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Sure I heard on Radio 1 that some of the evidence heard included one of the accused phoning someone saying something along the lines of 'we've got one' after seeing her falling over in a chippy arseholed. Thought it was Evans. May be wrong.


Firstly, this is not a defence of what happened, just a comment on the way a piece of evidence can be interpreted a number of ways:-


On the bbc news site it says he texted that he had: "got a bird"


Just on it's own merits, with no other factors, would that be


- a boast to a mate? "I've pulled"

- an invitation to join a consensual act? "she's up for a 3 some"

- a spontaneous invitation to join in because he'd found a girl who was too drunk to know what's going on -"she's wrecked, join in"

- an invitation to join a pre-planned act - "we've got one, as planned"


Anyone who reads that 1 piece of evidence is likely to have interpreted it in their own way, potentially into something that it wasn't.

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At the risk of being a hypocrite, I didn't have a problem with us signing Lee Hughes. What he did was awful, but it was an accident caused by a catastrophic error of judgement and disregard for others' safety, rather than a deliberately violent or malicious attack. He'd served his time, he'd expressed remorse for what he'd done, and IMO he deserved a second chance. (Whether he made the most of that second chance is another story and a separate issue.) But if we sign Ched Evans in 2 and half years' time, my season ticket will be getting sent back. He knew full well what he was doing, he treated someone who was semi-conscious like a human blow-up doll, and he clearly thinks he's done nothing wrong and couldn't care less what damage he's done to his victim. He'll arguably be a better player when he's released from prison than Lee Hughes was when we signed him, but it'd send out a horrible message about what counts as acceptable (or at the least excusable) behaviour.

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Not condoning it in any way but thinking back to what types of things the jury may have had in their minds when deciding on McDonald, when you're pissed then to a certain degree your ability to gauge just how pissed someone else is will be reduced. The belief that she's consenting has to be a 'reasonable belief' based on facts at the time.

If McDonald was pissed & asked a girl to come back with him & she did, he's probably satisfied that those actions lead to his 'reasonable belief' that she consented.

With Evans on the other hand, she didn't go back with him, he just turned up & joined in.


The great thing about our justice system is that we'll never know just why the verdicts came out as they did, we can only speculate & just because certain people don't like the verdict doesn't mean it will ever be over turned. He's going to do his 2 and a half years!!

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I think the most disturbing thing about this case is the support for Evans coming from other professional footballers via Twitter.


It would appear that they believe what he got involved in is acceptable.


Go figure.


Thats pretty disgusting, football is rapidly becomming a cesspit.

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I think the most disturbing thing about this case is the support for Evans coming from other professional footballers via Twitter.


It would appear that they believe what he got involved in is acceptable.


Go figure.

Some of the comments on Twitter yesterday were utterly disgusting. All this crap about the woman being a gold-digger....1- according to the witness accounts, she couldn't stand up unaided, i doubt she was capable a hatching a cunning plan to make money out of 2 lower league footballers that she'd probably never heard of and 2 - it's not a :censored:ing game show, you don't get a prize if the defendant's found guilty. And obviously all the usual crap about what did she expect/she shouldn't have got so drunk. So watch how much you have to drink after the match, if you get pissed then presumably (in the interests of fairness, assuming that the logic's being applied consistently, to everyone) then any passing stranger has carte blanche to beat you up or mug you.

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In what is a serious offence committed by ched evans, any re-trial would take a year in hand to come around as there must be more substantial evidence that supports cheds claim he didnt have unconsented sex with the 19 year old. As for acquital... in my opinion would be very unlikely, however I cannot see him serving the full 5 and more like 3 and a half or 4 years.

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In what is a serious offence committed by ched evans, any re-trial would take a year in hand to come around as there must be more substantial evidence that supports cheds claim he didnt have unconsented sex with the 19 year old. As for acquital... in my opinion would be very unlikely, however I cannot see him serving the full 5 and more like 3 and a half or 4 years.


He'll serve no more than half his sentence. Unless he causes trouble inside.

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Just out of interest does the amount the male has had to drink make any difference? The woman in this case was very drunk so couldn't give proper consent (I think that's what I read anyway) does the amount the male drank affect his defence?

It can do. If Ched said he was quite drunk at the time and could prove it, then it can be used as a mitigating factor, depending on the judge and jury and their view of the case of course.

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Ched Evans will be remembered at Sheffield United’s Bramall Lane ground this afternoon with a round of applause in the ninth minute of the televised home game, and in the 35th minute.


Why, at those precise moments? Well, Evans wore the coveted number 9 shirt for United and had scored 35 goals for them over the past season.

the article also quotes a wage of £20k a week.


They should relegate this team. On both counts.

Edited by opinions4u
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And the 1st minute for the number of girls he raped


The 5th for how many years he's been sent down for


This should lose them a shed load of fans. Hope they don't go up, fans desert them in disgust, and they spiral into oblivion. Won't happen, but that's my hope.


Horrible idea.

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I would hope that is either false or hasreached the media because two or three fans have opened a Facebook page calling for it. What a disgusting message that would send out. I'm sure that no-one apart from a few hardcore numpties would even consider joining in. Would shame the club.

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Well done, Sheffield Utd idiot contingent. It was always going to take a special effort in a season that's featured monkey gestures at Anfield, Barnsley fans singing about Billy Sharp's baby and Chelsea disrupting the minute's silence for Hillsborough at Wembley, but you've managed to reach a new low. It'd be nice if the club made some effort to mitigate the ongoing PR disaster by donating the game's takings to the local rape crisis centre, but obviously that won't happen (i'd guess they probably couldn't from a legal point of view while his appeal's pending,but it'd be unlikely anyway). I can't imagine how the poor woman must be feeling.

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Well done, Sheffield Utd idiot contingent. It was always going to take a special effort in a season that's featured monkey gestures at Anfield, Barnsley fans singing about Billy Sharp's baby and Chelsea disrupting the minute's silence for Hillsborough at Wembley, but you've managed to reach a new low. It'd be nice if the club made some effort to mitigate the ongoing PR disaster by donating the game's takings to the local rape crisis centre, but obviously that won't happen (i'd guess they probably couldn't from a legal point of view while his appeal's pending,but it'd be unlikely anyway). I can't imagine how the poor woman must be feeling.

Probably like a :censored:. Which is one of the reasons women don't report rape.

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Relieved to see that at least some are embarrassed at what may unfold:




[Warning Edit: Contains language that probably wouldn't be tolerated on here but probably backs up their strength of opinion on this one.]


[Further warning: Site also contains general thoughts of Yorkshiremen ;) ]

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Probably like a :censored:. Which is one of the reasons women don't report rape.

Yeah, most victims say the police investigation is as traumatic as the attack itself, and that's without being named on Twitter and having hundreds of people publicly calling you a "slag/gold-digger/money-grabbing little tramp".

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