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Walking Down Sheepfoot Lane

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My father in law asked me on holiday why we don't have a fanzine anymore. The seed on an idea was planted...and I have just published the first couple of things that threw themselves up.




Some pieces will be weekly, some will be monthly, some are to come and others might never see the light of day again.


Feedback and subscribers welcome

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Ive been wondering for a while, and keep forgetting to ask, but what happened to the one planned over the summer? i think it was Frankly Mr Shankly behind the idea, though i could be wrong. What happened lack of funding? interest?

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nice idea, but you might want to delay naming the "zine" until we move grounds.







although "walking down broadwaaaayaaay," doesnt have any ring to it whatsoever.

Edited by yarddog
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Ive been wondering for a while, and keep forgetting to ask, but what happened to the one planned over the summer? i think it was Frankly Mr Shankly behind the idea, though i could be wrong. What happened lack of funding? interest?


Speaking to Frankly previously about this, he didn't have the time to do it all on his own because of other commitments. However him and many others will contribute to a fanzine that been on the burner for a few months (to busy at work over recent months myself to really get this thing going until now). Funny enough the name of the project/fanzine (thought of some time ago) is "walking down sheepfoot lane" <_<


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Thanks for the feedback so far. To answer:


1. Yarddog - I am sure that we will always be walking down sheepfoot lane, metaphorically at least. Perhaps the chant will go "Sprinting through Newton Heath...to outrun the North Manc Chav Scum!"


2. Andy_b_100 - I have no idea yet where this is going. When I have gone through the motions, so to speak, I might look at expansion.


3. Marcoasis - Sorry about the name. I'd love to say it came out of a flash of inspiration (as I am sure yours did), I was just looking for something that wasn't Boundary related so as not to tread on the toes of the legendary BTB and seem to have jumped on yours and Frankly's plates of meat with my size 10 boots on. I am not claiming copyright!


Peace and Love...and 3 points on Saturday

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Speaking to Frankly previously about this, he didn't have the time to do it all on his own because of other commitments. However him and many others will contribute to a fanzine that been on the burner for a few months (to busy at work over recent months myself to really get this thing going until now). Funny enough the name of the project/fanzine (thought of some time ago) is "walking down sheepfoot lane" <_<


Ah cool, so the project is still on, maybe you could collaborate with this new guy.

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