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Posts posted by Markoasis

  1. Would it, wouldn't it ..... had the tickets pre-booked, day off work so I decided to make the journey up. Before the train had even moved off the platform I was informed that Chaddy the Owl had been told not to leave the Woods tonight as the game would be off!!!! It wasn't 'offically' confirmed as being off until the train pulled into Manchester ......................... :thumbsdown:



    Leaving the train in Manchester after finally hearing the game was 'offically' off


    Well it gave me a time for a little shopping and then back to the parents for a home cooked meal. Fingers crossed for Swansea :speakenglish:








  2. Didn't realise that was going ahead! What time are you guys looking to be leaving? I'll see what we can arrange this around train times, although we will probally have to get the train back straight from the ground

  3. Any other London based 'Tics crazy enought to travel to Carlisle? We are looking at catching the 8.50 arrive 1.30pm. Then returning on the 5.35 which arrived back in London around 10.35pm. Tickets are currently £33 via trainline.




  4. Trains, planes and automobiles…. lets not forget the hot air balloon.


    Not the usual journey was undertaken by four of us yesterday. With Paul off to Twickers, Danny kindly offered to take the three London adventurers up to BP by making a divert from his journey from Swindon to meet us in Reading… first task was to get to Reading for 9.30am!!!!


    My first dilemma was the prospect of engineering work having closed my local tube line on the day I had my earliest match day start of the season, but having managed to secure one of the guest flats at work this first obstruction was avoided…. admittedly this still didn’t stop me from missing my meet with Ollie and Mike to catch the 8.45am train from Paddington to Reading. Lucky for me the trains were every 10 minutes and I soon joined them at Reading were Danny was there to meet us….. BP here we come!!!!


    On the journey up we were treated to a hot air balloon, a fine parachute display by five Para’s jumping out of a Hercules, an informative discussion on Ollie’s new diet of a kilo (yep a Kilo!!!) of dried mango and ten pints of Guinness (the major after effect of this diet would soon be discovered by half the main stand during the game included in the 'victims' were the ticket office girls and this may be there reason the ticket office wasn’t open straight after the game!!! ), several renditions of the Junior Kick Start theme (sorry Mike I suppose this puts the tune back in your head) which you really had to be there to understand why this came up and learning the full extent of Danny’s many match rituals. Whilst we are on the subject of rituals … Titch look after those lucky trainers mate


    At1.30pm having negotated through the fog and several car accidents on the M6 we arrived at our ‘local’, the Greyhound, to refresh ourselves before the game.


    Danny an Ollie soak up the sun outside the Greyhound (in the background between them is Mike)


    Now you would have thought that a reserved sticker on the seat is a clue that someone may actually come along and sit there, but it never fails that every time I arrive at my seat a few minutes before kick off some little 'Tic as claimed it as his own. Now you may say I have a strange sense of humour but it never fails to amuse me to see his expression when he’s realised that his error in sitting on a ST holders seat as now condemned him to running about trying to find another seat, which is usually no where near the mates he’s come along with, whilst the Chaddy erupts as the teams arrive on the field :laugh4:



    The atmosphere yesterday was one of the best I’ve seen at BP for a while, with the Paddock army especially looking and sounding impressive from the chaddy :army: :army: :army: . Ollie remarked that the whole ground was rocking after the goal … yep this included the whole of the Main stand!! :thumb08:



    The late, late winner just capped the day off nicely and to describe his view of the goal here is Ollie “all I could see was the Formica”. Yep after a nine hour round trip Ollie had nipped off to the loo, deciding that after Hall hit the post that I just wasn’t going to be and therefore thought this was a good opportunity to go. The full time whistle blew and the texts started coming in from the exiles around the country …. We are top of the league, we are top of the league!


    Pogs celebrates with the Chaddy at full time


    Home time!

    After cutting a our way through the fog, surviving Ollie’s new diet and deciding that all the radio football phone-ins should be renamed West Ham supporters rant line, Danny dropped us off at Reading (cheers again mate .. first beer is on me on Tuesday) in time for the 8.45pm to London. Whilst in the Station a couple guys heading back from the rugby in London happened to be looking at my programme and upon realising that I'd been to Oldham asked "what the hell are you doing in Reading?" I simply replied "just on my way home" and as I headed off to join the others on our platform they smiled and patted me on the back! Not sure if this was for to my commitment or the fact they thought I was simply mad.... sometimes I'm not to sure myself.


