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Penney will succeed where Stitch, Talbot and near liquidation failed

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A little surprised re your comments on Hef Prozac, I know we have to give the lad a chance but I thought he was :censored: tonight. Usual stuff, bring a decent striker to Latics and they suffer. I bet they dread that phone call when they are not getting a game at the parent club........ the good news is someone wants you on loan for their first team, the bad news is its Oldham (career over)


Very very disappointing overall. I will get nailed for this on here but Smalley aint tough enough and doesnt want it enough........ get rid now because we have another Wolfy on our hands. Dont get me wrong because the kid has some talent (more than Wolfy), he's just a soft arse who :censored:s out everytime and for me doesn't throw himself at the ball enough.


We need Pav and Taylor fit ASAP......


Got to feel sorry for Stephens, what does he have to do to get a game? It must make him sick when he knows he is behind Whittaker!


I expected to lose to night....... its the manner of defeat that hurts. Absolutely fookin toothless!


Not by me you won't. The word "bottler" springs to mind.

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Smalley and Parker switching positions every 10 minutes.


The midfield sitting back waiting for Leeds to get the ball so at least we then know what to do - try and get it off them.


We just don't know what to do when we have it.


We're going down. Simple. We've been bad before but even then we could rely on giving a team a good spanking every now and again. Does anyone believe at this moment that "we're due to give someone a good hiding soon"? Thought not.


Imagine us needing to win 3 out of 5 games to stay up. Jeez wept.


We've got the effort but we just haven't got the quality. We're the son who's play fighting with his dad, frantically swinging punches, hitting fresh air because Dad is keeping us at arms length with his hand on our head. Dad, literally, is toying with us in the palm of his hand.


We're clueless and hopeless and it's absolutely uninspiring to the fans, hence the attendance drop and the general feel-nowt factor around the club. For the first time in 23 years we won't be getting season tickets next year.


Enough's enough. It's not even a habit anymore. It's a chore.




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Congratulations on such a contradictory post....


Dowie wasn't afraid to give kids a go...I guess, Black, Smalley and Lomax are in their late 20s and in their prime then?


Really is odd seeing our lot crapping themselves over being beaten by a team that's walking through everyone. We've got problems, yeah, but they don't lie at Penneys door!!! TTA couldn't give a :censored: whats being served up on the pitch anymore. They're going through the motions now to make Project Brassbank happen, the move to FAILSworth happen and their exit happen.


Even though Penney got a few things wrong tonight, on the whole I feel sorry for the guy with the injuries and halfpennys he's had to rub together! Magic lamp anyone???


Smalley amd Lomax are established first-teamers. Black played because we had no other option as :censored: is the only other player in the squad who can play at centre-back, so effectively Penny's hand was forced.


It's hard to imagine Dowie allowing the ineffective displays the likes of Whittaker has been coming up with lately, without giving the likes of Stephens a chance.


With regards the injuries - with the execption of Abbott, none of them are going to make a difference.


With regards the "halfpennys he's had to rub together" - he had money to spend, but decided to spend it on an average third division player in Joe Colebeck. He's also been allowed to bring a lot of players in on frees, but has decided to look to the division below us or Huddersfield Reserves for them. I don't actually buy into the fact that this was all we could afford - if that's the case he should have saved TTA's money and worked with the players Shez left.

Edited by JoeP
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Nothing to feel positive about tonight - ok perhaps a decent performance from Flav, :censored: looked ok at centre-back and was possibly my MOM, and Black played well. Heff looked like IF he gets anything like service he may bag one or two. But the midfield like in 93/94 will see us relegated. I hope Penney wakes up before it's too late. Worthy's not the answer, we need someone who can grab a game by the scruff of the neck - Any suggestions?


Suggestions? Options? Well there arent really any are there at the moment? The only option wehave left (and i'm not saying I agree with it) is to throw the kids in.. something even Penney is starting to do with the sight of Brooke and the lesser spotted Stephens on the pitch at the end last night.


I agree with the statement on here with the state of the team - this isnt the worst team i've seen. but definitely the most uninspiring, but that is to do with everything accross the club. I was 'lucky' enough to be at Uni between 1998-2002, so id didnt see much of those teams - but the 2004 side was the worst i've seen, however, I was so proud every time that team went on the pitch, they were crap, but they fought for everything, and players such as Vernon, Holden, Haining etc will always have a place in my heart...


