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Posts posted by Dave_Og

  1. My first appearance of the season yesterday. I can't say I was optimistic and I suppose result wise that feeling was vindicated. I would say however that I came away in a slightly more positive mood as there were plenty of positives from that performance hard though it was to make any serious judgements on a game played on a pitch which woudl be considered sub-standard for a sunday league match.


    Need to see who if anyone was at fault for the goal but Brill looked good to me. :censored: had a good game and further forward there were signs of Taylor's better form. When he went off, and it should have been ten minutes earlier as he was hobbling around the pitch, Colbeck brought a genuine threat.


    The man of the match award op their keeper was the only logical choice but having said that he didn't actually make strings of stunning saves. It was more that he was just in the right place more or less all the time. And therein was the problem - lots of half chances but no tthat many really clear opportunities created.

  2. is it me or did we just have a mad few minutes before and after half time that cost us.


    Can't wait to read the match write up from Mr Sideburns


    60% posessions, more shots off target than on target than swindon....


    We just cannot convert and that's the difference.


    Glad Mr Price scored


    and we score two goals!!!...whens the last time we score two goals?

    Well I believe it is 43 matches since we scored more than 2

  3. anyone ever ventured around batley or some of the london suburbs....oldham for all its problems has some loverly countryside some down to earth folk and a bloody good footie club...open your eyes and stop seeing what u want to see that's what i say

    although a very large chunk of that lovely countryside only became part of Oldham at the same time as Failsworth!

  4. The song is a bit controversial, as Gracie Fields, Rochdale's most famous Daughter, is clearly heard shouting for Latics :shock: Good Girl Gracie :grin:


    That's quite right - she clearly says "Come Omn Oldham" several times during the song although I suppose it could be argued that she was in character. She did once pay, allegedly, the Dale squad's wages for a month when they had run out of cash.


    There isn't much new in the world.

  5. Probably a long shot but has anyone ever heard anything about a film that was part made in the early 1930s called Derby Day? It was about a Latics v Rochdale game and featured what is generally thought ti be the first popular song specifically about football; Pass, Shoot Goal! by Gracie Fields.


    I am in the final stages of completing a screenplay in which the song features and would very much like to know its history.

  6. Barry. Your dual role will inevitably involve conflicts of interests; your challenege os to manage them. When you say that you are posting with one speciifc hat on are you saying that the conflict doesn't exist or that it is unmanageable?


    This is an honest question. My job involves making sure that conflicts are managed or on the occasions that they can't be disclosing their nature and explaining the position.


    I can understand your frustrations with lack of input - been there, felt that - but to simply ask for blind loyalty when you have the task of representing fans is utterly unacceptable in my opinion.





  7. Garcon


    Read my mail. I post as a Director not as the Trust Chairman on this view. You miss the point. If they were not around there probably would not be any debate about Failsworth or Boundary Park. Neither might exist. Do you want a club !!!!!!!.

    I don't understand why you think the two roles are divisible.

  8. I would for a start... I would imagine there would be around 2,000 queuing up to do it...

    I remember asking the same question in 2003 when it appeared to be a given that we would go under and resurface in the NWCL. No-one put their hand up then - let's hope we don't need to find ut for real this time. It's not about being willing to go and support - it's about doing the hard work that woudl be involved in getting going and I very much doubt there would be 2000 up for that.

  9. I don't have a magic ball and I don't rub shoulders with people who have enough money to buy a football club or any major multi million pound development but I would of thought valuable land + planning permission would of attracted interest even if whoever bought it would have to fund the club as well...


    Oldham Arena is only not happening because TTA can not raise the money to make it happen. Is it really beyond possibility there is someone out there who could / would ? I don't think it is as clear cut as you think.


    Its a simple choice isnt it... Vote Failsworth and all the risks that go with it or vote to take a different risk...


    I don't think any of our options are currently great to be frank and all have the potential to lead us to having no club. Although it should be said OAFC 2004 would become OAFC 20XX if the club ever went bust. The club would reform.

    Would it? Who'd do that then?

  10. Also, Corney has always stated that anyone is welcome to come in for a meeting, look at the books and raise their grievances personally. Why not focus your energy on doing that? Get 4 or 5 of you together as some "Action Group", go down and report back. If that doesn't come off, THEN start the public protests off.

    Corect but throughout this whole saga I haven't seen a single post which indicated that there is anyone actually willing to put some time and effort in.

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