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Everything posted by KYLEOAFC

  1. Seems slightly conflicting to me that. I thought we were well on our way to selling the 1600 in the rocky but going off the chron info it doesn’t seem that way. Say we sold 3200. According to those percentages that’s: Chaddy: 768 Main Stand: 1536 Rocky: 896 Might be right who knows.
  2. Don’t act big? that’s irony lol Not meaning to come over all key board warrior I am just offering my opinion for what its worth and doing it in a slightly sarcastic and comic like way, those who take my posts as gospel are the ones with the problem! Forums wouldn’t be as successful if people like me followed your rules 1,3. I haven’t said anything to you or anybody on here I wouldn’t say to their face. Anyhow, relax. SHERIDAN OUT!!!! (Old habits and all that)
  3. You are on clue! lol Rules for drummer 1. Don't Even think of banging the drum unless we have a 4 goal margin. (In our favour) 2. Dont play the drum unless its sunny and theres no clouds in the sky. 3. Don't play the drum if theres a slight breeze or worse. 4. If the team are playing in blue leave the drum at home. I think thats fair.
  5. Basically he's saying if it doesn't work out in the rocky and they get complaints he's going to look at relocating him, maybe back to the chaddy. In my e-mail I said if I find out he's sat next to me and he insists on playing the drum causing annoyance then I will request a move. I am for the drum in principle but only if its correctly located. I was looking forward to the atmosphere in the rocky but was hopeful that the drummer would stay where he was, in kiddies corner. lol
  6. I got this from Alan Hardy on Tuesday, Kyle The drummer has not yet purchased a season ticket but tells me he intends to go in the Rochdale Road End. We will insist he is positioned so as to cause the least annoyance to the fans so I would suggest you do nothing yet as it may result in us moving him back to the Chaddy. Alan
  7. I agree with lags its not just your stereotypical moaners who don’t like the drum. I love football grounds when I am being part of an intimidating atmosphere and I have been to grounds all over the UK and abroad just for the 'crack' so to speak, but even as a 25 year old I hate poxy drums, especially when there played consistently and located within 10 seats of you. I would rather fireworks and flares! However i bought one of those hooter things at wembley the other week and i can play that quite badly if we want to start a competition? lol
  8. I have spoken with him when he first started his drumming campaign and even offered to buy him lessons lol. I don’t dislike the lad after all he's a young Latics fan wanting to get behind the team, I think with common sense this debate can be put to bed. Front row or nothing lol If he is adamant in sitting next to others who don’t share his banging obsession then let him and his dad deal with the consequences.
  9. As mentioned on here, best solution is to have the drum on the very front row of the A, It works for blackburn and he wont be directly sat next to anyone. Dont put the drum anywhere near the top of the I. Please! lol
  10. GUTTED!!!! I was under the impression he was staying in the chaddy! With that in mind me and my mate decided to have a change and get season tickets in the Rochdale road end instead. When it came to getting them we ended up getting a few others on board and got four. Now the drum is in our block I am gutted, I ve been sat right next to the drum before and its so irritating!! they should stick him in the corner on his own, I for one will be the first to complain if he's near me next year. I feel mean telling him to bugger off cos he’s only a young lad and is trying his best but if he’s dead set on bringing the drum cant he stand on the concourse at the back or be placed in an extreme corner of the stand and not sat directly next to anyone either at their side, or in front or at their rear? BAN THE DRUM in the seated area at least.
  11. Saw the flag early on but then also saw what looked like a cop take it down. Dont think those at the bottom could see.
  12. Went to wembley yesterday and had a great day out, saw a few latics there and of course there was 4 of us in the car. £7.50 for cheese burger and chips! and it was s4ite! lol Anyhow i was really taken back by the stadium and chuffed i went however, my bets didnt come up, i had £10 on 3-1 to stockport @ 20-1 and £10 on 3-3 at 50-1 so rochdales late goal cost me £210 and with them not scoring another it cost me £510! Anyhow got my own back on the way home with the latics badges and posters in the car and notices in the windows and taunting every dale coach on the way past, childish but funny at the time!! YOUR JUST A SMALL TOWN IN OLDHAM!!!
  13. Did you get a parking pass? I got a VIP car pass posted out and it arrived the other day only problem being they sent me one for the leeds donny game!! Apparently all the the passes are mixed up.
  14. Wow theres some bitter people on here recently! And I thought it was my job to point out the negatives every time. I am going on Monday with another 3 Latics fans (All ST holders and away regulars). Who cares who the teams are they are Local and if you aren’t bothered by the cost why not?, it's what footballs all about. If Wembley stadium didn’t still have the magical feel about it, and we weren't interested in the division two playoffs then everybody would be going on about how English football at the lower levels has lost the attraction and how fans only flock to see the bigger clubs. It doesnt make me anyless a Latics fan if i pay to see other clubs when we havent got a fixture.
