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Playershare update - November 2012

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The Playershare balance grew by a massive £2,225 in the month of November, largely due to a donation of £1,600.67 from the Playershare Web Shop. As we all know, Dave (opinions4u) works tirelessly to promote this fundraising initiative and it clearly works. A massive thank you to Dave from all connected to Playershare for his unwavering efforts and long may he continue to give us all his reminders!


Subscriptions are currently running at £625 per month, which is down on the high point of £850, but we fully understand how tough it is out there. Thank you to each and every one of you who continues to give so generously. If anybody feels able to start donating, all of the details can be found here.


The total balance in Playershare as at 30 November 2012 was £5,251.57, which is a great recovery, given that we wiped ourselves out in August, when we made the £9,000 donation to the manager's budget.


Finally, there is a meeting tomorrow (Wednesday 5th December) at The Junction for all those wishing to assist in the Christmas party, with 50% of funds raised going to Playershare (the other half to Latics4Life).


It'll be 2013 before the next update, so, on behalf of Playershare, I wish you all a very merry Christmas!

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Thanks for the update.


May I take this chance to also thank Chris (C.hill) for his tirless efforts in arranging the Christmas Party, im sure that will be a good day. Apologies that didnt get to see you Saturday chris but looking a good bet that i will be at the party so I will contact you for tickets in due course.

Any update with regards to tickets? I am still in talks to hopefully secure a donation but not 100% come off yet so wont name the supplier

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