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XBOX 360 'Unable to read disc' error

Yard Dog

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As ste1987 will testify, I have a problem with my 360 where I will be playing a game and suddenly get the 'unable to read disc' error message pop up leaving me with no alternative but restart the console. It never happens when I'm loading up the game, it always happens after the game has loaded, often in the middle of a FIFA match :ranting:


It's definitely a console problem as the error has come up on most of my games. In fact, my first ever matches of FIFA 9 & 10 using brand new, clean, unscratched discs were both disrupted due to the error. It's done it with other new games, too. The error probably occurs every other day. I've put up with it for ages, but now I'm online more I need to get it sorted.


So, there's loads of stuff on google, but I can't be arsed with all that. I just want to take it to an honest, local repairer. Can anyone point me in the right direction ?



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As ste1987 will testify, I have a problem with my 360 where I will be playing a game and suddenly get the 'unable to read disc' error message pop up leaving me with no alternative but restart the console. It never happens when I'm loading up the game, it always happens after the game has loaded, often in the middle of a FIFA match :ranting:


It's definitely a console problem as the error has come up on most of my games. In fact, my first ever matches of FIFA 9 & 10 using brand new, clean, unscratched discs were both disrupted due to the error. It's done it with other new games, too. The error probably occurs every other day. I've put up with it for ages, but now I'm online more I need to get it sorted.


So, there's loads of stuff on google, but I can't be arsed with all that. I just want to take it to an honest, local repairer. Can anyone point me in the right direction ?




I thought it was just me beating you that packed it in conveniently :wink:


Is your XBox still in warranty? I.e. have you bought it in the last 3 years? I'm sure if you send to off to Microsoft, they repair them free of charge. They did with the three red light issues, but not sure whether this service was just for this incident. Might be worth giving them a call.

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I thought it was just me beating you that packed it in conveniently :wink:


Ha ha. You were absolutely hammering me in that game so I can understand the suspicion. My excuse is that my hands were greasy due to the moisturising cream I had applied not long before - not something a man would normally admit to - but it's a toss up between admitting I use moisturising cream or admitting I am :censored: at FIFA.


Second game was closer, but I am some way off being able to beat you....During my last few games I've just played tonight I've started to use the LT for close control a lot more and my game has improved a lot. Need to work on defence though.


Is your XBox still in warranty? I.e. have you bought it in the last 3 years? I'm sure if you send to off to Microsoft, they repair them free of charge. They did with the three red light issues, but not sure whether this service was just for this incident. Might be worth giving them a call.


I expect I've had it over 3 years.

Edited by Yard Dog
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No mate. I'll give anything a try. How do you install it to your HD?


put the disc in -> press the xbox guide button -> select the games tab -> select games library -> select the game you want to install -> install to HD.


Then whenever you want to play the game, go to the games tab -> games library -> game you want to play -> play from hard drive (you need to keep the disc in to play it, but thats just so you cant buy the game, install it and then take it back).

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I thought it was just me beating you that packed it in conveniently :wink:


Is your XBox still in warranty? I.e. have you bought it in the last 3 years? I'm sure if you send to off to Microsoft, they repair them free of charge. They did with the three red light issues, but not sure whether this service was just for this incident. Might be worth giving them a call.


The 3 year extension is only for the 3 red lights. Anything else just has the one year warranty.

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Ha ha. You were absolutely hammering me in that game so I can understand the suspicion. My excuse is that my hands were greasy due to the moisturising cream I had applied not long before - not something a man would normally admit to - but it's a toss up between admitting I use moisturising cream or admitting I am :censored: at FIFA.


Second game was closer, but I am some way off being able to beat you....During my last few games I've just played tonight I've started to use the LT for close control a lot more and my game has improved a lot. Need to work on defence though.




I expect I've had it over 3 years.

Always go for the option that doesn't involve the handcream admission.


Incidentally, I hear that Dean Brill is partial to a bit of handcream. But you don't hear him admitting to it, do you?


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