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Why have Latics got a club chaplain?

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My extreme and irrational viewpoint is that having a 'club chaplain' (and therefore advocating a religion) would be devisive to some.


:censored: me!! I'm Adolf Hitler!




Whatever dude. I wonder is you're this much of a prick in person. I doubt you'd have the balls to say this kind of crap to my face.




Not unless I have a squatter I don't know about. I doubt it though, I only have a two bedroom house. There is however a vicar on my road that I sometimes talk to, and of course my mother is also a reverend.

There, I guessed you did not get out much...

I am psychic....

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Your argument is based on a feeling you have.

Commons sense is not providing for something that there is no material need for.


My argument is based on the fact that religion is divisive. Human history and present is littered with examples. This is hardly based on mere feeling.


2001 Census, 96% Christian. Fact.


I have never seen a poll that give the total christian as more than 3/4 of the populous. I have seen plenty polls with fewer numbers. I guess it depends how the question is asked. But not even the USA can boast 96%. That figure is pure fairytale.



Your feeling is that it is less is coloured by you blinkered view that refuses to accept a counter discussion.


No, my 'feeling' is based on actual statistics. It would also be based on real world experience. If were to estimate the figure of the amount of people I have known in my life to be 50% Christian I would be being generous. And this coming from someone who grew up in the church and still has close ties.

Edited by PhilStarbucksSilkySkills
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In the NHS its standard that hospitals have a hospital chaplain/priest. In heavily non-Christian areas they may also have a hospital rabbi/iman/faith leader for the other faiths (e.g. at Crumpsall they have a catholic priest, a other Christian chaplain, a rabbi, an iman and someone from the non-ecumenical church- I bet some of them cover more than one hospital site in Pennine). The hospital chaplains near me (having had a couple of lectures from various ones in my time) are usually the first port of call for when patients have spiritual/faith issues. It may not be their faith but they will be able to contact someone of that faith much more easily than other hospital staff.


I assume this is part of the chaplain's remit- for example if one of our Jewish staff members had an issue the chaplain would know a good rabbi, if we had any muslim staff members the chaplain will know a good iman etc. nevermind the fans who come and watch.


I don't see it in any way divisive or negative that a club has a club chaplain- I wouldn't mind betting a few bigger ones even have multi-faith prayer rooms. It might even be part of law that when a crowd of X gathers religious advice is available (for example why there are prayer rooms in airports). If people want to worship thier god(s) they can do- its no skin of my nose. Plus so what if the club has a club chaplain I seriously doubt he is taking any money for his services (he might get a free ticket but hey I bet the Docs do too)


Incidentally having looked it up- only 5.4% of Great Britain's population (at the time of the last census- which is nearly out of date) recognised themselves as a religion other than Christian. 15.1 and 7.8% said they had no religion or didn't say respectively.

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I am psychic....

Don't open up another front Singe me old mucker! :grin: They're still battling this one out...


I think PhilStarbuck should just chill out a bit and stop making a war out of :censored: all.

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Don't open up another front Singe me old mucker! :grin: They're still battling this one out...


I think PhilStarbuck should just chill out a bit and stop making a war out of :censored: all.


I am chilled out. I ain't the one lauching the personal attacks. When you stop making arguments and start throwing insults around, things tend to get war like.


It's not even as if my initial point was all that controversial. It only required discussion.

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I am chilled out. I ain't the one lauching the personal attacks. When you stop making arguments and start throwing insults around, things tend to get war like.


It's not even as if my initial point was all that controversial. It only required discussion.

It might not be controversial to you, but perhaps some of us actually know John - The Chaplain - and might not like you talking about his position in such a manner. I'd think about who you might offend if I were you before calling into question the Chaplain of Oldham Athletic. Sure, calling out religious figures half way across the world seems a little safe, something that's closer to home maybe not so much.

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