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Posts posted by redlion

  1. 15 minutes ago, oafc1955 said:

    I didn’t expect to win at Meadow Lane and didn’t expect Unsworth’s job to be on the line if we lost, however, the manner of the defeat was absolutely shocking.


    I’m really hoping that the result can be reversed on Sunday but realistically speaking there isn’t a cat in hells chance. Their top scorer could also return to the side which would make our task even harder!


    A draw or narrow defeat with a much improved showing would probably be enough for me but do we think that another shit show and a similar result could be the end of the line for Unsworth?


    I'd love to know what's going through Franks's mind right now. He's obviously a shrewd bloke and he knows we are shit and he knows if we carry on at this rate we will be relegated. He can also see that the players are just not putting in the effort. I can't believe he will let this continue beyond the new year.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, GlossopLatic said:



    Now I'm not for bringing people back for nostalgia sake but I will throw this out there I wonder if we fancied bringing Willie in on a temporary basis to help Unsworth in an advisory capacity is that an option here?

    I can't think of any reason why you would want to do that ?

  3. It's a long time since i've watched Latics play at Bradford Park Avenue, must be fifty years. I remember Ian Wood punching one of their

    players in the guts who had just brought him down from behind. The ref just had a quiet word and restarted play. Imagine all the drama

    and theatre that would happen with todays spoilt brats, especially in the PL.


  4. 1 minute ago, Monty Burns said:


    as an aside, l wonder, would you be intetested to know that in completely unrelated instances, l find it absolutely hilarious when somebody tries to be clever, but their actions only serve to further highlight distinct lack of natural intelligence? lt is one of my most favorite things on this planet.

    (hope that ones ok🙄)

    You can't resist having a dig can you ?

    Can you ?

    How about you and I meet ?

    Just you and moi for a civil conversation. Then you can judge if I really do have a distinct lack of natural intelligence.

    Yes or no ?


  5. 20 hours ago, basilrobbie said:

    Listened to this earlier today, and I thought it was one of the best in a very impressive series.


    One of the interesting things for me was the recognition that relegation - though disastrous in itself - isn't necessarily the end of the fall. Andy really caught my attention from the beginning as he laid out the many-headed nature of the problem ; squad decimated, recruitment key, key parts of the infrastructure questionable or absent, quite apart from the acute worries about money. 


    Equally, I thought everyone was very good at articulating why the current incumbents offer absolutely no evidence to suggest that they are up to the job that they face now.  To that extent, the (interesting) discussion about whether Sheridan has the skill set that he will need to do this particular job is something of a red herring for me. He starts with one hand tied behind his back, so how good he is seems a little besides the point. 


    I think you may be surprised by how good the top half of this Division is. I've read a lot of comment from fans of clubs like Bristol Rovers that suggests that most of the clubs at the top would be pretty comfortable in L2. I think that is probably true. It doesn't help. 


    I share Andy's view that people should be running out of reasons to continue underwriting this regime now. You've given them time, energy, money and passion and they have let you down very badly. You deserve far, far better, but to get it I think you are going to have to force a change, rather than wait for it.

    I really wish you would disappear from this forum. Go back to Blackpool and build sandcastles or something.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, yarddog73 said:

    If Shez has the clubs best interests at heart he should step away until new owners are in place of course these fuckwits want him leading the team he adds 3000 on to the gate.

    Agreed. New owners must be the first step. Talk about budgets is silly at this stage if the club is really up for sale.

  7. 16 hours ago, addigital said:

    It's used as one though - especially communication from the council


    I've had the dubious pleasure of working for TMBC in the past. Self importance on the part of the council prompts the use of "Tameside" in the address I think. However, the correct address for council buildings would be Lancashire or Cheshire depending on where they are situated.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Chaddyexile84 said:

    Unless he blew a ridiculously high amount you do not get a 5 year ban for the first time 12 months - 2 years is standard.


    Someone also said he was close to jail (not sure of the source) but again that takes a few times of waving your Willy at the justice system before it becomes an option for the court 

    Bear in mind he's in the IOM. They're a lot tougher on penalties than our courts.

    See this https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/former-footballer-handed-suspended-sentence/


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  9. I have fond memories of going to watch Latics at Darlington about fifty years ago. We were walking around town when we came across a small group of "skins" walking in the opposite direction, I eyeballed one of them. We passed each other, no aggro. Seconds later something hit me in the centre of my back. I turned around, it looked like a piece of ceramic toilet which hit me, fell to the pavement and broke into pieces. It hurt but I carried on walking, unflinching. Those were the days eh ? 🤣 when football was played by men. 🤑

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