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Posts posted by Kusunga_Is_God

  1. 5 hours ago, Dave_Og said:

    Who's dressing it up.  Anyone who hasn't realised that it's a shitshow by now is probably beyond help.  You've made your feelings and your lack of appetite to do anything but criticise on a message board very clear.

    I’m open to ideas. There’s currently no viable outlet for supporters at the moment.

  2. Was kind of hoping for the fella to come in and finish the story.


    We could be seeing the departure of Gardner, Baxter, Missilou, Clarke and Nepo and a few more


    Baxter and others who are technically out of contract have been offered 50% paycuts to stay on. Players extremely worried.

  3. 25 minutes ago, underdog said:

    Morning everyone....not pretty yesterday at all footywise


    Okay let me summarise Friday meeting.


    The meeting was not arranged by the Trust, it was arranged by the club/chairman, we were asked that as many Trust directors could attend as possible. Some could not attend because of the time of day, short notice period.


    I asked for an agenda or some idea why we were asked to attend, well if you are attending a meeting (verbally it was said meeting not chat ect)....you want to know what your are going there to discuss, do you need to bring anything with you, even who else was going to be there (we knew the chairman would be).

    Personally for me, having some idea what I am going to a meeting about/who i am to meet sets the tone of how I dress ...formal/informal.....I know silly but that is me. I got no answer back from the club.


    So we "presumed" it would be about the recent fan letter and that is what we agreed, would be our focus on if it was and how fans, club, chairman and Trust can move forward together and a joint statement will be coming out next week.


    Thanks for your patience.





    Jesus Christ it’s a 4th division football club. We’re not talking about threats to national security here jesus wept.



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  4. 10 minutes ago, mcfluff1985 said:

    @underdog @Andy b it might help if someone from the trust explained properly why they can't comment on this meeting. 


    Gave some BS reason why you couldn't release AL's reply so you could rewrite it. 


    Some BS reason why can't say about the meeting.


    Bang on about wanting people to sign up to the trust then do exactly what you criticise SC and AL for. 



    Yes McFluff

  5. 22 minutes ago, Clifford said:

    Bottom half finish. Owner isn't interested in promotion, it's not what he is here for. Agents make money from transfers and % of players wages. What is Maouche on again? 


    We will lose the keeper, Lang and Clarke minimum. Our best three players and three of the best in their position in the league IMO. If anyone thinks our owner will replace them with anything similar is bonkers. We lost Surridge and signed Vera. Expect more of the same.

    Still I think we will get one or two overseas players on top whack contracts in. Their agents will probably pocket half their wages. What was Queensy on again?

    You’re bang on the money here but expanding any further could land you in bother. 


    The club watches this board very keenly.

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  6. As far as i’m concerned it’s promotion or bust for me.


    I’m sure some of the ITK lads will come and say something vague about we’d be lucky to stay up.


    This league is absolute bobbins, and I really mean this. It’s absolutely shite. The fact that after all that happened off the field we had it in our hands to make the play offs at the end of April demonstrates how bad this league is.


    In the close season, dialogue needs to be re-opened with Abdallah and it needs to be done properly with apt individuals capable of getting an answer out of him. 


    A plan is needed and everyone needs to be stood behind one banner. The lads that are happy just because we simply exist need a wake up call and need to have some ambition.


    Over to you AL. Fuck next season up and I don’t think we will ever come back.

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