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Stocks and Shares

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Does anybody dabble in the stock market on here or is this thread going to be a dead duck? The stock market is a casino where I have done very, very well, and very, very bad!!!! Overall though I am nicely up but it is certainly tough out there at the moment.


Anyone holding anything that they reckon is a quality company that is undervalued.

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Does anybody dabble in the stock market on here or is this thread going to be a dead duck? The stock market is a casino where I have done very, very well, and very, very bad!!!! Overall though I am nicely up but it is certainly tough out there at the moment.


Anyone holding anything that they reckon is a quality company that is undervalued.


I do... Advice is worth paying for... Speak to the experts...


There are also many forums dedicated to this stuff but the success of the advice can be very mixed.

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I know all the financial boards etc and also find private investors far better for info. My broker is good but knowledge is limited.


The stock market is the biggest gambling den in the world and as a result attracts crooks for fun. Because of the money involved the eperts talk up thier book and you have to decide who has come up with the best argument. Even then you can come unstuck as sentiment drives prices against fundementals.


I just wondered if any on here deal in the markets and what knowledge and ideas they had to swap.

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I'm looking into dabbling with this, but am totally green when it comes to how to go about dabbling and what sites to use. Any advice guys?


Get professional advice that relies upon success before you pay them... Outside of that, I don't tend to pass on valuable advice to people who speak to as you do :)

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My two bits of advice I learnt of my dad's dabbling (he did have the odd success):


(i) Do not buy P&O just before the Herald of Free Enterprise.

(ii) Do not buy Polly Peck the DAY* before Asil Nadir bobs off with all the money.



*Not sure if it was confirmed then or he bought it then, either way he lost all his money and we took the piss for 18 years encounting.

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