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Posts posted by Markoasis

  1. I did have tickets for the top section for the game but bumping into other members of the forum we decided to sit in the lower section together ….. once a few more scarves were sold, flag put out and hotdog consumed it was time to get to watch the game.......



    It wasn’t a great performance by Latics, although I felt we were unlucky to fall behind to a side that you can see clearly why they are in relegation trouble. We didn’t waste the one man advantage in the dying stages of the game and given a few more minutes (still don’t know how their keeper managed to keep out Taylor’s header at the end) we would have taken all three points instead of another bloody draw!!!



    My thanks must go to the stewards that day who were such a pleasant bunch and looked after us sooooooooo well even though I was trying my best to get them to kick me out... I keep telling them I wasn't here to cause fights, I just was just here to sell my scarves but they still wanted me to sit down!! I think I may have over steped the mark when I politely ask them does working the games on Sat effect their dole payments!!!!

  2. As it was a long weekend I decided to stay up after the game Sat and give my a family a little Easter treat of actually seeing my face longer that a few hours and although it was always going to be a test for me and my Mum to be in the same place for more than 24 hours and staying friends... I took the risk.


    I met Mark and Paul as usual in Harrow and we made the journey up the M1/M62 in good time to arrive at the Greyhound in plenty of time to enjoy the sun.


    After my quota of beers I headed up to the ground slightly earlier that usual (even though most of the other 'Tics in the Greyhound had left 10 minutes previously) to help get the ‘big’ flag out in the Chaddy which nearly killed me and Joe …. It weighs a bloody ton!!!!


    Well the game started well and we simply didn’t take our chances and it ended with us dropping another two points against a poor Huddersfield side.



    Monday saw me head off to Bradford with Wardle (the driver of the day), Johnny punkster, OminousPoultry and Leeslover. Before we entertained ourselves in the Bradford Arms myself and Leelover took a little detour to open my latest money making scheme.... OASIS LIMOUSINES!! Leelover was given the pleasure of cutting the ceremonial scarve ...... bookings are now being taken for the Crewe game!


  3. Was looking to take it to Bradford ..... but still to bloody heavy, nearly killed me and Joe getting it out/away


    Anyone who may be available 15 mins before home games and sit in the Chaddy who are willing to help get out / put away the flag please PM me. Thanks

  4. I spoke to Mike last night and he was very upset I thought he lost!!!!!!



    Unlike a few 'Tics we stayed til the end KEEP THE FAITH!



    preparing to take the penalty



    TWO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  5. Well there was lots of pre-match excitement for this one as one of our very own Mike would be displaying his football skills at Half time on the pitch.

    The day started off quiet nicely with a couple of beers (and a cheese burger for me) in the beer garden of the Griffin, you wouldn't have known that there was going to be a game just down the road it was so peaceful and sunny.


    When we finally entered the ground only to be stopped at the back of the stand and told that it was full????? Not for the first time this year the home team had under estimated the amount of fans that follow the blues!!! Finally common sense (???) prevailed and we were let in only to be met with our next challenge 'to find a seat were we could actually see the pitch from'.


    Eventually we found a great viewing spot at the back of the stand that was much like the infamous Olympic viewing gallery at the old Wembley stadium.



    Mark, Danny and Me enjoying the best view in the house!!!!!


    The first half could have gone either way, although as time went on you could sense the frustration on the pitch growing amoungst the Latics players, as half time approached Mike starting to get a little nervous and started doing things that one hopes were warming up exercises........



    First half action ...............


    The whistle blew for half-time and the atmosphere in the away end suddenly increased to a deafening level as Mike entered the arena. I believe the idea was to place a football nearer to the centre circle than your opposite number, at the end of a compelling competition Mike narrowly came second.... but talk about milking the crowd :dance:



    Mike takes a run up ......