    Ollie and Mike head into Reading Station, next stop London


    Having toasted our victory with a quick beer on the train we found ourselves back in at London Paddington, only two more legs of the journey to go. With Ollie having headed off to meet up with some mates, myself and Mike decided to toast the victory once again in Charing Cross Station before heading our separate ways......but not before we got hold of the first edition of the Sunday Mirror, opened to the results page and looked at the table … OLDHAM ATHLETIC TOP OF THE LEAGUE!!!!








    p.s. My journey continued with another tube ride and having remembered the engineering works I called at work and completed my journey as a 'white van man' at 11.45pm!!!

  5. Tradition for us to crack open a beer straight away on the train. Not sure what to do tomorrow as we have to get a train at 8.45am to Reading to pick up our lift, could be a loooooooong day


    Whoever comes up with the best last line will win an exclusive (soon to be available) 'Oh when the blues' pin in the colour of their choice (blue or tangerine) .... on condition this is sung at Swansea. now theres a challenge


    Enjoy your evenings ... I'm have for a few beers at the Student Union at work, lots of cheep beer and cheep..... :D See ya tomorrow




  6. ...


    Play the clip and see if it fits!!!





    We travel land

    We Travel sea

    We travel here today to see our victory


    We’ll make some noise

    We’ll make you fear

    We cause shezza's boys are here



    I likes it, any one come up any better words for the last line???

  7. “Your not famous anymore” sang out the cobbler fans much to the bemusement of the OASIS contingent!!! When were we famous?


    A quick journey up to Northampton today with the majority of the London OASIS lads choosing to drive up rather than the prospect of a six hours round trip courtesy of Rail track engineering works. First reason not to have Sunday football!!


    Second reason being my sore head from the night before, Sundays are for recovering from the match and the post match drinks … by the pockets of silence in the ground throughout the game everyone else was suffering the same fate as me :mad:


    The game.…


    We hardly had chance to hang the flags, find our seats (take more orders for scarves in my case) when Mr Wellens pops up with a great first minute strike. One nil the Tics …..


    The early exchanges saw Latics slightly ahead on points when sloppy defending lead to the first Northampton goal after 24 mins. To be honest I was confused as to who was to blame for the goal ... opinion amougst the travelling army was split between Gregan and Haining :gossip:




    This seemed to wake the locals who entertained us with a little ditty entitled “that’s why you’re not going up”. A nice touch that would shortly come back to bite um on the arse when a typical Warne :imnotworthy: finish just before half time sent the boys to the sheds to a chorus of “that’s why were going up”.


    Wellens really took control of the game in the second half (together with some strong challenges from Rocky breaking up any potential Northampton attacks) and the Home midfield just couldn’t complete. Now what puzzles not only myself but also all OASIS members is what is some fans problem with Rocky? As Danny noted during the game Macca had had his worst performance in a Latics shirt against Bristol City and was cheered off the pitch when he was substituted. If that was Rocky do you think the same thing would happen? He may not have silky skills but he does the job he’s been asked to do … :applause1:



    With the engine room of the team humming Latics started to look like the team that put 5 past Forest on New Years day and it wasn’t long before Porter put us 3-1 up with a brave header over the oncoming Keeper who’s only real intention was to hurt Ports… why a card was not given to him I’ll never know. Soon after Ports should have found himself sitting pretty on top of the goal scoring charts but tried to hard to place the ball in the net and it trickled just wide of the post.


    Latics were now in full control of the game and the points surely in the bag. But as the oles rang out the worst was feared and sure enough another error in defence lead to a second for the home team and the Blue army had a nervous final five minutes (what’s new) until the ref blew for full time.


    This was a great win away from home, Northampton are a team full of confidence and are a far better side than the one we saw at BP in December, and Latics are starting to get some form back


    Unlike last week … this was a good day at the office.



    Who turned the lights off????


    Ktf :OASISscarf:




    P.S who ever thought it was funny to tie hundreds of knots on strings of my ‘Keep the Faith’ flag ….. :censored:

  8. Met him at Tate Britain during the Summer .... manage to get to meet little Frank as well. His manager who took the picture was sweating in case Frank saw me with him .... no one is allowed to touch Little Frank.


    1st time i met him was at a Junior Latics meeting some years ago ... made my Cousin go to the meeting so I could see Frank. Q up with all the 7/8 year olds for his autograph much to the ammusement of the Tic players there on the night ... welll I was 18 at the time.



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