What is the solution... well, In the new year if we have Paw fit and somehow manage to keep Heff - well then we should have enough to score goals if they get chances. Purdie should come back, Smalley could play on the wing too, Colbeck is gradually Morphing into a footballer, and we have the poison-crap Scottish idiot if we get desperate.... Furman and Worthy will do fine as a holding midfielder at this level... so, as you say, I think we need 1 decent footballer to play in the centre with them. It doesnt matter if they are a passer, battler, all-rounder - whatever, just someone who can grab a match and dominate it - in whatever way. For the moment - I'd play Holdsworth there is fit, and :censored: if freed from defence. Whitts can sod off.. and Furman, well, he aint playing like someone with hopes of going to the world cup is he? Perhaps its tactics, perhaps its that he is a fourth division player. Who knows.


So my solution? Sell, swap, borrow, lend Taylor. And in return get either cash, or a quility midfielder. If we lose Heff we need a striker too. But its pointless having Taylor at the moment. He is our only asset, and he is a liability at the moment. Flog him. get a midfielder in. We need to start controlling games with a midfielder who looks forward.


... oh, and we might need some new tactics. But i'll reserve judgement on that until we have approaching a full team.



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Parker's a luxury player and one who only puts a shift in when the whole team is playing well. Hence his great contributions against BFS and Colchester.


Like when he was at Blackpool, in a good side he came into his own and looked a clear threat.


Even when they were struggling though he hit double figures every year, something isn't right and unfortunately passengers like Smalley and Parker will only add to our predicament.

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Suggestions? Options? Well there arent really any are there at the moment? The only option wehave left (and i'm not saying I agree with it) is to throw the kids in.. something even Penney is starting to do with the sight of Brooke and the lesser spotted Stephens on the pitch at the end last night.


I agree with the statement on here with the state of the team - this isnt the worst team i've seen. but definitely the most uninspiring, but that is to do with everything accross the club. I was 'lucky' enough to be at Uni between 1998-2002, so id didnt see much of those teams - but the 2004 side was the worst i've seen, however, I was so proud every time that team went on the pitch, they were crap, but they fought for everything, and players such as Vernon, Holden, Haining etc will always have a place in my heart...


What is the solution... well, In the new year if we have Paw fit and somehow manage to keep Heff - well then we should have enough to score goals if they get chances. Purdie should come back, Smalley could play on the wing too, Colbeck is gradually Morphing into a footballer, and we have the poison-crap Scottish idiot if we get desperate.... Furman and Worthy will do fine as a holding midfielder at this level... so, as you say, I think we need 1 decent footballer to play in the centre with them. It doesnt matter if they are a passer, battler, all-rounder - whatever, just someone who can grab a match and dominate it - in whatever way. For the moment - I'd play Holdsworth there is fit, and :censored: if freed from defence. Whitts can sod off.. and Furman, well, he aint playing like someone with hopes of going to the world cup is he? Perhaps its tactics, perhaps its that he is a fourth division player. Who knows.


So my solution? Sell, swap, borrow, lend Taylor. And in return get either cash, or a quility midfielder. If we lose Heff we need a striker too. But its pointless having Taylor at the moment. He is our only asset, and he is a liability at the moment. Flog him. get a midfielder in. We need to start controlling games with a midfielder who looks forward.


... oh, and we might need some new tactics. But i'll reserve judgement on that until we have approaching a full team.


I wouldn't make too many changes for Norwich, as let's face it a two goal defeat would be a result there at the moment. But come Exeter we need to go for the throat.


So based on the personnel we had available last night, minus the suspended :censored:






Hopefully Rubes otherwise we really are :censored:ed!




Stephens (free role)







Go for it, simple as



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I’d like to see this tried once this season:


GK –Flahaven

FB – Lomax

CB – Hazell

CG – Gregan

FB – :censored:

RW – Colebeck

CM – Stephens

CM – Worthington

LW – Taylor

ST – Abbott

ST – Heffernan


GK/CB – Told to do what they do best. Get the ball clear or supply it to the CMs.


Wingers – Told to use their pace and attack their full-backs and whip the ball in from the by-line.


FB – As GK/CB, but provide back-up for wingers if they get stuck in a corner, and get crosses in.


CM – Break opposition moves down (“yard-dogs”, if you like), help defend, be available for the ball when we have possession in defence and be quick to the second-ball when our moves break-down just outside the opposition’s box. Also supply wingers, so they can do their job.


ST – Wait for the crosses and score!


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I’d like to see this tried once this season:


GK –Flahaven

FB – Lomax

CB – Hazell

CG – Gregan

FB – :censored:

RW – Colebeck

CM – Stephens

CM – Worthington

LW – Taylor

ST – Abbott

ST – Heffernan


GK/CB – Told to do what they do best. Get the ball clear or supply it to the CMs.


