penny more of my hard earned for players who frankly are not even fit to wear the shirt, they should be ashamed to pick up their wages this week, its not about the defeat as Oldham fans we get used to that, itsthe manner of a defeat in a game in which plenty of them had somthing to prove they literally didnt turn up and in effect give up, now all you who didnt go have your little dig im no super fan, but when I see players not even making an effort im gonna say it as it is they were an embaressment to the club yesterday, as for giving them till the flertwood game on the back of that I may not even bother going boxing day thats how bad they really where.

  5. Can some explain the Athleticos to me again please?


    Support and back the team no matter what unless we get beat badly?


    I love the way I've read post after post of how wonderful it is and to an extent it is but everytime we get beat which is not often the leader is the first to bitch on here. To demand refunds because you believe this defeat was to bad is ridiculous!


    Anybody wanting or demanding anything because their team lost by no matter what score is a.....


    What happens if we win 7-0? Do you pay extra.


    And how many times do you point out that you went and someone didn't to justify your moan. I was flying back from holiday at the time however I stopped paying for away games that I deem too far away 10 years ago. I'm not a superfan however if we get beat in the next 2 I won't stop going like you have threatened to you complete.......superfan

    Go give your head a wobble

  6. Is James Wilson looking for a move next month his application and attitude have been piss poor since he was subbed at Rochdale, moping about and generally behaving like a spoilt brat is something Bristol fans associate with him, he had the captains armband on today if that how he responds he needs to have a long hard look at himself.

  7. And neither should you just as I don't give two hoots about about what you sat through today. Look on the brightside at least at this time of year it won't be long before Santa brings you a new dummy to replace the one you've just spat out.

    Every cloud has a silver lining then, although any dummies probably need sending in to the club think the players spat theirs out today

  8. Im no leader and ive got tickets up till the Fleetwood game if the attitude of the players doesnt change that will be it for me, its not letting off steam its saying it as it is I dont give two hoots whose sat through what over the years I work hard for my money but wont keep parting with it to watch players who putting it bluntly dont give a :censored:, if people wanna put up with that its fine but for me I will give it a miss and leave you to it.

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