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fleetwood Blue

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Everything posted by fleetwood Blue

  1. How much income does the club bring in per month? with over 3000 season tickets sold at the start of the season and that money used to cover previous debt i just cant see how we are making anything ..away fans are really the only pay on the day customers and league 2 clubs dont bring that many, im thinking AL has bitten off a lot more than he can chew and he will be hanging onto the hope of a cup run to save his arse..If its true and they havent been paid again then theres no more excuses for the bloke, old debts from Corney should have been sorted, im sick of reading the same shit feel sorry for him statement on the official site every month when he fails to meet his obligations as a football club owner..
  2. It’s payday tomorrow!!!! or is AL going to take a timely flight out of the country today to shirk his responsibilities to his ever suffering staff...Will they be paid on time??
  3. If Fleetwood was seriously after him id be asking for a possible swop with Kyle Dempsey or/and Bobby Grant..both out of favour under Barton..(both ten times better than Gardner aswell)
  4. Living in Fleetwood i find it hard to be nice to them
  5. Just the fear of not knowing if your getting paid on time i should imagine
  6. He got sick of having to fund training facilitys in Preston himself with Oyston refusing to pay anything towards it, he was relatively succesful in his short time with the lashers but would he want more mayhem
  7. This taken from Underdog’s statement... “We have learnt a lot about owner/trust relationship from the previous owner over the 14 years and reps in situ...its not an easy Role the Trust Rep on the board. To have work that dynamic of getting the Reps entitlement without getting the door slammed shut. Its not a jolly ride like some think it is ...You give your time up for free to ensure we have a club and recent times its been bloody hard for that person you are legally responsible for the club...you can be made bankrupt if it all goes belly up. I'd crack under that legal responsibility, club, staff, bills, debts.....its not for everyone its not for me.”
  8. If the person nominated from the trust to be on the board can also be financially responsible for the club
  9. I was thinking the same, its a thankless task and to put your own life in the hands of somebody who makes countless decisions without the decency to even consult you is crazy..Especially with our recent track record i expect Diane to be declared bankrupt very soon through no fault of her own.
  10. Andy Rhodes looks like a man who doesnt take any shit, all staff recieve letters from Aviva yesterday morning regarding 6 months unpaid pension..Andy then speaks his mind with the looney and is instantly potted for his cheek to question him..
  11. Struggling to get my head around this, AL turns up out of nowhere like a fairy godmother and he was supposedly going to throw loads of money at a club he had probably never heard of and that was drowning in debt and make everything better..Knowing he would never have any hope of recouping any money back.. Is he really that thick? Does he have more money than sense? Has the club been used as a laundering scheme (no accusation)? What are his motives? Where is the incentive to own a club in another country that is just going to give you grief and make a massive dent in your bank account, at the end of the day the club seems to be sinking further and further despite him supposedly ploughing in 200k a month which is still obviously not enough with staff wages and pensions not being paid..
  12. Nixon obviously makkng shit up, why would we not need an assistant manager and goalkeeping coach
  13. Latics love a drama before a Northampton away game, anybody witnessing the shite football served up this season would have loved a change of management but just seems weird timing..AL runs the club like he’s playing a computer game, he will probably sack Frankie tomorrow and there will be a new management team in by Monday..
  14. Going to be honest, How long are we going to carry on with the “he will be quality when he returns to full match fitness” ‘“he is the best player in league 2 by a mile”..We are now 15 games into the season and i still dont see half the player we originally had..
  15. Sounds like i was better off in hospital, sign of the times when i offered free season tickets for the game and had no takers...We are shocking on and off the pitch, ran at the top by an amateur and his negative influence at the club is passing all the way through the club.
  16. I'm still unable to drive due to having surgery on my arms, I have an adult and under 18 season tickets available in the North Stand on the halfway line. Free to anybody who wants to pick them up In the Fylde (Fleetwood) area to use for the Port vale and Cheltenham games.
  17. if he didn't know the true extent of our issues and bit off more than he could chew, could of made it easier for the next man
  18. Just a thought, IF AL has cleared all of our hidden debts and has skint himself now and he is struggling to pay the wages wouldn't that make us appealing to somebody like Adam Pearson, we are a blank canvas..Not much debt and a squad ran on a shoestring budget, more chance of finding another buyer.
  19. Here we go again, he paid on time for a few months at least...things will soon turn to shit and he will then accuse some players of being bad eggs again...i wouldnt hang around at a job that never paid you on time
  20. Gutted to be missing this and the next few due to having surgery, if anyone from around Fleetwood area can make use of my season ticket and an under 18’s give me a shout
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