Wingers – Told to use their pace and attack their full-backs and whip the ball in from the by-line.


FB – As GK/CB, but provide back-up for wingers if they get stuck in a corner, and get crosses in.


CM – Break opposition moves down (“yard-dogs”, if you like), help defend, be available for the ball when we have possession in defence and be quick to the second-ball when our moves break-down just outside the opposition’s box. Also supply wingers, so they can do their job.


ST – Wait for the crosses and score!



Isn't that what they are paid to do......


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I agree with Prozac’s opening post. Unusually I didn’t feel inclined to log in to OWTB last night after the match (incidentally I was home before it finished) but I was thinking about the club’s sorry state of affairs all night. It is comfortably the worst it has been in my 20 years supporting the club, in terms of everything (and I include 2003!!).


To me, Penney appears to be a :censored: manager. And people thought Shez was bad… :laught16: Just look at Chesterfield now, not to mention our record under him with, whether you like it or not, an equally poor budget to Penney’s. There was quite a hoohah on here about Penney’s appointment and it seemed positive. It hasn’t been. Thinking about it, his record is pretty average – he did well at Donny with a load of money (but couldn’t get them out of this division) and he did ok at Darlo I suppose, though presumably spending again seeing as they paid £100k for Abbott and ended up in admin. It’s hardly a great record – we’re the biggest club he’s managed and he’s failing miserably, injuries or not. Andy Ritchie has achieved more, and my suggestion of appointing him was often mocked by Penney’s bum boys on here. What I would give to have Stitch or JS in the dug-out now. I talked about giving him time last week but if I was Corney this morning I’d sack Penney on principle and plead with Stitch to come in and try and rescue this appalling state of affairs. Still, I suppose the “I’m not bothered if we lose I just want to see players applying effort” crowd ought to be appeased…. :unsure:


As for the atmosphere, dear :censored:ing god. Outnumbered at home? 3-3.5k home fans? Whilst certainly not only Penney’s fault we’re on the verge of being forever minnows – we’ll be getting less than Dale in the new year, mark my words, and I’ll be one of the ones who isn’t around for it. I’ve always supported a proud, medium sized club and have no interest in what’s going on now – I turned up last night out of duty but I wont be going again for the foreseeable future. You see I absolutely insist on enjoying my life and EVERY time I’ve watched Latics this season I’ve left pissed off and saddened. I’d rather ignore it. So, I won’t be going again until we appoint a manager with some :censored:ing bollocks or Penney grows some. The only thing the bloke has done right is resign Gregan and loan :censored: and it’s a bloody good thing as I’ll tell you what, we’d be rock :censored:ing bottom without them.


I feel sorry for those with season tickets.




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As for the level of stick Parker gets, it's totally unjust - he's :censored: but no worse than the rest of them! There was some truly moronic abuse of him last night by people who I can only conclude are footballing simpletons. The funniest was when he ':censored: out' in the second half when, in fact, remaining composed and standing the player up was exactly the right thing to do. I couldn't stop laughing at the barrage of abuse the 'family section' sent his way after that moment. I did actually feel quite sorry for him though. Numpties.

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As for the level of stick Parker gets, it's totally unjust - he's :censored: but no worse than the rest of them! There was some truly moronic abuse of him last night by people who I can only conclude are footballing simpletons. The funniest was when he ':censored: out' in the second half when, in fact, remaining composed and standing the player up was exactly the right thing to do. I couldn't stop laughing at the barrage of abuse the 'family section' sent his way after that moment. I did actually feel quite sorry for him though. Numpties.



yeh he is no worse but his effort fkin stinks!

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I agree with Prozac’s opening post. Unusually I didn’t feel inclined to log in to OWTB last night after the match (incidentally I was home before it finished) but I was thinking about the club’s sorry state of affairs all night. It is comfortably the worst it has been in my 20 years supporting the club, in terms of everything (and I include 2003!!).


To me, Penney appears to be a :censored: manager. And people thought Shez was bad… :laught16: Just look at Chesterfield now, not to mention our record under him with, whether you like it or not, an equally poor budget to Penney’s. There was quite a hoohah on here about Penney’s appointment and it seemed positive. It hasn’t been. Thinking about it, his record is pretty average – he did well at Donny with a load of money (but couldn’t get them out of this division) and he did ok at Darlo I suppose, though presumably spending again seeing as they paid £100k for Abbott and ended up in admin. It’s hardly a great record – we’re the biggest club he’s managed and he’s failing miserably, injuries or not. Andy Ritchie has achieved more, and my suggestion of appointing him was often mocked by Penney’s bum boys on here. What I would give to have Stitch or JS in the dug-out now. I talked about giving him time last week but if I was Corney this morning I’d sack Penney on principle and plead with Stitch to come in and try and rescue this appalling state of affairs. Still, I suppose the “I’m not bothered if we lose I just want to see players applying effort” crowd ought to be appeased…. :unsure:


