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Posts posted by Markoasis

  1. We will all be meeting from 12.30am in the Coach and Horses pub which is just past the ground on Leyton High road. For those coming by tube. Get off at Leyton, cross over the road once out of the main enterance and follow the road right (past TKMax) and continue for approx 10mins. The pub is on the corner as you just pass the ground to your left.





  2. Well thats a subject thats close to my heart!!!! Indeed there is and the landlord a very nice chap .... expect a good days drinking in his pub before the game especially as he's Irish and its paddy's day :drinking45::Ireland::Ireland::Ireland:


    Come out of Leyton tube, cross over, turn right (past TKMax) and follow the main road for about ten miutes. Its on the corner just past the ground on the main road .... its name .... Coach and Horses!!! But be warned I have first dabs on the Aussie with the big (sorry forgot this is a family show) who works behind the bar!

    I usually pop in a one or two when I get back after games (open til one).







  3. As I wouldn't be making the trip up to Boundry Park on Sunday I was lucky enough to still get my 'Oldham' fix as the Inspirals were playing in Shepards Bush the night before. I was joined by Mike, unfortunately Mark had to pull out at the last minute, and meet up with Sam and his Sister afterwards during my attempts to get to the aftershow drinks. I had arranged through the band for four passes upstairs after the gig however none could be found, but after several conversations with Graham Inspiral during the gig it looked like my look was in...... but alas I waited for Graham in the upstairs bar but before the band came out Securtity asked me to leave :exile:


    Ah well it was a fantastic gig and well worth the three years wait since the last time I managed to see them, even recruiting a new OASIS member during the gig (good meet you Shaun) :oasissign1: Especially pleasing was Clint starting a 'Blue army' chant .......... with a member of Keane??


    Enjoy the pictures............


    Mark :OASISscarf:




    Latic's Fanatic Graham



    Zigga zagga ........



    The blues are going up ......








    Not another injury worry for Shezza

  4. Due to the train crash the previous week I did think that this may have been a little to much of a journey to make ... but in the end I was glad that I made the 670 mile round trip.



    A few weeks earlier I had just booked a single train ticket to Manchester as the orginal plan was to hook up with the Beardy bus, but due to last minute time changes and me not arriving in Manchester until 9.45am I wasn't going to make it. Anyhow I managed to buy a cheap single from Manchester to Carlisle but unfortunately as it later turned out ten minutes into my journey this was dated the 1st March not the 3rd, bloody pc users!!!!! Suddenly it looked like I wouldn’t even make it past the first station and I couldn’t decide what was going to be worse missing the game or being stuck in Peterborough?


    After a nerous 20 minutes waiting for the conductor to kick me off or offer me a ticket for £120, with sweating palms I went to find him. After seeking out the conductor in 1st class…. didn't have the right ticket and now I was an illegal in 1st class, he said he would let me travel to Newcastle but that I would have to buy a single from Newcastle to Carlisle. The rest of the journey to be quite relaxed after this mini heart attack and was joined by a few other Tics at Newcastle for the final trip.



    Durham... quite pleasant


    I had been hoping to catch up with the Edinburgh lads before the game, but by the time I got myself sorted for traintimes back (although I did sneak a well earned pint at the pub near the Station before I did this), realised how far away they were and when eventually find a taxi found out that the Beardy bus (who they were with) was leaving soon for the ground (how I heard Beardy over the singing I don’t know) I decided to make my way to their next venue they were due The Carlisle rah rah club house and after getting a couple of scopes in I was left with the prospect of staying inside and watching Man U or the bloody Rah Rah outside……….the day had suddenly taking a turn for the worse.


    After catching up with a few Tics outside (being none smoking inside swung it), selling a few more scarves (AKA Rocky swinging stick) Wardle arrived and we headed to the ground.



    Swing ya scarf Rocky!!


    Well after 13 minutes I knew my journey was worth while... athough blinded by the sun (which is probally why I don't really remember much of the match .. honest it wasn't the beer) ..............


    A glorious sunny day, shame 1.000 Tics could see the bloody game because of it


    ....when I eventually realised that Latics were one up though ... yes a CHRIS TAYLOR goal and the proceeded to go wild with the one and only Craig Davies who had decide to stand next to me, who incidently informed me later that he will including a song on his new album as a tribute to the moment Taylor got his first senior goal. The worst keep secret of the year following ... a booking for Taylor for over celebrating, actually I expected crowd surfing.


    Half time came and in the Q for refeshment I happened to bump into the father of Chris Taylor and how happy was he!! After a quick chat he mentioned that in over 50 senior games this is the first one he was unable to find a bookies to put a bet on his son scoring!!! I told him, after selling him a scarf... I don't miss a trick(actually I had given him one free but Chris's girlfriend nicked it so he bought another), that he shouldn't bet on him scoring again and having agreed to meet up for beer before the Leyton game I headed off to find the boys and sell more scarves. Cheers again Edinburgh Latic for the Hearts shirt / scarf ....hopefully catch you up there for a game before the end of the season.


