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Littlemoor Lad

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Everything posted by Littlemoor Lad

  1. Whatever it takes but let's find that steely determination and winning mentality Nobody would ever complain if they gave their all
  2. You most certainly know your stuff matey, It's never got in my way and I've done ok, punching well above my weight in life. Now, let's see if the manager can take the player's from nothing to something, They need to stand up and be counted
  3. "I think one of the strengths of the football club last year was the unity between the staff, players and fans." "Let’s stick together, there will be bumps in the road but when there are let’s all stick together and be loud and proud and hopefully we can deliver for you. Pete Wild. Can we have some of this here?
  4. If the man saw the error of his ways, they're be no need to sack him but I guess that's too much to ask
  5. Forget Chesterfield, they'll be top by the time we play em. The six pointers for us will be with the bottom clubs but nowt new there
  6. Wow We'll have no fans left with that attitude, We're down a hole dug by Dave, please stop digging!
  7. What a load of tosh that is, Nobody on here takes any pleasure from seeing their home town team lose, I know full well I don't, infact I bloody hate it and the miserable outlook has been cast upon us. It needs to be gone for good
  8. So Frank could go on spending till his face matches the shirt and still no improvement, Absolutely sickening
  9. These are trained professionals, oh hang on
  10. One game played and it's like we've never been away, Ask yourself why and throw in some rational reasoning, there isn't any. It's like we've got rid of the snake but not the poison and it's taking the life out of us. We should all be cock a hoop, instead it's the same old, same old.
  11. One game turns into two and so it continues, We don't have the time or funding to mess up this season, he was given a free hit last season but there's no way that should be happening again this. If it isn't working you change it fast or we'll be left floundering at the wrong end once again.
  12. We're all in as goes the investment side and we don't want Frank to have to be questioning the wisdom of his outstanding generosity, If not this season when? He can't be expected to leave the cheque book open indefinitely. So 6 points it is from our next two games or else.
  13. Toxic after one game but he's brought that on himself, I keep on half forgiving the man by saying a couple of wins will paper over the cracks, imagine if they're not forthcoming? Then what? Big decisions need taking fast and they weren't, if nothing changes this season after getting what he asked for, he might even struggle to get a job as a car salesman.
  14. 1 nil up at half time Steve Taylor Pitch a little cut up
  15. Now why would you of all people think that? I'm going for a winning start with 2 or 3 goals scored
  16. Who said anything about publicity for Scholes? Read it again matey, The guy was a decent midfielder for manure but was totally clueless as far as anything to do with Latics was concerned, I wouldn't pay him in washers!
  17. Scholes was only given the job for publicity and it was obvious from the very start, he was a lame duck, At what point now would he ever be offered the same position? It just wouldn't happen at any level!
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