As for the atmosphere, dear :censored:ing god. Outnumbered at home? 3-3.5k home fans? Whilst certainly not only Penney’s fault we’re on the verge of being forever minnows – we’ll be getting less than Dale in the new year, mark my words, and I’ll be one of the ones who isn’t around for it. I’ve always supported a proud, medium sized club and have no interest in what’s going on now – I turned up last night out of duty but I wont be going again for the foreseeable future. You see I absolutely insist on enjoying my life and EVERY time I’ve watched Latics this season I’ve left pissed off and saddened. I’d rather ignore it. So, I won’t be going again until we appoint a manager with some :censored:ing bollocks or Penney grows some. The only thing the bloke has done right is resign Gregan and loan :censored: and it’s a bloody good thing as I’ll tell you what, we’d be rock :censored:ing bottom without them.


I feel sorry for those with season tickets.




I'm not so sure Shez is better than Penney tactically.


Shez had everyone available at the start of last season, taylor was on form, so was Whits, Alessandra and Hughes. When the injuries kicked in we we just as poor if not poorer as we are now.


He's doin' alright at CHesterfield but if he doesn't get that team promoted then he really isn't all that good a manager. Jack Lester who's scored for fun in that division since leaving Forest. Perkins, a centre mid who's dominated in League One games and shown his worth at League Two. Wade Small, a winger who'd be in most League One team's first team, perhaps 4 or 5 excluded. Allott who's shown to be a more than competent League One defensive midfielder. Ian Breckin and Alan Goodall, two proven Championship defenders.


Shez has it made at Chesterfield, to his credit he's assembled a good side, but if he can't make it work with those it speaks volumes of his managerial credrentials. Chesterfield have probably one of the best 3 squads in League Two.

Edited by Bring Back Pukka Pies
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Bollocks, OWTB myth. He ran hard last night with little end product.


I'm convinced many people just reiterate what they hear others say as they have little confidence in their own opinions.


Stitch I usualy agree with you but not on this one

OWTB myth? I think you could go upto any fan who doesnt use this message board and they would say the same thing I saw it for my own eyes last night off the ball work is terrible and lazily goes for tackles then gives up.

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Stitch I usualy agree with you but not on this one

OWTB myth? I think you could go upto any fan who doesnt use this message board and they would say the same thing I saw it for my own eyes last night off the ball work is terrible and lazily goes for tackles then gives up.


To me, Parker looks like he doesn't want to mess his hair up or get mud on his white boots. And that is my own opinion. More importantly, he never looks like scoring.

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As for the atmosphere, dear :censored:ing god. Outnumbered at home? 3-3.5k home fans? Whilst certainly not only Penney’s fault we’re on the verge of being forever minnows – we’ll be getting less than Dale in the new year, mark my words, and I’ll be one of the ones who isn’t around for it. I’ve always supported a proud, medium sized club and have no interest in what’s going on now – I turned up last night out of duty but I wont be going again for the foreseeable future. You see I absolutely insist on enjoying my life and EVERY time I’ve watched Latics this season I’ve left pissed off and saddened. I’d rather ignore it. So, I won’t be going again until we appoint a manager with some :censored:ing bollocks or Penney grows some. The only thing the bloke has done right is resign Gregan and loan :censored: and it’s a bloody good thing as I’ll tell you what, we’d be rock :censored:ing bottom without them.


I feel sorry for those with season tickets.




Spot on. I've got a 'kin ST!!!


However you aint spot on about Parker. He's a billy big bollox who doesn't justify his place or wage. He plays when he wants and the most important thing to him is to look good. I can't remember despising a Latics player more (Miskelly apart). Having him at our club is another reason why my general interest is nil...no pun intended.


I've said previously. There's effort in the team but there aint quality. Parker has neither.




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I'm prepared to accept I'm wrong about Parker, most of you will have seen more of him than me. I'm probably over-defending him after the shocking judgement of a large section of fans who screamed abuse at him after he made the correct decision to not fly into a tackle (IMO). I suppose if he is as awful as many think it's yet another big black mark next to Penney's name considering Parker was his second 'biggest' signing.


As for Shez having a good squad squad at Chesterfield, good for him! Either he's assembled it himself or the Chairman has seen enough in him to trust him to win promotion given the necessary tools.


Anyway, bring back Stitch to sort out this :censored: mess. :imnotworthy:

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