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A neutral at Anfield....

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Hi guys. I was at Anfield last Sunday for the FA Cup game. I am neither a Liverpool or Oldham fan (Leicester, actually), but my nephew has decided to support Liverpool and I promised I'd take him. We were sat in the Centenary Stand lower, quite close to the Oldham fans. I just wanted to comment on what a great show you guys gave, well and truly drowned out the Kop and supported the boys from start to finish. Some good chants as well.


Nice to see James Wesolowski as well - he looked a promising player at Leicester but was unluckly with injuries and never quite made it.


Anyway, well done guys and good luck for the rest of the season.



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If we could get same volume at home bp would be a ruff place to come rather than a graveyard. how did u think the team did? Must admit thought atmosphere wasn't great untill we caused them a few problems 2nd half.


Wes is a steady player shackles have been freed a bit this season and looks a better player for it

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I thought you played pretty well. They didn't really offer much first half but you had your best spell after they scored. Possible shout for a penalty as well. Was willing you to get a goal but wasn't too be.


Back to normal for me last night, a good win for us against Derby and a noisy crowd for once. We have the same problems trying to get an atmosphere at Leicester, but the club insist on drowning everyone out with music before, during and after the game.

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Let's hope so. God knows how many millions the Thais have got us in debt so I think promotion is more or less essential. It's good to see us playing well, particularly Knockaert after the dramatic finale to the play offs last season. Taking it one game at a time though as we were in a similar position last year....

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Let's hope so. God knows how many millions the Thais have got us in debt so I think promotion is more or less essential. It's good to see us playing well, particularly Knockaert after the dramatic finale to the play offs last season. Taking it one game at a time though as we were in a similar position last year....

I bet last nights win felt good though, especially after they had enjoyed a decent run after McClaren took over.

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I bet last nights win felt good though, especially after they had enjoyed a decent run after McClaren took over.


Yes it was one of those rare nights where everything goes right. I would have settled for a draw before the match and we battered them first half but the pessimist in me was worried that we were only 1-0 up and they wouldn't be as bad second half - but they were!


what do you reckon to your prospects this season? Any chance of going on a decent run and getting in the play offs? Happy to avoid relegation? "building" for next season?


I'll be keeping a lookout for your results after the closet Oldham fan in me was willing you to score last week!

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what do you reckon to your prospects this season? Any chance of going on a decent run and getting in the play offs? Happy to avoid relegation? "building" for next season?


I'll be keeping a lookout for your results after the closet Oldham fan in me was willing you to score last week!

We're always building for next year.

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