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I personally think its fairly obvious that our strongest Starting XI is current Cisak-Byrne-Tarky-Mvoto-Grounds-Wes-Furman-Mchang-Crofty-Simmo-Slew playing that infamous christmas tree (4-3-2-1) formation! Then with Bouzanis, Brown, Winchester, Smith and Taylor on the bench? Am I missing anyone that you think should be in there?

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I'd give Brown a game at right back and slot Byrne in the centre alongside M'Voto, we need more attacking options and Brown has the ability to get up and down the field.

Yup. Agree with this (not that I've seen Brown, so if he's :censored:e I'll pretend I never agreed).

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I personally think its fairly obvious that our strongest Starting XI is current Cisak-Byrne-Tarky-Mvoto-Grounds-Wes-Furman-Mchang-Crofty-Simmo-Slew playing that infamous christmas tree (4-3-2-1) formation! Then with Bouzanis, Brown, Winchester, Smith and Taylor on the bench? Am I missing anyone that you think should be in there?


I'd guess that Dickov will go with that lineup with Croft on the right and M'Changama on the left in a 4-4-1-1 formation. Aside from when we are chasing games and he sticks Mvoto up front I can't remember him straying from either 4-4-2 or 4-4-1-1.

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I'd give Brown a game at right back and slot Byrne in the centre alongside M'Voto, we need more attacking options and Brown has the ability to get up and down the field.

Difficult call.

Byrne (along with Grounds) has helped steady the defensive line, and as a back 5, we do look far more solid & organised. Both Byrne & Grounds are big lads, and we look far less susceptible to the high ball now, more solid & organised at defending set-plays and a bit more; what's the word - meatier (?) and tougher at the back than last season with our small & lightweight full-backs.


But - especially down the right, we have also lost our attacking threat from full-back. Byrne doesn't look like he knows what to do once he gets past the half-way line (Grounds has slightly more about him going forward from the looks of it).

I've not seen Connor Brown yet, but from speaking to a couple of Blades, and to my Dad who saw him at Mossley game, he looks the opposite of Byrne. Small & compact, but rapid and offers far more going forward; but isn't as defensive as Cliff.


I guess it's going to come down to how PD wants his full-backs to play this year.

I think he'll go with Byrne at RB until he needs to change it up at CB - either with an injury, suspension o loss of form. Then, Byrne will switch across and Connor Brown will come in at RB.

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Difficult call.

Byrne (along with Grounds) has helped steady the defensive line, and as a back 5, we do look far more solid & organised. Both Byrne & Grounds are big lads, and we look far less susceptible to the high ball now, more solid & organised at defending set-plays and a bit more; what's the word - meatier (?) and tougher at the back than last season with our small & lightweight full-backs.


But - especially down the right, we have also lost our attacking threat from full-back. Byrne doesn't look like he knows what to do once he gets past the half-way line (Grounds has slightly more about him going forward from the looks of it).

I've not seen Connor Brown yet, but from speaking to a couple of Blades, and to my Dad who saw him at Mossley game, he looks the opposite of Byrne. Small & compact, but rapid and offers far more going forward; but isn't as defensive as Cliff.


I guess it's going to come down to how PD wants his full-backs to play this year.

I think he'll go with Byrne at RB until he needs to change it up at CB - either with an injury, suspension o loss of form. Then, Byrne will switch across and Connor Brown will come in at RB.


I agree with this.


Also I think being able to make substitutional changes, that enable different styles of play, like Byrne/Brown or Slew/Taylor/Smith gives us another dimension that was missing last season when most available subs were nearly always like for like and not actually changing the game when needed

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Looking on the OS it says Dickov has got a settled side and hope to continue with it into tonight, so probably means same line up and formation as City and Hudders but with Slew upfront with Simpson

You managed to wade through the OS to find that, well that's an A* for persevering at least.

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