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Possible loans from the council?

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Sorry for my loose wording. I mentioned "bankruptcy " in a less than literal sense. Perhaps I should have said broke or low on funds.


Give me a bit of slack please. !!!!!!!





People here hang on you every word, you know. You are the closest person we have to where it all happens!


See what you can find out Barry!


By the way... you don't need a full-stop and exclamation marks or a space :wink:

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Given our financial state over the past few years i would be extremely surprised to say the least if the possibility of a loan or grant beit from the council or any football bodies has not been investigated already.


If it hasn't one would seriously have to question the board of OAFC and it's advisors !!!!!!!

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Why should Haringey or any other council use our tax payers money, because that is what it is, to fund another football team. At the end of the day taxpayers fund local councils. Central government is pulling the strings with our money. Why should my taxes be used to fund any other football club when mine is bleeding to death.


I know over in Spain a lot of councils invest in their football/sports teams, such as stadiums etc. They are seen as the heart of the communities over there and not just used solely for the football club.


I guess over there people are more loyal to their town and approve of such things happening, things are different in England where it's pretty much looking after no.1.


One of the only examples I know of a council funding a stadium for the community over here is at Hunslet. Used by their Rugby League side but is also used for the community as well.


It's a shame it doesn't happen more often.

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do they still make sure to spend up the budget at the end of every financial year on town centre water features etc....?

I used to work across the corridor from the people selling PC peripherals for a dead big manufacturer. Their year was based around local authority, education and health authorities etc coming to the end of the financial year in just the same way as TV and audio sales were based around Christmas and New Year sales. Large IT budget? No idea how to spend it during the year? Hey Presto! New monitors for everyone in March.

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maybe from central government in the form of a regeneration loan or grant..or maybe from european funds...


just think if we had changed our name to royal bank of scotland we would be quids in now with our bail out money!!!



The majority of such regeneration grants from central government are being cut hence why the deprived areas are going to be so much more worse off.



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I used to work across the corridor from the people selling PC peripherals for a dead big manufacturer. Their year was based around local authority, education and health authorities etc coming to the end of the financial year in just the same way as TV and audio sales were based around Christmas and New Year sales. Large IT budget? No idea how to spend it during the year? Hey Presto! New monitors for everyone in March.


This is bang on - "March Madness" is the official title in the IT world, though it does seem to be less of a blip these days :grin:

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