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  1. Good questions and the answers in the main are either on the Trusts own webpage or on the pinned thread above.


    With regards to making a difference? people/fans make a difference. I notice you are local, so here's a challenge for you. Why not actually attend a meeting or any of the future events when they are announced. Come and meet your trust team. Come and introduce yourself and understanding the challenges we have....you never know you might want to help make that difference


    You up for it?

    Can you/any trust rep point me to links showing the number of members over the last 3 years?


    And as I'm not a member, and can't yet join, don't know when a meeting might be or what it might achieve, what's to be gained from attending?


    And from what I see the aims of the trust are completely at odds with achieving increased membership, but fully aligned to supporting the current owner. Do I want to be part of that?


    No, probably not.

  2. I think the question for the trust to ask itself is who does it attract?

    And then, does it increase its attraction to fans by increasing membership and engagement?


    How has membership changed over the last 3 years?

    How has attendance at trust AGM changed?

    How has attendance at trust "open meetings" changed?


    And fundamentally - "so what?" - I.e. So, the trust does exist but what difference does it make? What evidence is there that it makes a difference?

  3. giphy.gif

    Whilst it's flattering that you like to follow my every post and try pathetically to mock it, I'm not sure what your problem is with me asking about progress 7 weeks after the meeting?

    Is it just a petty personal vendetta? Perhaps you need to take a look at yourself kiddo?

  4. It does, yep. No evidence but Gee said that the income from the stand once fully let is 750-800k with 250ish going to the club and the rest to pay off the debt of building it.


    The budget has increased this season but not to the 1.8mil as reported. Gee said it's not far off though.

    Where has this been said? Is there a link to a club statement?


    I've had that - "need to come to meetings". It appears to be a bit of a mantra...


    I wouldn't be surprised if you went to a meeting and asked a question they'd tell you "you need to go on the Facebook group"

    Same mantra is used by many on here re getting info from the trust, and the same lack of response is seen too.


    If, as many believe, SC's asking price is unrealistic & makes us a poor investment boycotting certain revenue streams isn't going to help remedy that.... In my opinion..

    If those revenue streams don't benefit the club, then they don't affect turnover or valuation. If they adversely affect non-club businesses, they potentially put SC / others into a forced sale to avoid further losses.

  7. You could buy the club for a lollipop and a bag of sweets.


    You can buy the ground (and north stand) for £xM. Ten seems a little low but not out of the ball park.

    Does the "ground", including the north stand bring enough revenue to make a reasonable return on £x million (or £10m if you like)?


    They could fold OAFC tomorrow if they wanted to and get their investment back. Clearly there are questions that need to be asked, both over the mismanagement of the club and regarding the financial deals between OAFC, OEC and Brassbank. But our current deal is the best we are going to get for a while, as L&E says above it is currently difficult to succeed with them but harder to thrive without them.


    Unless you know someone happy to chuck away £10m...

    Why £10m? Genuine question - Is that what you think the club is worth?



    Why should they be willing to make a loss? They can, and probably will eventually make there money back one way or another.


    As fans, we might not like it that people are putting money above the club. But TTA aren't fans, or at least not to same extent. They invested money and want at least the invested amount back eventually which is fair enough.

    Yeah, that's fine. The club should be held back and suffer to wither whilst the land owners recoup the losses caused by their own bad decisions. Glad you are ok with that, but I don't agree and want a different outcome.

  10. If there is any evidence that contradicts what the club is saying and what the trust has been told/found? The group may not want to speak to the trust about it, so release the information to all.


    Once the information is out there, then I am sure myself and other trust directors will take it further. Until evidence is found it's more or less what we know, or will ever know I'm afraid

    Surely the trust rep on the club board has full access to this information?

    I don't expect them to make confidential information public, but there are many things they could clarify.

  11. Definite questions to be asked and I think some valid points have been raised. In terms of the protest though, it's all a bit 'Islamic ray guns'.


    As for having accountants looking into the books, I reckon they'll find we're not doing too well out of the whole deal in an entirely legal way (which is common knowledge).

    That "Islamic ray guns" thing was a rather funny meme, until you actually paid attention to what the drunken semi-literate fool was saying. Whilst he was quoted with the preceeding statement, it's clear to the open minded observer that he was saying "Islamic rape gangs". It might be amusing to mock his badly articulated statement, but was it untrue to suggest gangs of men who were supposed believers in Islam were committing multiple rape?


    I think this is/was a cautionary event, even for liberals like myself. It's a good time to start asking questions rather than accepting vague answers.

  12. why is there an apostrophe on "who's directors" ???

    Why haven't you used a capital letter at the start of your statement?

    Why do you expect "who's" to exclude the apostrophe, when in fact it should be "whose".


    I have to say that I don't agree with all of what's in that leaflet, especially the suggestion of disrupting events, particularly as the attendees are likely to be fellow fans, but I do agree that action is needed to get a clearer view of the arrangements between the club, OEC and SC. I don't expect to know every detail but I think there's too much being hidden, so I will choose where I spend my money.

  13. Neither have I. But I am 200 miles away. In all seriousness though, I would like to hope against hope that they've scrapped the whole idea. I'm all for being passionate about the club and wanting the best for it, but this just isn't the way in my eyes.


    If so, I fail to understand how depriving the club of money helps SC to sell to A N Other. I assume that is what they're after, but surely it weakens the club's worth.


    That, to me, is skewed thinking. It's aiming and shooting at your foot (or, even both feet) and hitting with unerring accuracy. Can someone please explain to me how such a boycott actually benefits anyone and helps to oust the current regime, if that's the aim. It's also a bloody funny way of encouraging investment into the club. It's more likely to make prospective investors run away.


    I'll stand corrected if I've got the basis of the boycott wrong.

    Maybe they are simply suggesting people focus their financial contribution on things that they know benefit the football club directly.


    Nobody at the club or trust came out and told people that revenue from car parking on matchdays (and non matchdays) wasn't going to the club.


    It took direct questions to get a clear answer.


    The revenue from land which TTA acquired using a clause which was only operable by the football club is not going into the football club. TTA are using the land to make profits and saddling the club with debt on a stand which has not increased net revenue.


    Boycotting spend is a legitimate consumer choice in this kind of situation - if the revenue isn't clearly the football clubs then it won't impact on the saleability of the football club.

  14. Is this all still happening after the last 2 weeks of good management appointments, lots of movement in players and I would say clear Intent from the current owner?


    Or are you gonna get a grip and get behind the team?

    It's shows what a sad state of affairs we are in when people regard the fact that we have managed to sign enough players to field a team a few days before our first friendly as a sign of "clear intent".

  15. I'm sure people will find something else to moan and protest about

    I'm not sure there's anything to moan about? The fans bask in splendid facilities and have enjoyed great success over the last few years ; the board are considered and do nothing divisive, being open to fans views and creating initiatives to continually drive the club forward and increase the fan Base. How can anyone complain?

  16. Thanks...I actually remembered this as it woke me up in the middle of the night...hence the edit my post to say season ticket holders have to activate their trust membership/give permission so to speak to cover data protection.

    Sorry Tracey, I missed the edit as I was skim reading on my phone.

    Any chance of responses on the questions / a commitment to provide responses with x days?

  17. You ask this all the time.


    I think you know full well that the number of active payers is much lower than actual member numbers.

    Haven't asked for about a year, Never gets answered though.


    And, Tracey, it's been made clear that STs cannot automatically become members as it's a Data Protection breach.

    Can anyone from the Trust board provide an answer?

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