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Everything posted by aidan_latics

  1. Reckon you might be on to something there. As for Winch at RB, seen him play there a couple of times and thought he did okay - think that was where he was playing when he scored that worldy against Swindon a couple of seasons ago. I prefer a defender to be predominantly a defender however, and if they have an ounce of attacking ability then that's a bonus. While I'm not a huge fan of B Wilson, he is obviously more defensively minded, and does put in a shift. And back round to George Green, and on non-football related matters - I guess it's been shared on here already, but a couple of Everton fans we bumped into after the Walsall game told us about this little gem! At least if he doesn't make it as a footballer, he can always fall back on his rapping prowess! www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8jVPnA506c
  2. I would say it's all pretty walk-able really - and I don't really like walking either. I went for a few days earlier in the year. Didn't bother with the maps on the phone - just got a paper map from our hotel reception. Most places seem to do the same map, which in most places are free. They have loads of the main sights marked on and all the street names, and so was pretty easy to get anywhere. The metro there is also pretty easy to use if you'd rather go to the other side of town fairly quickly. Regarding going on roofs to get a great view of the area, which I'm sure is great - but I'd definitely recommend going up the road that runs from Piazza del Popolo to the rear of the Spanish steps. You can see everything practically from up there (and it's obviously free) - it also has a little van at the top that you can purchase a cold beer from to refresh yourself whilst taking in the sights. Have a look for yourself: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Spanish+Steps/@41.9096463,12.4801246,3a,75y,220.31h,92t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s1t-CeNuI1BMUtn6Jd2QWQg!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo3.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3D1t-CeNuI1BMUtn6Jd2QWQg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D100%26h%3D80%26yaw%3D333.6066%26pitch%3D0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x132f60541678ae75:0x7fc0d4978aae690f!6m1!1e1
  3. Three teams promoted from League One: Wigan Bradford Sheff Utd Four teams relegated from League One: Crewe Gillingham Colchester Bury Oldham's final league position: 16th Total: 15pt
  4. Done and paid up - I'm aiming high this year. Game on!
  5. Is Owen Hargreaves involved as well, I recall he was quite the dab hand at promotional videos?
  6. I'd be up for this - couldn't guarantee every week, but should be able to do most weeks (depending on the whereabouts).
  7. Latics 2 - 0 Barnsley (Ht 1 - 0) M'Voto OG (can I do that?) Att: 4,888
  8. Latics 2 - 1 Colchester (HT 1 - 1) Winchester Att: 4,123
  9. Latics 2 - 2 Swindon (HT 1 - 1) Wilkinson Att: 3,456
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