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What do we latics fans want?

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Its not the greatest time to be a latics fan at the moment, not doing well in the league, stadium issues etc. The thing is what does the fans need/want? At the end of the day, we pay a lot of money to watch Latics and maybe we as fans should stand up for the club because i think the club is slowly being killed off. What you guys think?

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Its not the greatest time to be a latics fan at the moment, not doing well in the league, stadium issues etc. The thing is what does the fans need/want? At the end of the day, we pay a lot of money to watch Latics and maybe we as fans should stand up for the club because i think the club is slowly being killed off. What you guys think?

The Bovril is still far too hot despite the cold spell!

Edited by hollandspies
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21st in the Championship, anything it takes to get this is the price worth paying, if we achieve anything more then it is a bonus. The odd cup run to the quarter finals every so often and an exciting young player being brought through the ranks, plays for us for a few years, gets his own individual song then is sold to a big club and does well. A few good cash signings for players that improve the squad, go on to love the club and become honoury Oldhamers.


For the club to unite, the board, fans and players to pull in the same direction be it at BP, Failsworth, an as yet un-named location or the bloody moon if we have to and get back to focusing on the 90 minutes on a Saturday/Tuesday.

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21st in the Championship, anything it takes to get this is the price worth paying, if we achieve anything more then it is a bonus. The odd cup run to the quarter finals every so often and an exciting young player being brought through the ranks, plays for us for a few years, gets his own individual song then is sold to a big club and does well. A few good cash signings for players that improve the squad, go on to love the club and become honoury Oldhamers.


For the club to unite, the board, fans and players to pull in the same direction be it at BP, Failsworth, an as yet un-named location or the bloody moon if we have to and get back to focusing on the 90 minutes on a Saturday/Tuesday.


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