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Leeds fans on WACCOE on Sheehan

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OK, so we get a couple of Leeds fans with cameras and me and Sav will take him out for a quiet pint after a match. That should prevent any sudden recalls.


Make sure they have a few quid,I'm skint .....As for the photos they would take back over the hill :shock:

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‘insiders’ say he was off with depression.

I wouldn't wish such an illness on my worst enemy.


If true, a move away from somewhere like Leeds Utd to a less pressured environment would be a good thing for him - he's certainly playing like a man who is enjoying life again.

Edited by opinions4u
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I think JJ has a lot to live up to. No coicidence our upturn in form has coincided with Sheehans arrival/form.

Imagine those two battling it out for a place. We have not had that sort of luxury in decades!


Exactly that man.


JJ impressed me in pre-season – albeit vs Hyde & Bury but – he looks like a very composed footballer; has a very useful left foot, looked to bomb on & overlap whenever possible, won some brave headers & wasn’t afraid to put his foot in either. He also took some really dangerous corners & free-kicks.


Now, Alan Sheehan; since he’s come in has looked a very good footballer too – he has a very useful left foot, he looks to bomb on & overlap whenever possible, he’s won some brave headers & he hasn’t been afraid to put his foot in either. He’s also taken some really dangerous corners & free-kicks & has weighed in with assists (2?) and a belting goal too.


The similarities are there to me between the 2 of them. JJ needs to get fit first & fully recovered from his pelvic injury; then he needs to get some Reserve games under his belt & then; & only then IMO can he really be expected to push for a starting place. In that time frame (1month+ I’d say from what been said physio / DP wise) Sheehan is a more than adequate stop gap*.


But, once JJ is fully fit; I believe he’ll be our left back – it’s a no brainer really as he is a contracted Oldham player. Sheehan for the short term has proved to be a cracking loan deal; but JJ will be the longer term option at left back; if he slots in the same way AS has once he’s fit (as I believe he will), then JJ will do for me.




* in no way am I under-valuing or under-playing AS’s impact & performances when I call him a stop-gap – just that I don’t think he will be here for much longer; a short term plug if you will…..

Edited by slystallone
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