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Everything posted by Chaddyexile84

  1. He doesn’t rate Curle either but even if he did it’s irrelevant to the fact that Kewell thinks Tasdemir is a footballer
  2. And that shows just how clueless the Aussie wonder is… Maybe Mo doesn’t have the ultimate say after all
  3. Hope you haven’t changed banks @Stevie_J paid by bank transfer
  4. Conor Marlin? Albeit it not continuous he has been around since the Robinson days other candidates: Roy Dean Pickering Any of the cleaners/maintenance Karl Evans is long serving by recent standards
  5. I may be wrong but I’m sure I saw he was knocking it on the head a while ago in which case to advertise 2 weeks before the season starts is a bit haphazard
  6. I’m in - already in the bottom tier so don’t expect my fiver too soon
  7. Wouldn’t have been averse to him coming back here
  8. With a requirement to “enhance the reputation of the football club” That Karl’s a funny guy
  9. Leeds, to Oldham, to Barnet His career is going well
  10. What’s happened to the edit option?? edit** statement says restructure the “contact us” staff list says Head of Academy: TBC Thicker than a corned beef sandwich these twats
  11. Confirmed now on Official that Murray has left. Says the decision is following a restructure after talks with head coach. If true Curle probably thinks we don’t need both a head of academy and youth team manager at our level, which if I’m honest I agree with (Philiskirk did both) and considering the more junior position is probably both cheaper and one of Mo’s picks it’s Murray’s position that has become redundant
  12. True, guess I was only thinking of paid staff pretty sure Roy’s a volunteer apart from expenses. in a way I’m glad Gordie isn’t here anymore because despite the empty website platitudes on the anniversary of his death you just know these toss pots would have treated him exactly the same as others - especially as Gordon would have told them in no uncertain terms what they were doing to the club
  13. Another one gone according to the ITK DMaarms says club legend and whilst I’m not sure I would put Paul Murray in that bracket he’s the only one anywhere close I think. Wonder if there’s been a ruckus after Wheaters comments about youth games
  14. To be fair even Branger Engone managed to look class that night
  15. That’s going to be a sour taste next season once again find out via a different clubs website - shit bastards bring back Luke Matty Lund signed by them too
  16. I’d do this but a 4 hour drive or a train with 3 changes at almost the same time - nah
  17. was just about to rant that surely we must have a chance then before remembering they got promoted
  18. Dont forget CBJ and Hamer have both gone up a league and I wouldn’t be surprised to see Clarke get a league 1 loan
  19. I just did it via the link Singe posted - logged me in with a fresh team to pick and that was it
  20. The article on their website is quite funny - paragraphs and paragraphs on his career then about 3 lines on his time with us They also say he can “play anywhere across the back line” need to send them some footage of his CB moments here
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