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Expectations of ..........................

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Read alot of the threads a couple of times and just thought I would put a slightly different slant on it. Since the involvement of Sky and the immensly stupid amounts of money thrown at players ... no wonder they are mercenary. We as a club have dumped player after player year after year, more recently manager after manager.... and for what ? Even in the premier league days we didnt have a team full of superstars ..... maybe they were in our eyes ... We had fighters and very good Div 1 (championship players). Crowds of around 14,000 and a very very good manager who after several years had assembled via tinkering a really good commited squad. Royle would have never had the time these days. look at liverpool .... still in the top 10 but lose 4 in a row and the managers job looks shakey... plastered all over every paper the topic of 24 hour discussion on sky. Every kick every mistake every tom dick and harry chucking in thier opinion needed or not. A £30,000,000 gift for those relegated from the elite league to help them cope with the vast differences between them and the league below. Ever increasing wage bills as the palyers themselves and thier agents demand fortunes in return for thier services.


Saturdays were all about football ...... now we have a match practically everyday. On sundays the pick of the weekends action over anylised and then a couple of hours later we can watch it again. So much we associate with 'tradition' in football is gone ... forever. Its not the demise of Oldham Athletic .. but the demise of the foundations proping up the elite. If we were promoted we would almost certainly end up in a much worse financial situation than we are now. We cant attract the same calibre of loan players .... the wage difference is so vast.


It may be a little mixed up but is it REALLY just Latics or is it the whole 'ball' game that just isnt fair anymore.


When dirty Leeds get promoted this season how many players will they release knowing that they are not good enough for the Championship?


Watching us agains Leeds was nowhere near as bad as some people made out... we had three good chances prior to Leeds goal ... We didnt take them but we had them.

Same with last season .. we lacked a killer insticnt ... even with Hughes.


With fans at all levels expectations raised by the likes of Geoff and co fueling the fire every saturday ... somethings got to give .... .... I still think that the teams below who have spent much more in some cases .... have more cause for concern now than we do ... for now

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Good post.


The amount of over analysing of everything a player does is staggering these days and its not just at the top level. It can be seen on here after defeats throughout the season. Any mistake a player makes is picked up on and used against him with many never looking at the plus points. The Eardley debates from last season I think show this up best. Yes he could get beat by his winger from time to time and he didnt always use the ball wisely, but its blatantly obvious how much we miss his attacking threat down the right hand side this season.


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Good post fella; well written and for the most part; very true.


PLayers these days are not the same breed as they were; say only 5 years ago and certainly not the same the same as players were during the Prem seasons under Royle. Their current club is just that; a stop off en-route to their next one.The days of 1-club men are few and far between i'm afraid and players who ply their trade at your club will have no attachment to it other than it being the business that pays their wages for 1 season or 2.


Again, good thread started this - the good days are fading in what is now the global elitist mega bucks coporate business.

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Below the promised land of the Premier League, the entire sport is screwed. We're just doing a very good job of playing the 'little victim'.




Ultimately the PL is screwed too. As economic conditions continue to deteriorate throughout the western world over coming decades, the complete unreality of the way it operates will be increasingly laid bare. There is no bubble in history which hasn't eventually burst, and the PL is definitely a bubble.

Edited by Corporal_Jones
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Good post. It's got to the point that I have even turned against England (sorry, Italia-England - if you ask me it's bizarre that we're even allowed to have Capello) and would like nothing more than to see 'us' flop badly at the World Cup. Football has turned into Celebrity X Jungle for men if you ask me. The last thing the lower league and my sanity needs is football getting any more trendy. I just wish everybody who actually loves watching TV as opposed to loving football would :censored: off and leave us proper fans to get on with it. Wankers. I've been well on my high horse all weekend everytime some boring bastard started talking to me about the World Cup....


Anybody see what prem clubs spent on agents fees alone last season?! :ranting:

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Good post fella; well written and for the most part; very true.


PLayers these days are not the same breed as they were; say only 5 years ago and certainly not the same the same as players were during the Prem seasons under Royle. Their current club is just that; a stop off en-route to their next one.The days of 1-club men are few and far between i'm afraid and players who ply their trade at your club will have no attachment to it other than it being the business that pays their wages for 1 season or 2.


Again, good thread started this - the good days are fading in what is now the global elitist mega bucks coporate business.

The Bosman rule freed the players, but ruined football. It's more or less impossible to build a team now at ourt level. Practically the whole squad changes every two years, because either players have done well and move for a better deal, or they haven't done anything and the club lets them go. The transfer windows put another nail in the coffin Clubs now need to have much larger squads than necessary. If they don't, then they have to bring players in on loan who are either raw and learning their trrade, or not wanted by their current club.

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The Bosman rule freed the players, but ruined football. It's more or less impossible to build a team now at ourt level. Practically the whole squad changes every two years, because either players have done well and move for a better deal, or they haven't done anything and the club lets them go. The transfer windows put another nail in the coffin Clubs now need to have much larger squads than necessary. If they don't, then they have to bring players in on loan who are either raw and learning their trrade, or not wanted by their current club.


Good point about the Bosman. It made me think, though, why we have a transfer window? IIRC the Bosman rule was introduced to allow players to move more freely - the transfer window contradicts that, doesn't it?


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Good point about the Bosman. It made me think, though, why we have a transfer window? IIRC the Bosman rule was introduced to allow players to move more freely - the transfer window contradicts that, doesn't it?

Not really because they are tied to a fixed contract, although not always the case with the power the top players now have, as is the club. Before Bosman a club signed a player any time they liked, and kept him until they wanted to sell or let go. There was no fixed contract as I remember, but I may br wrong.

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How very dare you :grin:


I knew I'd "hook" you with that one! Lol.


Anyway, my happy-clapper friend we'll soon be in the *Chaddy/RRE/Main Stand(:shock:) singing "Dave Penney's Blue & White Army"!


* Delete as a applicable. What do you reckon? We'd better get our tickets soon, it's gonna be a sell out like when we murdered Wolves (or was it Port Vale? lol) on Boxing Day years ago, Andy Ritchie hat-trick and loads of regulars (non-STHs) locked out.... Those were the days, blah, blah blah.

Edited by martjs
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I knew I'd "hook" you with that one! Lol.


Anyway, my happy-clapper friend we'll soon be in the *Chaddy/RRE/Main Stand(:shock:) singing "Dave Penney's Blue & White Army"!


* Delete as a applicable. What do you reckon? We'd better get our tickets soon, it's gonna be a sell out like when we murdered Wolves (or was it Port Vale? lol) on Boxing Day years ago, Andy Ritchie hat-trick and loads of regulars (non-STHs) locked out.... Those were the days, blah, blah blah.


Aye .. I will start queing as usual about 11.30pm Xmas day .... better be sure eh!!!! We cant even bait Rocket Ronnie .... still I supose we can blame it all on his son :grin:


BTW my favorite boxing day match (Ithink it was boxing day anyway) was Sheff Utd away ...... in your white champaigne supa nova :)

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