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  1. Was appointing Sheridan and Johnson a crap decision?

    Both injected on field progress and a feel good factor - until both jumped ship .

    Nobody n here knows for certain the reasons they left but we can hazard a guess that personal financial gain was a factor.

    Now you can argue that it would have been better to offer them personally more money and provide a bigger budget but the crises you refer to were predicated by managers leaving us n the lurch

    You look at anything positive and ignore anything that is a balls up.

    Ched, Dazzler, Dunn - Pete sleeps on. Stand takes years - Pete sleeps on.

    Cash flow issues - Pete sleeps on

    Johnson / Shez bail - Pete sleeps on


    Anything good happens Pete's wide awake and clapping enthusiastically.


    Are you his god-father or his mum? Apathetic and taking every crappy crumb of comfort whilst ignoring the pile if :censored: that comes too.



  2. I say it is time to draw a line under events this week and inject some positivity. There is life after Sheridan.

    We've had to draw a line too many times under Corney recently.

    He might be doing "his" best but he's also blocking any sale by protecting his buddies ability to exploit the land that the club used to own. That land (and buy back clause they exploited) was the only true asset available to push the club forward.

    The club lurches from crisis to crisis as a result of Corneys crap decisions. Apathy and saying "he's doing his best and no-one else will take over" allows him to carry on with his crappy regime whilst his pals exploit the land.

  3. I've said it before, people will start demanding statements about when the club next orders stationary soon.


    There has been no, formal, contact. As soon as there is the club will put out a statement. Until that point it is all idle speculation.

    There are clear indications that this is happening, following numerous other approaches. To conflate the managers position with stationery order is incredulous.

  4. The finer points of South Yorkshire police today I couldn't comment on.


    The rest (including the comments on supporters and the culture of hooliganism) is very fair IMHO.

    He waited until now to criticise the leadership. Why did he wait?

    By not speaking up he failed to uphold justice, which was his core duty.

  5. I just don't get it clearly.


    I cannot understand how with all the towering intellects on display here, nobody seems able to comprehend a world where the answer is not yes/no.


    Why did the police outside open the gates? Because they were evil? Stupid? Lazy? Saw an opportunity to crush some football fans?


    The decisions made by the police stemmed from something, and from my experience of football it will have been the situation outside the ground. In my experience that atmosphere can be toxic, back then I'm pretty sure evidence suggests things were worse.


    In my mind I cannot see my way to a scenario where there is no culpability whatsoever on fans outside.


    Oh, and just to clarify, that is not blaming them or whitewashing the police. Just in case anyone strugglesto grasp that point.

    Read the evidence.


    Why was there a crowding problem outside the gates that year?

    Because the police did not manage the flow of fans into the alleyway. In previous well attended games they managed the flow to avoid any pressure outside the turnstiles. This time, despite their experience they didn't.

    It's all there in the evidence.

  6. Who on earth said this was caused by fans? I said that I don't believe that the fans were innocent.


    Maybe it's just my sterling education, but if you try and understand the point, then you'd realise that what I am arguing is that I don't believe that fans were blameless.


    That does not exonerate the police, or turn the fans into mindless hooligans. Life isn't binary, it is possible for there to exist shades of grey.

    So, a very small number of fans are to blame because they got drunk at a football match?

    I think you're the one being sanctimonious - you have taken a high minded view against those fans and apportioned a degree of blame to them.

    But blame can only be attached to those who should be able to forsee the implications of their actions. Otherwise it's just an accident. There is no way the fans could be expected to forsee the outcome.


    The police knew that the volume of fans approaching the turnstiles should have been managed. They knew the tunnel had to be managed. They failed to manage, despite a wealth of experience that demonstrated that this was necessary. They then lied to avoid blame, hide the truth and pervert the course of justice.

  7. 'Almost'... It was always in there.

    I hope your boss gives you "almost" your full wage by taking 25% off it.

    There's an offer for you to pay less than last season and still you moan. All it amounts to is envy of others.

    YOU have not lost out compared to what you expected to have to pay, you have GAINED by £50.


    You also didn't have to gamble anything. Those that took the offer could have seen 4 defeats, relegation and be paying exactly the same as someone sat next to them in league 2. They'd have paid cash sooner,comitted to the club and got nothing back for their faith.

  8. There are quite a few assumptions being made regarding the financial consequences of the deal.


    For me the assumption that 1,000 season tickets equates to a cost of £150,000 will be well wide of the mark.


    Similar to the previous poster I renewed 2 seniors and 2 juniors. The juniors I purchased for convenience and were not included in the deal.


    The cost to the club for my 4 tickets will be £120 not a potential £600.

    What facts do you have to back up your statement that £150k will be "well wide of the mark"?


    No sane and balanced person would make monkey noises etc. What I am on about is the leftie firkin interfering bar stewards who ban the singing of baa baa black sheep and insisted on my daughter learning about firkin transsexuals at bloody 9 years of age. Dangerous interfering morons the lot of them.

    You said they'd put an end to free speech or the right to express an opinion.


    And you suggest that a supposed ban on bah bah black sheep and/or teaching kids about transsexuals proves your point?


    You seem to be a bit confused, or maybe the lyrics of bah bah black sheep have some sort of major link to free speech?

    Or do they convey a significant opinion on the provision and distribution of resources?

  10. Play like we have the last three games and we'll do well to win another one.

    Anyone moaning about getting 4 points from 3 games where we've played badly, after picking up 12 points in the 6 games before that, is clearly just waiting for an opportunity to whine.


    Whether the improvement in points gained will keep us up is questionable, but the fact that we've improved cannot be ignored.

  11. Surely this is no surprise? With reference to the lying snow on my patio table yesterday afternoon, I measured NINE inches of snow by 3pm. Admittedly, I`m somewhat in the hills of Oldham but I said to the missus the match would be off - probably due to huge volumes of resulting melt water and a waterlogged pitch. Blessing in disguise me thinks - not a lover of Tuesday night games at BP but we clearly need the rest - have looked very leggy at both Scunthorpe and against Vale. Don't think there need be any conspiracy theories on this one - that was the worst 8 hours snowfall we have witnessed in a long time.

    You might have told your wife it was 9 inches but I bet it was only 4 in reality.

  12. A lot of the waffle is because some posters cannot understand something written in English! I blame Thatcher

    Plain English like the price guarantee against "full price" which actually means discounted price?

    There's been plenty if different interpretations and assumptions of what this offer actually entails, mainly due to a lack of clarity / incorrect wording. To put all the blame for that on fans is rather one sided.


    All in all, with the clarifications, I think it's a great deal for anyone who would have renewed anyway, and potentially a good one for anyone undecided.

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