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Oh Johnny Johnny

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here are just a few quotes from the spireites board:


In Shezza We Trust


Not any more!

He's had his time to change, re evaluate, show he's a master tactician etc. but has shown he can't manage successfully at this level. How many more chances was he expecting? 2 points in 24 and thrashed by a lower league team.

Time to go, thank him for a brilliant season last year (the best in most our long memories), pay him 6 months contract and take Wright, Nicholson and Crossley with him to non league obscurity.

With regret, John you're fired.....




He's rubbish, bring back Holden. Trotman is good in the air, and that's it. Slow, can't pass, falls over all the time.


Sheridan Out


Lost patience with him. He is clueless. Playing players out of position,not strengthening the team where we need it most-midfield. Sorry but he will take us down. Performances like this are unacceptable,and we see it week in week out. These are his players,and they are not good enough. Get rid of him before its too late. I know a new manager does not always mean success,but we have to give ourselves a chance. What is the alternative? Dont care how much it costs,he needs to go.


That Midfield Partnership Today

(Allot and Whitaker)


Utter disgraceful, the worst centre midfield i've ever seen, let alone playing for town. Neither wana tackle, neither do anything other than pass it sidewards, game just goes past em every time.


Trotman is a awful awful signing too Sheridan, slow, clumbersome, and just hoofs the ball here there and everywhere at any opportunity.


What they hell has gone wrong with this side?!? Took ym Dad to game today, first time since Bradford at home last season, safe to say he wont be parting with his cash any time soon after that, and who can blame him.


.........and my personal fave from Shez:


Dean Holden


Shez walked in to a full dressing room after the Brentford loss and use words along the lines of "you're all :censored:in wank" :lol:


Apparently, Holden jumped up in front of Sheridan, pointed straight at Fleming and said "no, He's :censored:in wak, not us lot"


A few frank words were exchange and a couple of the players had to step in to calm things down. Two days later, seemingly out of the blue, he's gone, and a player with an extra year to run on his current deal is here seemingly as his permanent replacement.




We are hearing and seeing the same old problems and shortcomings of John - great servant and a decent bloke to boot; but sadly not as good a manager.


PD has his faults too, but i must confess i'd take PD over JS - begs the question what DOES make a good manager? signings? tactics? - one for another day.


I obvously hope we rip them a new one as any fan of our team would do be it vs Shez or not, but i hope John gets a great reception ( i am sure he will) and we recognise him for what he did for us - shame it didn't end on a high note or him eventually going of his own accord but hey thats football.


I just hope any win we may enjoy on saturday (and with the way they are playing collectively if we hit top form with the threat we have it could be 3 or 4) doesn't mean JS getting the boot - he , TW and MC are on new 4yr deals so it would cost them a decent wedge to pay up them all up.



In saying all that, it'd be just like us to play like dog turd and for Allott/Whitaker to run the show and nick an easy 2-0..........

Edited by shefflatic
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