    After missing most of the second half through the sun (well not all through the sun .... me and the Edinburgh lads got another beer in as they started the second half I finally got to see the game clealry as the home team managed a late equaliser.


    Badger, Craig and Stevie 3/4 of the Edinburgh boys ....nice scarves only £6 you know


    Flags packed, runners out .... I made a mad dash on the final whistle for the exit and my mile run to the station for the 17.20pm train and the only one that would get me home that day. After a mad dash I made it with 5 minutes to spare and caught up with Station master (or what ever you call um these days) to collect my earlier bet off him that i would make it (he didn't think I would)... after congratulating me on making it he then told me that the train was actually broken and that he would be running at least 20 mins late and I only had a ten minutes transfer for the last train to London in Newcastle. :mad:


    To be continue ..... :OASISscarf:









    Continued: Found B&B, the Edinburgh lads, drank til 2am or was it 3am, woke up with a local las and caught the train home Sunday at 11am...............


    P1010339.jpgMe and Cammy enjoy a quiet beer or ten after the game



    Mark :OASISscarf::OASISscarf:

  5. one for rummy...... and a defo for the beardy bus!!!!!!!!! :drinking66:


    you fill up my senses

    like a gallon of OB

    like a packet of bensons

    like a good balti pie


    like a night out in Oldham

    like a greasy chip buttie

    like Oldham Athletic

    come fill me again




  6. The fun started before I had even got off the tube as I passed Baker Street I received a message from Mike who was already at Paddington … our train had been cancelled as the driver wasn't going to turn up!!!!!

    So the first decision of the day had to be made, would we hang around and catch the next one in an hour which would certainly be packed or find an alternative route … now I’m not sure who made the decision ( but I'm certain it wasn’t me as I was still slightly worst for wear from the previous night) but we headed off on the 10am train to Bristol. Danny who was considering joining our original train at Bristol had now decided to drive from Swindon instead offered to pick us up from Bristol, eventually (after I starting to wake from my slumber) I realised that the train we were on stopped at Swindon!!!!


    Now earlier in the day before I had left the house Dave had phoned me to ask what junction to get off for the park and ride, he was already half way there from West London. As we crossed the border we discovered that Dave had arrived and eventually getting access to the park and ride at 11.30am only to be told that the first shuttle would not be until 1pm which is why we eventually caught him up and sat on the same shuttle bus … with Dave having lost precious drinking time.


    Straight into the ground was the plan for the day … once they opened the doors for us, more drinking time lost for Dave.


    As the fans came in the atmosphere grew and I ‘officially’ meet a few guys from the forum and sorry Rocky I agree with Beardy you looked slightly hammered before the game even started!


    The atmosphere starts to build[/font]


    Now Shezza as been quoted on many occasions lately that the fans have been a different class this year and obviously this as been duly noted by one perticular player. So the truth is out regarding Wellen’s silly sending off …. he just wanted to spend three games with the ‘tics in the stand!!!!



    Half time came and the boys on the pitch seemed to be in control of the game, but on balance I felt we should have been more than Warne’s goal to the good and once again Taylor came soooo close to scoring his first goal of the season after a great run but was denined by the cross bar.



    One- nil and the crowd go wild!!!!!


    Now I know that signs were posted everywhere in the foyer to say it was a non-smoking ground but for two stewards to come up behind a literally lift one fan out of the ground for lighting a cigarette was harsh to say the least. I’m pretty sure that he didn’t realise that it was non-smoking (otherwise he’d be in the toilets with the rest of the smokers) ground, a friendly warning would have been more than enough action …. still the stewards did spend the entire game looking for any excuse to throw people out and were the worse ones I come across this season.


    Warning: smoking can seriously damage you chances of watching an entire football match


    Swansea looked a little stronger in the second half and came close when they hit the bar from a free kick and with the our fans in great voice (da da dah ..da da dah) Latics never looked like losing control of the game and another great away result saw us sitting proudly on top of the league once again due to Scunny's game being off.


    Full time and another three points


    Myself and Mike were staying at Joe's in Cardiff for the night so we slowly made I way to the train station (calling in a few of the local establishments) and eventually travelled the short distance to Cardiff.


    Mike and Joe on the way to Cardiff

    Several more beers later, a stop at a curry house (which no one can remember what they actually ordered/ate ... all I remember is that it was good though) and trying to prevent shop windows, pollards and the homeless from running into Mike we finally reached the bottom of the hill that would lead to Joe's flat and ........ well it had to be done!!!


    May I take this opportunity to apologise to anyone reading this who was in the Cardiff area around midnight on Sat and got woken by two rather intoxicated Latics fans running up the hill singing the 'Rocky' theme at the top of their voices...... :boxer:



    The Millennium stadium .. back here in May? Not if we can help it







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