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Holdsworth signs

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And fair enough, I wouldn't have any of your players, except Holdsworth as back up for Peltier and Taylor (if he's still there) as back up for Roberts and Pilkington.


So you would have last seasons second highest scoring midfielder in league one as back up? That makes sense.


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I only came on to check how much abuse I'd got! I thought after being told where to go when I was attempting to be honest I'd have been slagged off to the extreme after that arsey message!


I'll respond in backwards chronological order, cause it's easier.


LeylandLatic, Roberts scored as many goals as Taylor last season, and Pilkington is probably a better player than both of them. I'll admit that I'd probably prefer Taylor and Pilkington, as Taylor's a bit more of a team player and a bit less erratic than Roberts.


thelaticsfan, our games will probably be a good decider as to who's better, obviously. But I'd sacrifice those 6 points now if it meant we won promotion, as I'm sure you would.


MaskedOwl, my opinions are probably biased, but that's always going to be the case. I'd say that Holdsworth is a decent enough signing, especially on a free. Worthington could go either way, he'll either flourish at a new club or he'll do nothing whatsoever. Probably similar for Pav, if he clicks he's got a great knack of goalscoring. But I think Parker's a waste of a wage, and can't see anything other than you agreeing in 6 months time.


HallamBlue, the general feeling is that Clark wasn't sure about whether to offer Holdsworth a contract, so he didn't make him an offer until later on. Clark said that he got sick of waiting around for Holdsworth to respond to the offer, so cut off negotiations and began to explore other avenues. Clark was very keen for us to finish all of our transfer dealings by the time pre-season training started, hence why he cut off negotiations. I haven't read anywhere that he was offered 3 contracts by us, he was apparantly offered a contract by Millwall so maybe you read that he got 3 offers; from us, Millwall and you? I don't know as I haven't read it. He won POTS in the season under Ritchie, in which we were in danger of heading towards a relegation battle before Ritchie was fired and we had a good end to the season, so although he won it he wasn't facing much competition.



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Thanks for coming back on and thanks for your honesty SSH, the abuse you got was some Latics fans I think, thinking that you were gloating over us taking players Huddersfield didn't want.


The bottom line is that is exactly what we have done, they could all still be at Huddersfield if you had wanted them.


That said, I don't think any of them are bad players (although Parker has some real baggage and attitude problems IMO and I think it could really go either way for him). However, he does have some pace and that is something we are desperately short of up front and have been for a while, so hopefully he will knuckle down and work hard, if he doesn't he will be having trouble with Mr Penney as he doesnt appear to take any nonsense.


Holdsworth I am pleased with as a signing and am sure has been brought in as a right back and not a midfield player where we appear to have any number of options, his signing will now allow the sale of Eardley.


Worthington looks like a real no nonsense tackler in the midfield and along with Furman who is far more creative looks like a decent combination in the centre of midfield for us.


Abbott I'm hoping will stay injury free as if he does, I'm sure will score goals for us.


You have brought in some very good players, and have spent plenty of cash in the process, I would think your board will be looking at going up this season given the investment that has been put in, but it wont be easy with the likes of Leeds, Norwich etc in the division, I think it will again be tight.


Anyway good luck for the season, but not against us obviously.

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SSH, we definitely did make Andy H 3 seperate contract offers, this didn't reject the last offer, he never replied to it. Clark thought he was messing about and so withdrew the offer. At the time, there was a rumour that L666d's were sniffing around and Andy is apparently a L666d's fan (his parents fault). This is just speculation, but I think he may have been hanging around waiting to see it L666d's would come in for him, before deciding whether or not to accept the third contract offer. A poster on DATM, who knows Andy personally, says that he has parted company with his agent over this, because he was given bad advice. Anyway, L666d's signed Crowe from Northampton and Andy found himself scratching around for a deal.


For the record, I think he is a good signing for Oldham, although I have always thought that his best position is either as a wing back or sitting in the hole just behind two front players. I was sorry to see him go, but think we have a very good replacement in Peltier, who is probably more of a natural right back.



Worthy is great at breaking up play in midfield, always gives 100%, will get booked at least 10 times a season and probably more because of his committed tackling and can't pass for toffy.


From what we saw last season Kiegan Parker just isn't a striker. He will score a handful of beautiful goals but no tap ins whatsoever. Not knocking the guy, but I would be absolutely amazed if he scored more than 6 goals next season.


Pav is a good striker, but can be dark and moody. When he was happy, he scored loads of goals, when we was unhappy, he didn't look like he was ever going to score again. A legend at Huddersfield but seems unable to leave his problems off the pitch. Allegedly had a couple of major training bust ups with teammates involving serious fisty cuffs; backed up by a few black eyes being seen later.


Good luck apart from when you play us.

Edited by betsvigi9
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SSH get yer facts straight otherwise your posts mean nothing.


Harsh, no-one really knows what goes on with contract offers unless they are in the room, so can be forgiven for not having facts on that, I think his opinion on players is interesting though and contributes to the discussion


Actually off to see Huddersfield tomorrow :unsure: , got a Cov supporting friend who is over from Aus, so off to watch the match, will be interesting to see how HT are shaping up

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Thanks Betsvigi9 thought i had gone mad....its watching latics...defo seen it in print re 3 offers between April and May


Yeah I have heard same re the white scum. Parents eh.


Fair view on players good luck.... Clarke has a plan.....should do well on paper. Greegs will sort PAV out he does everyone...lol Keigans new best mate.


Good luck.


SSH get yer facts straight otherwise your posts mean nothing.


The other Town fan might be right but it's not written anywhere is it. All I said was that I hadn't read it anywhere, which I still haven't from an official source. The other Town fan might be right, but you were the first person that I'd heard suggest he'd got 3 seperate offers, hence why I was sceptical as to why you might know more than any Town fan I've spoken to/read the opinion of on downatthemac.


And I have said good things about your new players when they've deserved it. I think Holdsworth is a decent signing for you, I think Abbott could be a great signing for you and I think Worthington could be quite good. Think Parker's a waste of a wage, however. Fact remains though, is that I wanted Worthington and Parker to leave this Summer, I even wanted Worthington to go last summer, as I thought it was in his and our best interests if he seeked a new challenge. If you manage to find a midfielder to compliment Worthington then you've got a good partnership, but if you've told Holdsworth you're signing him to be a midfielder then that partnership didn't work for us. If Penney knows how to handle Abbott, which is quite plausible given that he's signed him after working with him before then you could have a lethal striker, but it could as easily go the other way and he'll be useful; there's no middle ground with Pav.


Overall, Holdsworth will be a steady player for you, by steady I mean a player that doesn't stand out positively or negatively in a decent side, so don't see how that's negative; he's a right back, right back's don't win matches. If you play him in midfield he'll need a tough partner, not sure how effective he'll be in midfield as he's only played there for 2/3's a season in a crap team.


Abbott, I'd say 50:50 as to whether he'll be a success or a failure.


Worthington, probably more likely to be a success, but will be a less spectacular success. If you want encouragement for him look at Mirfin for Scunthorpe last season, Worthy's in a similar position, not a bad player but been at Town for too long and needs a fresh start elsewhere.


Parker, if he proves me wrong I'll happily come on here and let you gloat at me, but can't see it happening.


You could have 3 good signings out of 4, I'm pretty sure that would see you challenge for the Play Off's if it happens, hopefully we'll actually manage to challenge alongside you this season.


Thanks for your hospitality, folks. See you around the time we give you a hammering ;).

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