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Posts posted by palmer1

  1. Great win yesterday  & very heartening to see the players are definitely up for the battle.



    In regard to their goal I pointed out quite a number of weeks ago that Placide may not be the greatest keeper weve ever had & as usual took the flak on here & other social media platforms for my view. We all still happy with his performances of we still talking about that assist vs Bury? His kicking was also shit yesterday ?

  2. 58 minutes ago, League one forever said:

    Very aggressive. You ok? Or just frustrated? ?


    Whose said anything about body language? You’ve mentioned it twice now. . . Who’s fixated??


    Your long sympathy list, is called managing a skint football club. The way your talking the job is absolutely impossible, no one could do it. . . but against all the odds he’s still here!


    He’s very lucky to be in the job!


    Why is him knowing the situation when he took the job bollocks? Is it because it’s true?? Or is it because the goalposts are allowed to shift to suit your point of view? Not unlike our manager at the minute. 


    He needs to stop whinging about every facet of the club, and get a win. 


    Its that simple. ??






    Changed the goal post!? 


    You're not even looking at them! 


    You asked me a direct question which I replied to again your are ignoring it all. Like many Oldham fans it seems you've made you mind up & that won't change.


    Sack another manager like the last 10. Let's see how it works out this time … repeat.


  3. 7 minutes ago, TheBigDog said:

    Not strictly true - Holloway, Duffus, Obadeyi, Davies any two from four would work even if we are playing twice a week wouldn’t it? 

    And now add Nazon to the mix.


    That apart, I tend to agree that he seems frustrated in the main. Two up front tomorrow ?



    Nazon only arrived last week though. Duffus has been inured nearly all season and he's mentioned Holloway is the main player who can only play one 90 a week. Tope is fair enough but general consensus is he's ain't good enough anyway ?


    You can always play 2 up top but sometimes it would be square pegs round holes which we know is another issue with fans.

  4. 27 minutes ago, League one forever said:


    Do honestly think he’s coming across well recently? Especially the last month or so. 


    I think he comes across as frustrated!


    He's at  club that couldnt do business for 3 weeks of a 4 transfer window! Which couldnt register players when they'd signed. He has a goal keeper who doesn't stop shots, a defence that makes individual errors constantly and has been criticised for playing one up front despite all other options being not able to play 90 minutes more than once a week. A team that creates a tonne of chances most games but misses the target and then drop points to sides that hit the target once ot twice and always score.


    I think if you are aware and don't ignore all the attributing factors including his fucking assistant quitting and the training ground being flooded this last month plus he's come across unbelievably well!


    Or you could ignore all that and look at, ignore his actual words and the facts and try to read his body language instead. ?




    Edit; please dont tell me he knew what he was letting himself in for when he took the job because I'm sick of hearing it & and it's bollocks!

  5. 14 minutes ago, League one forever said:

    Eh? Proof of what????? 


    Im giving an opinion. On a forum. 


    Why do you and others dismiss people as negative when they challenge your point? Isn’t that point of a forum? To reply it’s proof of negativity is wrong and lazy. 


    I take it from your post, your loving listening to him go on about how hard the job is?  A job he craved for three months ago.


    I on the other hand would like some POSITIVITY from him, get the players, fans to come together for the mess we’re in. 




    So you ignored the fact he asked the fans to create an atmosphere because we always win when the atmosphere is good. Hes been asking for it for weeks


    You're ignoring what he's been saying for weeks which is full of positives every week (this board is always full of posters saying he's talking bollocks when he does that by the way) to fixate on body language after a bad day at the office.


    When I listen to him I enjoy his interviews. I think he speaks honestly and from the heart. Maybe too much at times. I don't look for hidden messages or for conspiracys. 


    As for the fans coming together is this the same fans that booed Banks on to the pitch or those that blamed 1 up front for shit defending after 10 minutes last week? 


    I dismiss you as negative because you are ignoring what's been said in favour of how he looms. It's that simple 

  6. Since when did a manager actually telling people how it is and what happened become a bad thing?


    social media is constantly talking about lack of communication and lack of transparency from people within the club and when someone finally explains why something didn't happen (transfers) in detail he told to 'shut the fuck up and get on with it!'  'stop moaning!'  An agreement to get a defender (a friend as well) is made only for a championship club to take him on the final hours due to league position would piss anyone off


    I like Wellens and like his interview style. He doesn't stand fools and im sure he gets frustrated which shows sometimes (Shez was the same)  but wouldn't you if youre being met with nothing but road blocks constantly and then answering the same questions over and over again everyday ?


