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Posts posted by Bristolatic

  1. 1 hour ago, Kusunga_Is_God said:


    Hmm. Team talk prior to kick off.


    FB: Tight at the back lads. Clean sheet please

    Players: OK gaffer

    FB: And I don't want you buggers up front scoring either. We're going for a 0-0

    Players: Let's get this right. You don't want us to score?

    FB: That's correct


    That is what you're actually saying, so I don't think you really understand football tactics, Mr KIG.


    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Kusunga_Is_God said:

    ? Did you watch the same first half as the rest of us fella? 

    Irrespective of 1st half, 2nd half, stoppage time and anything else, do you honestly and truly believe, hand on heart that FB (or any manager for that matter) deliberately sets out for a 0-0 draw?

  3. 1 hour ago, Fruitygoo said:


    At least he gave a foul for the first one....

    And then completely ignored at least one more "tackle" by the same player that deserved a yellow and must have been looking the other way, or had dirt in his eye, when Baxter was taken down in their box. 


    It really gets up my hooter that managers and players are almost always in immediate trouble if they say anything about a referee's performance, but an appalling, abject display like that from Mr Nield goes unpunished. They don't have to account for it, explain it or do anything except go swanning off to screw up some other poor buggers a few days later.


    A manager isn't even allowed to speak to a referee until 30 minutes after the final whistle. What a wonderful cock and bull story the officials can cook up in that time. Don't get me wrong, other teams have had cause for complaint when decisions have gone Latics' way when they shouldn't have but, surely, the least we can expect is some honesty and integrity.


    It says something when fans are already in despair before the game even kicks off when they see the likes of Andy Haines, Trevor Kettle, Chris Sarginson, Ross Joyce et al are going to be in charge. Add Tom Nield to that list now. :rant.sml:

  4. 2 hours ago, latics22 said:

    It’s pathetic the club don’t update us, we pay for tickets and season tickets we have a right to have a rough idea what a injury is and how long they are out for. They must know Baxter’s injury by now 

    And then the opposition know as well. Not clever.

  5. 22 hours ago, singe said:

    He could be in for a bit of a shock then.


    Pensions like us, albeit a couple of years ago, but since then their owner has bought Waterford, sidetacked?


    Debt situation not wildly different to ours.




    PS Oh, and lots of interference from the owner, ex footballer & former Agent Lee Power... Who also managed them for a while. He's not universally popular.



  6. 11 hours ago, Wardie said:

    Someone on Twa...I mean, Twitter, posted this screen cap...


    It's huge! Sorry. :D

    As others have said, that wasn't the only one. If the ref had clamped down on it early doors, with the first one on Baxter, they would never have got away with the others. Poor, weak, cowardly refereeing IMO.

  7. 8 minutes ago, RoytonLatics said:

    So no commentary either? 

    As far as I know, there are no facilities for them to hook up to, so no commentary. 


    I suppose there could be the live text facility on iFollow, but I wouldn't hold my breath, knowing that lot.

  8. iFollow aren't allowed to stream FA Cup games so it's BT Sport only, I'm afraid. (Unless anyone knows another screening process).


    Recently, I saw a list of all the games that iFollow can and can't show. Trouble is, I can't remember if I saw it on the fishul, following the iFollow link or somewhere else. Old age, eh?

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