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Posts posted by jsslatic

  1. Been saying this for a while, Wolfy's not making the impact he needs to off the bench - the boy needs a run out on loan somewhere. Ship him out for a couple of months and give Lewis a go from the bench.


    Even if he does nothing, it's still as good as we've got at the moment.

  2. Stitch's interview on SSN just praises the Hudders fans, saying that the talk in the dressing room after wasn't about the football but how brilliant the away fans were and how it encouraged them on.


    The players have even said it themselves, I for one have a funny feeling that if we'd just taken say, the 200 who bothered to turn up for the Donny replay, to Everton rather than the wall of noise behind the boys then the resolve may have dropped and we could have been turned over.


    It's common sense that results are better with a bit of encouragement and support...that's standard from kids in schools to footballers on a pitch. Obviously it can't work all the time as someone always has to lose, but it seems silly and almost nonsensical to say the fans have no effect whatsoever.

  3. first and foremost.....it`s important to point out that i like shez, and still want him to succeed for us.


    but i reckon he is losing his grip on the situation rapid........and he`s gotta do something a.s.a.p to tip the balance back


    i really don`t think the squad any longer has the `respect` for him to help us change things in a consistent way.......how ????


    1. because they will be so used to his `give me something to think about ` red herrings which he threatens about every 2 days....yet they know by now that now`t much changes


    2. apart from the everton match, the squad are certainly sick of hearing how they `could have done better`.


    3. at least half of the squad must be totally downtrodden each match coz they are constantly being played in positions which don`t make any sense and make them look crap.


    4. when you look at how badly we perform sometimes ( like today ) , and in other gash home matches, it`s obvious that the lads are just no longer listening to him......ie; no respect.


    come on shez......sort yer head out......sort yer weird tactics out.......get their confidence up by playing them in the `correct` positions.......and get the lads listening to you or we will get nowhere.




    What a load of tosh.

  4. why arn`t we buying ???.........


    the latest deal involving grabban gettin bought for a song makes me ask yet again, `is shez out too out of touch ??`.


    it again seems a lot of decent lookin players have gone to other clubs coz the clubs are gettin in there rapido, while we yet again just seem to be watchin it happen ! !


    you can almost imagine shez sayin to tommy this morning ``sh*t tommy, i never knew that he was up for grabs either, that`s the fourth player this week who we could have afforded but missed !! ``


    we now have a much better budget situation than last summer ( when, like now, we did absolutely now`t til the last minute !! )........so what`s the delay this time ??.


    get yer scouts out shez lad, and stop being left behind.



  5. Just thinking, if Shez plumps for Lewis (as I hope he will do) then Hughesy's suspension could be a good thing in the long run. A good game from the young lad will keep Davies on his toes...there can't be many teams in this league in which a forward hasn't scored in eleven (?) games and doesn't look remotely like losing his place in the side.

  6. I dont know if hes back at BP but I hope he is. Contrary to the views of most latics fans I think hes one of our best players but I dont actually think he would want to play for us after "Die Ricketts Die"..... I think he should move to a club with better supporters that arent stupid and that actually treat quality players with the respect they deserve.................. Anyone with me on this??


    Scott :)



    Seconded, would love him back but there's no chance of him wanting to play for us again.

  7. yes i noticed that. in fact depending on results we can move up a fair few places today. also they have played 3 more than us now. hello, ronnie. bye ronnie.


    A 'Tics win coupled with Southend failing to beat 8th placed Yeovil and Swindon failing to beat 5th placed Walsall puts us 9th.



  8. Johnnypunkster...


    The thing is that as you say, the owners who cheated the system deserve what they get. However they're gone. With your initial post, and maybe I've interpreted it wrong, it seems like you meant that the men behind the corruption at the club deserve the club to go bust. But they're gone now, and as you said, the the fans don't deserve to lose their club.


    If Luton go to the wall, it won't affect the old owners one bit. So there's a lot of sympathy for Luton fans. If we'd been liquidated then Chris Moore would have gone on with his life, and couldn't give one about the club and the fans. We'd have been left without the club we love.


    Sorry if I've misunderstood what you said.

  9. Can't believe the comments on this thread hoping they go bust...this isn't about what the owners deserve, or the players deserve. Luton Town, just like any other football club, is about the fans and the role it plays and has played in the lives of the people that have been to watch them week in, week out for years and years.


    People say the fans will still be there when the players and owners have gone, sadly if things don't get sorted at Luton then they won't. They'll be noone to support. Noone to follow up and down the country, no elation when they win and no despair when they lose.


    I for one would be gutted for the Luton fans if they hit the wall. The players and administrators will move on...the fans will be left without the club they love.

  10. I've voted for number 4. It is the best of a bad bunch and hopefully the League will stop us playing in it because of the amount of blue in it, and we can just play in tangerine all season.

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