  15. Not even from the point of which away ground you visit next year? No preference between the two? I've only ever been to Rochdale with Latics in friendly matches and Rose bowl games so I wouldn't mind going in a league fixture, but Stockport has better pubs and atmosphere!
  16. I am with the Stockport fans! Ticket, which I thought was reasonable, £36. Car parking permit £25 Car full of Latics fans going to wembley Priceless!! Actually deep down I want Dale to win but i was out voted as to who we sit with.
  17. A few of us have got tickets (and car permits) to go watch Rochdale and Stockport at Wembley. Is there anybody else off here making the journey, and who are you supporting? Even if your not going who do you want to win?
  18. Family Friend was born in the Hague and was a fan of FC DEN HAAG, so their my foreign side as I’ve always had their memorabilia and followed them since being a young lad.(hence the pic) In England, I don’t have one. Scotland, Celtic
  19. I started in the chaddy in 1987 and have only ever had a st in there. However this year ive moved to the rocky and i am excited for the away day feel. I am going to move again when the main stand is built dependant on the atmosphere in the rocky.
  20. Thats one thing i cant be blamed for! I am however bringing a kazoo next season!! A stand full of Kazoo's now that would be something!!!!!
  21. Spot on Nah I am taking a year out of the JS abuse this year i promise lol I am saving it for the away fans sat near me!!!! I was sat in the ground on my own tonight it was heaven for once everybody agreed with me!!!
  22. Just got back from the ticket office. Got 4 adult season tickets in the (I) of latics. We are only selling ST in the (T,I) sections of LATICS in the RRE, so that we can all be accommodated in the small section of the stand if needed. That means no more than 1600 ST holders in the RRE if we sell all of them. I had a sit in my seat and a look on the computer in the ticket office and if sales are up 70% in the rre compared to the chaddy, then we are in trouble because there’s loads of the 1600 left in the RRE! As for the original post, not a chance of money back pal, as far as I can remember in the terms and conditions of season ticket books at the front it says the club has the right to move season ticket holders to other sections of the stadia if needed.
  23. smudge, It would be good if when doing your tour of the ground or bit about the clubs past / present you could manage to get one of our better known senior players to put their input in, to help put things into perspective and gauge the club against their own experiences / views. Ones that I would be interested in and that would possibly get the neutrals attention would be: Mark Crossley Sean Greegan Lee Hughes. You could even try and come up with a theme or format of the club captain giving you the low down and insight to the club. (Less work for you and same questions and format for future slots) This would show your future employers you have a few ideas for a succession of football programmes and that you have thought things through i.e. future shows and regular slots interest from a bigger demographic. Greegan does latics and the slot and then the week after the captain of another local side does the same. Just a thought, Good Luck
  24. Simon Corney might be a mobile phone mogul or whatever it is he does but he’s got this problem completely wrong! As I said in another post It’s a sad fact that your neutrals these days couldn’t give a monkeys about history or tradition or even sentiment, they just want to pay their hard earned cash on attractive football that gets results in the comfort and surroundings of a nice stadia. Our performance in the league this season no matter how you try and dress it up was mediocre to boring at BEST! If the board aren’t willing to invest a fair bit in quality players with the prime goal of getting promotion next season, then pack your bags boys because the fans wont be coming back to watch a mid-table side again next year. We never had a winning run or any excitement in the league last year so its no wonder the fans stayed away. The one time we had excitement was in the FA cup at Everton and we took 5500 fans. If Simon reads these posts I would say directly to him that, its no good spouting the fact attendances are down to the loyal fans we all know, we are the ones who sit next to the empty seats on match day in a ground that has no atmosphere. By cutting investment its going to get worse. If you want bigger crowds the first port of call is the managers office, you have to get it right on the pitch to attract your neutrals and this is the only way your hardcore number of fans will increase in the future. KTF.
  25. This debate could run on and on forever. I think the key to getting bums on seats (And not just the big issue types), is to get it right on the pitch. It’s a sad fact that your neutrals these days couldn’t give a monkeys about history or tradition or even sentiment, they just want to pay their hard earned cash on attractive football that gets results in the comfort and surroundings of a nice stadia. To be honest who could blame them. As people have said on here though about attracting fans from Tameside it would be a great idea to increase advertisements to towns like Ashton Stalyvegas, and Mossley , you would be surprised what returns you would get as there’s loads of Latics fans live in Ashton who walk around the town in blue and tangerine as it is.
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