    He is getting on with things but if the club or Wellens had said nothing there would be rumours we did nothing to get people in and how shit we are. Sometimes they cant win





  7. So Mills apparently has gone to Barnsley until the end of the season but would have agreed a deal with us if we could give him another year. right?


    I would guess we offered him a deal until the end of the season  but couldn't offer him more due to FFP and our league position. If we were mid table I think he'd and guaranteed safety maybe he gets his year.


    In the end it comes down to 6 months in the championship or league 1. he made the right choice.


    our wage bill is massively to high. we have to be sensible to get it in order with half a mind on next season.



  8. 6 minutes ago, boundaryblue80 said:


    It's exactly what's happening. Unless like on August 31st, Wellens can do what Shez did and beg for a play or two of his own.


    And having caught up on this topic....the fact we are offering out Ryan Mac on a free "to free up wages" is extremely fucking alarming. I know AL isn't promising to splash the cash but freeing up the wages of Ryan Mac who can't be on a massive wedge (and is capable if he can stay fit)...this is the sort of stunt Corney would be pulling. But I've got to trust that Simon Corney...he did say he would only sell to someone who could take us further...Further where...???



    8hrs to go...


    Ryan Mac could be a very good player but he is constantly injured. Just as he gets to fitness he's injured again.


    Plus he can go for free in the summer anyway. So no need to be alarmed.

  9. I tweeted the SLO (Who acknowledged the tweet) the @official , Mark Moisley, & even Corney ? on Friday. The 6th or 7th time this season...


    As usual fuck all gets done!


    Now missed the tribute to Jimmy Frizzell & the introduction of the owner. Only massive pieces of club history that the club itself don't give a shit if the fans who pay good money see!!!!



  10. 1 minute ago, robboman said:

    Wellens supposed to look pissed off/stressed on latest interview. Another striker might not happen


    tbf Wellens looks pissed on 90% of his interviews that's just his face & I'm sure he's sick of answering the exact same questions every day.


    As for the stress. Welcome to management at a club with no money in a transfer window. I'm sure no matter who com'es in hell look more rested come February when he isn't constantly chasing targets we cant afford.

  11. Funny how views on a player and their style can change.


    I remember Mark Hughes (from Spurs) being an replica player of Fane. Couldn't pass very well but worked his tripe and put himself about but to far less effect than Fane does now but he was loved.


    Richard Butcher (RIP) was hounded by a section of Latics fans because he didn't do the work Hughes did


    He also never improved and dropped down the divisions to Barnet funnily enough where Fane turned down an move



  12. 3 minutes ago, MAC0AFC said:

    I think he’s a very solid CM or CB for this division. Not gonna get a sniff at CB for Bradford though as they’ve two very strong players there. 


    Maybe slight exaggeration woth class, but he’s got enough about him to be in the better teams of this divisions starting XI’s.


    Agree on Fane though, although there’s an awful lot to work on but he seems like he’s definitely going to do that. 


    I think you've nailed it in the first paragraph..


    Dieng is a league 1 player no matter the position. The fact he can do a job in 2 positions should see him have a steady career at this level.


    I'm not sure he's been catching at Bradford for a while has he? Has he had injuries?

  13. 2 minutes ago, whittles left foot said:

    Thanks for the reply.

    Find this really interesting as I have the opposite opinion to you. Cannot understand the love for Fane hence the question-one of the least skilled players I have had the pleasure of watching in a Latics shirt. I would take Dieng every day of the week in front of Fane, thought it was a shocking decision allowing him to leave after offering him a poor new contract. He gave us cover at both centre half and midfield and had looked at the time as though he could play at a higher level.


    Hey Ho not after a bust up just interested in your thoughts, its a discussion board (sometimes) after all.


    Absolutely everyone is entitled to their opinion.


    Possibly one thing that can harm a player is that they can play more than one position especially at Latics, see Kieron Lee. You never get to see where they are at their very best.

  14. 32 minutes ago, whittles left foot said:

    Be interested to know how you would rate Dieng against Fane?


    I love Fane!

    He has a non stop engine & wins enough tackles for 2 midfielders. He is rapidly improving his distribution & is still learning. He has far more chance of playing at higher level than Dieng which he will if he keeps working at it.


    I liked Dieng but always thought he was pretty average. Never got the love in especially as a centre half. He was constantly out of position which the he recovered most times but he couldn't do that at the level above were many tipped he was going. I said rhe same about Kieron Lee as a right full back & took loads of flack for that.


    Just my opinion....i was right on both occasions though ? Lee proved his class in the position we should have played him in.(typical latics!)

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