  6. Even though I was born and lived up until 15 years ago in Rochdale, I've always been a Oldhamer... this probally down to me watching rugby since being a nipper and the fact that all my family lived in Oldham so it felt more like my home town. Because of this I never ever thought about being a Rochdale supporter. Although I did have two teams at the time (see previous post regarding Man U)


    My first 'live' game was actually Rochdale playing Man at Old Trafford in the cup .... it didn't go down to well me being with all my schoool mates in the Rochdale end with a Man u scarf on though.


    I did always love being the odd one out at school as these were the days when you actually supporter your local team and there were few Oldham / Man U fans around.

  7. I could support my home town team .... Rochdale but that would NEVER happen or I could support the team I actually supported as a child until I was old enough to travel to to games on my own and choose Oldham. My family are from Oldham and I've been a 'Yed since I'd been born... and it was the first year of the play-offs when we were on the up!!!! Ok I'm skirting around naming my childhood team, especially as I know exile will censor it and issue me with a warning ..... ok here goes Man U!!!!


    Still this doesn't mean I'll support them if Oldham didn't exist ...... probally wouldn't bother, I'd just support anyone who played against the teams I hate.

  8. .... or should that be home!!! Well this was probally the shortest trip for me to watch Latics (all of 5 minutes) and I had be looking forward to this day all season, apart from the actually score (felt we did enough to win)it was a great day out. So not really much to talk about my journey this week, although I did have to run back to my house several times for stock as myself and Wardle 'Del boy' Latic were doing a great trade on scarves and Chris Taylor t-shirts before the game in my 'local' the coach and Horses.


    Whilst waiting for Wardle and Johnny to arrive I thought I'd do a little housework and then I got the call from Dave in the pub! Sorry I didn't realise that as this was my local it was my duty to be the host .... so my annual assisting my flat mates with the house-work was out the window and off I toddled to the pub after making new arrangments with Wardle to meet me at the bar and not Leytonstone tube. After several beers Wardle arrived and we quickly popped to mine to drop off his stuff..... by the time I got back the pub started to really fill and with vocal cords warmed the singing began.


    Well the first half of the game was slightly dissapointing and got slightly worse when the second went in ..... but what a finish!!! I really thought we would go on to take all three points but for the cross-bar and a partially sighted lines man (or whatever they are called this week). Now for those of you who don't know I manage halls of residents and brought a couple of my senior students along (with newly purchased scarves). Both are big supporters and regulars of their local teams Boca Juniors and Real Madrid ......... they loved the atmosphere the Oldham supporters created the entire day and would be back next week if I could get them tickets for the Brentford game. Done deal.


    Back to the pub after the game seemed to be the plan for most Latics fans as it seemed as packed after the game as it was before. Eventually numbers fell as one by one the 'Tics made their way home up North or heading out and about into town until this left me, Johnnypunkster and Wardle watching the Irish win at cricket ... although by Johnny's reaction whilst watching Sky sports the following morning he couldn't re-call any of it nor did he recall the fact he left one Chinese take-away muttering that he fancied eating chinese food and needed to find a chinese take-away!!!! Confused ... we were.


    Anyhow here's some of the pictures from the day.



    The OASIS lads gather in the Coach and Horses before the game including Danny who got a last minute pass



    Kevin gets the singing going pre-match



    first half action



    ... and some second half action!!!!



    Shezza thanking the usual fantastic traveling support



    'our' shop across the road from the stadium................



    The 'visitors'



    The 'home' team



    Jerry the landlord was very impressed with the Latics fans and wished me to thank them for their good natured behaviour (and his next holiday), however he did want to know with naughty little 'Tic did this to his toilet door?




    Mark :OASISscarf:

  9. We finally left the coach and horses at 11pm ... Spoke to Jerry the landlord and was full of compliments about the Latics fans. Before the game he was upstairs watching the Irish rahrah but couldn't hear the commentary due to the singing. To round the night off the cricket came on with Ireland needing 45 of 17overs ... thought I was tripping, but was a great excuse to get another few beers in.


    Was told that the locals had never had so many Police / Police vans in the area on match days (including Millwall) seems they expected a big 'crew' from oldham ..... that'll be Wilson's train then

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